August 28, 2016 to September 4, 2016
Europe/Athens timezone

ROUND TABLE: Collectivity in Small Systems

Sep 2, 2016, 12:00 PM
Aristotelis (Makedonia Palace)


Makedonia Palace

Section D: Deconfinement Plenary


Denes Molnar (Purdue University) Jean-Yves Ollitrault (CNRS) Piotr Bozek (AGH University of Science and Technology) Roberta Arnaldi (Universita e INFN Torino (IT)) Soeren Schlichting (Brookhaven National Lab) Wei Li (Rice University (US)) Wilke van der Schee (MIT)


One of the main surprises brought by the heavy ion program at the LHC is the observation of long-range correlations in collisions involving relatively small systems, like proton-proton or proton-lead. Similar phenomena were previously observed in collisions between two heavy nuclei, like Au+Au (at RHIC) and Pb+Pb (at the LHC) and in that context they were associated with collective phenomena, like hydrodynamic flow. Such phenomena look indeed natural for systems which are sufficiently large, long-lived, and which have relatively strong interactions.
Yet, the fact that they are also seen in smaller systems rises interesting questions.
Are these phenomena a signal of genuine collective motion, like flow ?
Or are they related to other sources, like jets or glasma correlations in the initial state?
What are the limits of hydrodynamics, in terms of size and lifetime ?
What is the smallest droplet of liquid that can meaningfully exist ?
Such questions give often the opportunity of intense debates among experts, at various conference and also via dedicated papers.

Primary author


Denes Molnar (Purdue University) Piotr Bozek (AGH University of Science and Technology) Roberta Arnaldi (Universita e INFN Torino (IT)) Soeren Schlichting (Brookhaven National Lab) Wei Li (Rice University (US)) Wilke van der Schee (MIT)

Presentation materials