8:15 AM
Welcome Address
(until 8:30 AM)
8:15 AM
Welcome Address
Javier Virto
(Universitat Siegen)
8:30 AM
Review: Theory and Experiment
(until 10:10 AM)
8:30 AM
Non-leptonic B decays in QCD Factorisation
Guido Bell
9:20 AM
Experimental overview of hadronic B decays
Veronika Georgieva Chobanova
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))
10:10 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
10:40 AM
Two-Body I
(until 12:10 PM)
10:40 AM
Global CKM fits and nonleptonic B decays
Sébastien Descotes-Genon
11:25 AM
Precise predictions for penguin contributions to CP asymmetries in B decays
Ulrich Nierste
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
8:30 AM
Three-Body I
(until 10:10 AM)
8:30 AM
Experimental results from B decays to charmless and open-charm 3-body final states
Thomas Edward Latham
(University of Warwick (GB))
9:20 AM
Three-body Non-Leptonic B decays and QCD Factorization
Thomas Mannel
(Siegen University)
10:10 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
10:40 AM
B to pipi form factors
(until 12:10 PM)
10:40 AM
B to pi pi form factors: Overview and Results at Large Dipion Masses
Danny van Dyk
(University of Zurich (CH))
11:25 AM
Form factors of B to 2pi transitions form QCD light-cone sum rules
Alexander Khodjamirian
(University of Siegen)
8:30 AM
Mixed Two/Three Body
(until 10:10 AM)
8:30 AM
Phenomenology of B->Kpipi modes and prospects with LHCb and Belle II data
Luis Alejandro Perez Perez
9:20 AM
QCD factorization in non-leptonic B decays: status of phenomenology and challenges
Martin Beneke
(Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))
10:10 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
10:40 AM
Two-Body III
(until 12:10 PM)
10:40 AM
Power corrections in B decays
Yu-Ming Wang
(TU Munich)
11:25 AM
Charmless B -> MM in QCDF: weak annihilation from data
Christoph Bobeth
(Technical University Munich)
12:10 PM
--- LUNCH ---
1:50 PM
Two-Body II
(until 3:30 PM)
1:50 PM
Precision determinations of the weak B meson mixing phases including penguin pollution
Martin Jung
(TUM IAS / Excellence Cluster Universe)
2:40 PM
Probing CP violation in two-body nonleptonic decays
Alakabha Datta
3:30 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
4:00 PM
Non-Leptonic K decays
(until 5:30 PM)
4:00 PM
Lattice computations of non-leptonic kaon decay amplitudes and the lessons for hadronic B-decays
Christopher Sachrajda
(University of Southampton)
4:45 PM
Perturbative calculations for epsilon'/epsilon
Martin Gorbahn
(Liverpool University)
12:10 PM
--- LUNCH ---
1:50 PM
Two-pion systems
(until 3:30 PM)
1:50 PM
Two-meson form factors from dispersion relations
Pablo Roig Garcés
2:40 PM
Padé Theory: A toolkit for hadronic form factors
Pere Masjuan Queralt
3:30 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
4:00 PM
Three-Body II
(until 6:30 PM)
4:00 PM
Dispersive methods in heavy-meson decays
Bastian Kubis
(Bonn University)
4:45 PM
CP violation and CPT invariance in charmless three-body B decays
Ignacio De Bediaga Hickman
(Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas (CBPF))
5:30 PM
Branching fractions and CP violation in hadronic three-body B decays
Hai-Yang Cheng
(Academia Sinica)
6:15 PM
Final state interaction on B+ → pi+pi-pi+
Patricia Magalhães
7:15 PM
12:10 PM
Closing session
(until 12:40 PM)
12:10 PM
Javier Virto
(Universitat Siegen)
Tobias Huber
(University of Siegen)
12:40 PM
--- LUNCH ---