The 12th Workshop of the LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group
The LHC Higgs cross-section working group (HXSWG) was created in January 2010. The aim of this group was to produce agreements on cross sections, branching ratios and pseudo-observables relevant to SM and MSSM Higgs boson(s). In spring 2012, the group was restructured and new subgroups were added with the goal of discussing Higgs property/measurement and BSM extensions. Three CERN Reports have been completed, "Inclusive Observables" (CERN-2011-002), "Differential Distributions" (CERN-2012-002), and "Higgs Properties" (CERN-2013-004). The fourth report will be completed during this autumn and this 12th general meeting will be the opportunity to initiate the work ahead of us to complete the analysis of the full LHC run-2 data and to prepare for the high luminosity run and beyond.
- Abdollah Mohammadi
- Adam Falkowski
- Andrea Coccaro
- Andrea Massironi
- André David
- Ben Kreis
- Bernhard Mistlberger
- Bill Murray
- Carlo Enrico Pandini
- Celine Degrande
- Chiara Mariotti
- Christophe Grojean
- Christopher Neu
- Daniel de Florian
- Daniela Rebuzzi
- David Sperka
- Doreen Wackeroth
- Eleni Vryonidou
- Elisabetta Furlan
- Elizaveta Shabalina
- Eric Feng
- Ezio Maina
- Florian Bernlochner
- Florian Goertz
- Frank Tackmann
- Fulvio Piccinini
- Gavin Salam
- Gerhard Buchalla
- Giulia Zanderighi
- Gouzevitch Maxime
- Guillelmo Gomez Ceballos Retuerto
- Heather Gray
- Heather Logan
- Hendrik Mantler
- Hugues Louis Brun
- Ivica Puljak
- Javier Mazzitelli
- Jin Wang
- Joey Huston
- Juan Jose Sanz-Cillero
- Junquan Tao
- Ken Mimasu
- Kristin Lohwasser
- Laura Reina
- Livia Soffi
- Lydia Brenner
- Magdalena Slawinska
- Marco Pieri
- Maria Cepeda
- Maria Moreno Llacer
- Marius Wiesemann
- Massimiliano Grazzini
- Matthias Steinhauser
- Meng Xiao
- Michael Duehrssen-Debling
- mike trott
- Mingshui Chen
- Nicholas Wardle
- Nikolaos Rompotis
- Nikolas Kauer
- Oscar Cata
- Paolo Francavilla
- Pierre Savard
- Pietro Slavich
- Predrag Milenovic
- Rafael Delgado
- Reisaburo Tanaka
- Robert Harlander
- Roberto Di Nardo
- Roger Wolf
- Rui Santos
- Sami Lehti
- Sara Dawson
- Shilpi Jain
- Silvia Tentindo
- Stefan Guindon
- Stefan Liebler
- Stefano Augusto Pozzorini
- Strom David
- Sven Heinemeyer
- Ulascan Sarica
- Ulrike Schnoor
- Veronica Sanz
- Xiaohu Sun
- Zoltan Kunszt