Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

9th LHCb Computing Workshop

from Monday 15 May 2017 (08:30) to Friday 19 May 2017 (17:00)
CERN (222/R-001)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
15 May 2017
16 May 2017
17 May 2017
18 May 2017
19 May 2017
- - Ben Couturier (CERN) Joel Closier (CERN) (until 12:10) (222/R-001)
09:00 Introduction and Core Software news - Marco Clemencic (CERN) Ben Couturier (CERN) Joel Closier (CERN)   (222/R-001)
09:10 Status of AFS phase-out - Marco Clemencic (CERN) Joel Closier (CERN) Ben Couturier (CERN)   (222/R-001)
09:30 Compiler and platforms evolution - Marco Clemencic (CERN) Ben Couturier (CERN)   (222/R-001)
09:50 lbinstall: the new LHCb installer - Stefan-Gabriel Chitic (CERN) Ben Couturier (CERN)   (222/R-001)
10:00 Investigations on the migration to python3 - Stefan-Gabriel Chitic (CERN)   (222/R-001)
10:20 --- Break ---
10:50 A new dashbord for the nightly builds and tests - Stefan-Gabriel Chitic (CERN)   (222/R-001)
11:05 Evolution of deployment system to CVMFS prod and dev - Stefan-Gabriel Chitic (CERN) Ben Couturier (CERN)   (222/R-001)
11:20 MIgration of the LHCb documentation to EOS web - Marco Clemencic (CERN)   (222/R-001)
11:40 Improvements to LHCbPR2 and new integration tests - Maciej Pawel Szymanski (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))   (222/R-001)
- - Marco Cattaneo (CERN) (until 12:30) (222/R-001)
09:00 Roadmap for Sim10 - Gloria Corti (CERN)   (222/R-001)
09:30 Fast simulation - Riccardo Cenci (SNS and INFN-Pisa, Italy)   (222/R-001)
09:50 Deployment and validation of Git conditions database - Marco Clemencic (CERN)   (222/R-001)
10:10 --- Coffee ---
10:30 Status of PersistReco - Rosen Matev (CERN)   (222/R-001)
10:50 Stripping status - Michael Thomas Alexander (University of Glasgow (GB))   (222/R-001)
11:20 Status of Yandex streaming optimisation - Radoslav Neychev (Yandex School of Data Analysis (RU))   (222/R-001)
11:40 Discussion on streaming   (222/R-001)
- - Sebastian Neubert (Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE)) (until 12:00) (222/R-001)
09:00 Status of CERN analysis preservation project - Tibor Simko (CERN)   (222/R-001)
09:30 The RECAST project - Lukas Alexander Heinrich (New York University (US))   (222/R-001)
09:55 CERN cloud infrastructure - Ricardo Brito Da Rocha (CERN) Jan van Eldik (CERN)   (222/R-001)
10:25 --- Coffee break ---
10:50 LHCb analysis preservation roadmap - Sebastian Neubert (Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))   (222/R-001)
11:20 Discussion session   (222/R-001)
11:50 Community Whitepaper - Michael David Sokoloff (University of Cincinnati (US))   (222/R-001)
- - Concezio Bozzi (CERN and INFN Ferrara) (until 11:00) (222/R-001)
09:00 Status of new framework and performance measurements - Sebastien Ponce (CERN)   (222/R-001)
09:40 Outcome of Intel workshop - Paul Seyfert (CERN)   (222/R-001)
10:00 Performance metrics in PR2 - Maciej Pawel Szymanski (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN)) Christoph Hasse (CERN / Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE)) Stefan Roiser (CERN)   (222/R-001)
10:20 Status of conditions database - Benedikt Hegner (CERN)   (222/R-001)
10:40 Detector description - Ben Couturier (CERN)   (222/R-001)
11:00 --- Coffee Break ---
Discussion with Candidates for Next Physics Coordinator (until 13:00) (222/R-001)
- - Concezio Bozzi (CERN and INFN Ferrara) (until 12:15) (222/R-001)
09:00 HYDRA: a C++ framework for highly efficient computing on massively parallel architectures - Dr Antonio Augusto Alves Junior (University of Cincinnati (US))   (222/R-001)
09:20 Migrating analysis software to the new framework - Eduardo Rodrigues (University of Cincinnati (US))   (222/R-001)
09:40 Computing Resources in Run 3 - Concezio Bozzi (CERN and INFN Ferrara)   (222/R-001)
10:00 Distributed computing in Run 3 (following earlier discussion) - Philippe Charpentier (CERN)   (222/R-001)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
11:00 Preparing the TDR   (222/R-001)
- - Michael David Sokoloff (University of Cincinnati (US)) (until 17:00) (222/R-001)
14:00 Overview of the CWP Project and Summaray of the Kick-Off Workshop - Vladimir Gligorov (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   (222/R-001)
14:30 Simulation Issues for the CWP - Gloria Corti (CERN)   (222/R-001)
14:45 Machine Learning issues for the CWP - Paul Seyfert (CERN)   (222/R-001)
15:00 1st Breakout Session - Michael David Sokoloff (University of Cincinnati (US))   (222/R-001)
15:50 Coffee Break   (222/R-001)
16:10 Discussions of Breakout Session Conclusions - Michael David Sokoloff (University of Cincinnati (US))   (222/R-001)
- - Federico Stagni (CERN) (until 17:00) (222/R-001)
14:00 Intro - Federico Stagni (CERN)   (222/R-001)
14:10 Working Group productions: what's done so far - Vladimir Romanovskiy (Institute for High Energy Physics (RU))   (222/R-001)
14:30 Working Group productions: mini tutorial - Antonio Falabella (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))   (222/R-001)
15:00 Working group productions: discussion + Q&A   (222/R-001)
15:20 Recent and upcoming developments in LHCbDIRAC - Federico Stagni (CERN)   (222/R-001)
15:40 --- Coffee break ---
16:00 Recent and upcoming developments for Ganga and LHCb - Mark Smith (Imperial College (GB))   (222/R-001)
16:20 Distributed computing team: activities, and prospects - Philippe Charpentier (CERN)   (222/R-001)
- - Sebastian Neubert (Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE)) (until 18:15) (222/R-001)
14:00 Analysis pipeline toolkits - Chris Burr (University of Manchester (GB))   (222/R-001)
14:30 Data storage and access - Jakub Moscicki (CERN) Luca Mascetti (CERN) Massimo Lamanna (CERN)   (222/R-001)
15:00 Swan - Danilo Piparo (CERN)   (222/R-001)
15:20 --- Coffee break ---
15:40 Everware - Andrey Ustyuzhanin (Yandex School of Data Analysis (RU))   (222/R-001)
16:00 Undergraduate Laboratory Experiment: Measuring Matter Antimatter Asymmetries at the Large Hadron Collider - Chris Parkes (University of Manchester (GB))   (222/R-001)
16:20 Open space: Challenges in AP   (222/R-001)
17:30 POPPER a protocol for reproducible science (remote) - Carlos Maltzahn (University of California, Santa Cruz) Ivo Jimenez (UC Santa Cruz)   (222/R-001)
- - Concezio Bozzi (CERN and INFN Ferrara) (until 15:00) (222/R-001)
14:00 Tracking - Christoph Hasse (CERN / Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE)) Agnieszka Dziurda (CERN)   (222/R-001)
14:15 RICH - Christopher Rob Jones (University of Cambridge (GB))   (222/R-001)
14:30 CALO -- canceled   (222/R-001)
14:45 MUON - Marco Santimaria (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))   (222/R-001)
- (until 16:15) (222/R-001)
15:00 Upgrade HLT - Olli Lupton (CERN)   (222/R-001)
15:25 Merging master and future, defining a common sequence - Sebastien Ponce (CERN)   (222/R-001)
15:50 --- Coffee Break ---
- (until 17:45) (222/R-001)
16:15 Measuring code performance with valgrind, perf and vtune - Monir Hadji (Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon I (FR))   (222/R-001)
- - Andrew McNab (University of Manchester) (until 17:00) (222/R-001)
14:00 Introduction - Andrew McNab (University of Manchester)   (222/R-001)
14:05 Experience with containers in LHCb services - Christophe Haen (CERN)   (222/R-001)
14:35 Singularity - Ben Jones (CERN)   (222/R-001)
15:05 SkyGrid at Yandex - Alexander Baranov (Yandex School of Data Analysis (RU))   (222/R-001)
15:35 Vac and Vcycle news - Andrew McNab (University of Manchester)   (222/R-001)