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9th LHCb Computing Workshop

222/R-001 (CERN)



Show room on map
Concezio Bozzi (CERN and INFN Ferrara), Stefan Roiser (CERN)
    • 09:00 12:10
      -: Infrastructure and operations
      Conveners: Ben Couturier (CERN), Joel Closier (CERN)
    • 14:00 17:00
      -: HEP Community Initiatives
      Convener: Michael David Sokoloff (University of Cincinnati (US))
      • 14:00
        Overview of the CWP Project and Summaray of the Kick-Off Workshop 30m

        Discussion of the Community White Paper project, organized by the HEP Software Foundation, and a summary of the first CP workshop, held in San Diego in January.

        Speaker: Vladimir Gligorov (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
      • 14:30
        Simulation Issues for the CWP 15m
        Speaker: Gloria Corti (CERN)
      • 14:45
        Machine Learning issues for the CWP 15m
        Speaker: Paul Seyfert (CERN)
      • 15:00
        1st Breakout Session 50m

        We will break into small groups to review and edit CWP Google docs.

        Speaker: Michael David Sokoloff (University of Cincinnati (US))
      • 15:50
        Coffee Break 20m

        You're on your own

      • 16:10
        Discussions of Breakout Session Conclusions 50m

        Each breakout session group will be asked to prepare a 5-minute presentation of what they did, and then we will discuss these commonly.

        Speaker: Michael David Sokoloff (University of Cincinnati (US))
    • 09:00 12:30
      -: Data Processing & Simulation
      Convener: Marco Cattaneo (CERN)
      • 09:00
        Roadmap for Sim10 30m
        Speaker: Gloria Corti (CERN)
      • 09:30
        Fast simulation 20m
        Speaker: Riccardo Cenci (SNS and INFN-Pisa, Italy)
      • 09:50
        Deployment and validation of Git conditions database 20m
        Speaker: Marco Clemencic (CERN)
      • 10:10
        Coffee 20m
      • 10:30
        Status of PersistReco 20m
        Speaker: Rosen Matev (CERN)
      • 10:50
        Stripping status 30m

        Status of S24r0p1 (2015 incremental)
        Readiness of S29 (2017 prompt)
        How can commissioning of a stripping campaign be improved?

        Speaker: Michael Thomas Alexander (University of Glasgow (GB))
      • 11:20
        Status of Yandex streaming optimisation 20m
        Speaker: Radoslav Neychev (Yandex School of Data Analysis (RU))
      • 11:40
        Discussion on streaming 30m

        How can we improve our streaming strategy to optimise usage of disk, turnaround for analysts, restripping, operations

    • 14:00 17:00
      -: Distributed computing
      Convener: Federico Stagni (CERN)
      • 14:00
        Intro 10m
        Speaker: Federico Stagni (CERN)
      • 14:10
        Working Group productions: what's done so far 20m
        Speaker: Vladimir Romanovskiy (Institute for High Energy Physics (RU))
      • 14:30
        Working Group productions: mini tutorial 30m
        Speaker: Antonio Falabella (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))
      • 15:00
        Working group productions: discussion + Q&A 20m
      • 15:20
        Recent and upcoming developments in LHCbDIRAC 20m
        Speaker: Federico Stagni (CERN)
      • 15:40
        Coffee break 20m
      • 16:00
        Recent and upcoming developments for Ganga and LHCb 20m
        Speaker: Mark Smith (Imperial College (GB))
      • 16:20
        Distributed computing team: activities, and prospects 20m
        Speaker: Philippe Charpentier (CERN)
    • 09:00 12:00
      -: Analysis preservation I
      Convener: Sebastian Neubert (Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))
    • 14:00 18:15
      -: Analysis preservation II
      Convener: Sebastian Neubert (Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))
      • 14:00
        Analysis pipeline toolkits 30m

        General concepts, use cases in LHCb, evaluation procedure

        Speaker: Chris Burr (University of Manchester (GB))
      • 14:30
        Data storage and access 30m

        EOS and all that

        Speakers: Jakub Moscicki (CERN), Luca Mascetti (CERN), Massimo Lamanna (CERN)
      • 15:00
        Swan 20m
        Speaker: Danilo Piparo (CERN)
      • 15:20
        Coffee break 20m
      • 15:40
        Everware 20m

        Interactive documentation in jupyter notebooks

        Speaker: Andrey Ustyuzhanin (Yandex School of Data Analysis (RU))
      • 16:00
        Undergraduate Laboratory Experiment: Measuring Matter Antimatter Asymmetries at the Large Hadron Collider 20m

        Example showcasing analysis preservation and open data

        Speaker: Chris Parkes (University of Manchester (GB))
      • 16:20
        Open space: Challenges in AP 1h 10m

        We will split into discussion groups:

        • Data storage and access
        • Containerization and cloud resources
        • Reuse of analysis code
        • Analysis narrative
        • Treasure hunt: forgotten issues

        The goal is to define the major unsovled problems where more work is needed.

      • 17:30
        POPPER a protocol for reproducible science (remote) 30m
        Speakers: Ivo Jimenez (UC Santa Cruz), Carlos Maltzahn (University of California, Santa Cruz)
    • 09:00 11:00
      -: Run 3 Upgrade: core software framework
      Convener: Concezio Bozzi (CERN and INFN Ferrara)
      • 09:00
        Status of new framework and performance measurements 40m
        Speaker: Sebastien Ponce (CERN)
      • 09:40
        Outcome of Intel workshop 20m
        Speaker: Paul Seyfert (CERN)
      • 10:00
        Performance metrics in PR2 20m
        Speakers: Christoph Hasse (CERN / Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE)), Maciej Pawel Szymanski (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN)), Stefan Roiser (CERN)
      • 10:20
        Status of conditions database 20m
        Speaker: Benedikt Hegner (CERN)
      • 10:40
        Detector description 20m
        Speaker: Ben Couturier (CERN)
    • 11:00 11:30
      Coffee Break 30m
    • 11:30 13:00
      Discussion with Candidates for Next Physics Coordinator
    • 14:00 15:00
      -: Run 3 upgrade and developments for 2017 data taking: Status of sub-systems
      Convener: Concezio Bozzi (CERN and INFN Ferrara)
      • 14:00
        Tracking 15m
        Speakers: Agnieszka Dziurda (CERN), Christoph Hasse (CERN / Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE))
      • 14:15
        RICH 15m
        Speaker: Christopher Rob Jones (University of Cambridge (GB))
      • 14:30
        CALO -- canceled 15m
      • 14:45
        MUON 15m
        Speaker: Marco Santimaria (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))
    • 15:00 16:15
      -: Run 3 Upgrade: core software: The way ahead
    • 16:15 17:45
      -: Reserved for tutorials
      • 16:15
        Measuring code performance with valgrind, perf and vtune 45m
        Speaker: Monir Hadji (Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon I (FR))