Calculation of symmetry energy using Argonne family potentials
with three nucleon interaction
Z. Asadi and M. Bigdeli
Department of Physics, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran
The symmetry energy has been given attention in recent years because of its fundamental important role in both astrophysics and nuclear physics. The symmetry energy S is the difference of the energy per particle in symmetric nuclear matter and pure neutron matter, which represents the energy cost of preserving an isospin-symmetry in the homogeneous nucleonic matter [1]. The study of the equation of state EOS of asymmetric matter gives clearance for the understanding of the behavior of the isospin asymmetry energy, i.e., the "symmetry energy".
In this work, we intend to apply lowest order constrained variational (LOCV) approach [2] to analyze the EOS of asymmetric nuclear matter using Argonne family potentials with three nucleon interaction TNI contribution. We have used AV18+TNI, AV8′+TNI and AV6′+TNI potentials to calculated symmetry energy and the saturation properties of symmetric nuclear matter and nuclear. AV8' [3] and AV6' [4] are built by eliminating operatorial components of the AV18 [5] interaction, while the remaining terms are re-projected to preserve as many properties of the original interaction as possible. The TNI model is a three body force approximation, which is added to the Hamiltonian that includes the two-body realistic interaction [6]. The inclusion of TNI modifies the agreement with the experiment. The density behavior of the symmetry energy for NN potential with TNI contribution and without TNI contribution is moderately different, especially at low density [7].
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[6] I.E. Lagaris, V.R. Pandharipande, Nucl. Phys. A 359, 349(1981).
[7] Z. Asadi, M. Bigdeli, Submitted to PRC.