4th PIKIO Meeting (16 September 2017)
W. T. Young Library Auditorium
University of Kentucky
Please note the attached PDF map of the venue and parking for it.
Attendees may park without permits, free, in regularly marked spaces in the Columbia Avenue E lot (temporary entrance located across from the Baptist Student Union), Woodland Avenue E lot (across from Woodland Glen II dormitory), Hilltop Avenue WTY Library visitor lot, and the Rose Street Structure (accessible form Hilltop Avenue only).
Please also note the attached files for lunch and dinner options.
Coffee, Tea, Bagels, Donuts 40m
Welcome W. T. Young Library Auditorium
W. T. Young Library Auditorium
University of Kentucky
401 Hilltop Avenue Lexington, KY 40506Logistics and useful information for the day
Convener: Susan Gardner (University of Kentucky) -
Morning Session 1 W. T. Young Library Auditorium
W. T. Young Library Auditorium
University of Kentucky
401 Hilltop Avenue Lexington, KY 40506Convener: Susan Gardner (University of Kentucky)-
When Do Dark Bound States Matter? 40m
Abstract: Dark matter may form bound states that subsequently decay producing Standard Model particles, enhancing and modifying the expected indirect signals from dark matter annihilation. The force carriers that support such bound states could be either new light particles, or the gauge bosons of the Standard Model. I will discuss the motivations for models containing dark matter bound states, the behavior of these systems in the general case where multiple force carriers and dark-matter-like particles are involved, and the implications for dark matter searches. I will present general results for bound states in weakly-coupled dark sectors, guidelines for estimating when bound state formation is important, and an example for supersymmetric wino dark matter.
Speaker: Tracy Slatyer (M.I.T.) -
Single Electrons and Light Dark Matter in Liquid Xenon 20m
Single electron signals in liquid xenon detectors and their impact on sensitivity to MeV dark matter and neutrinos.
Speaker: Darryl Masson (Purdue University) -
Precision Muon Experiments 20mSpeaker: Tim Gorringe (University of Kentucky)
Break 20m W. T. Young Library Auditorium
W. T. Young Library Auditorium
University of Kentucky
401 Hilltop Avenue Lexington, KY 40506 -
Morning Session 2 W. T. Young Library Auditorium
W. T. Young Library Auditorium
University of Kentucky
401 Hilltop Avenue Lexington, KY 40506Convener: Keh-Fei Liu (University of Kentucky)-
Higgs Boson Decay to Light Jets at the LHC 20mSpeaker: Khalida Hendricks (Ohio State University)
EDM constraints on CP-violating Higgs couplings 20mSpeaker: Joachim Brod (TU Dortmund)
Neutron Electric Dipole Moment from Lattice QCD with a Theta Term 20m
I will briefly talk about our new method of reducing errors of lattice calculation and show our preliminary results of nEDM using this method.
Speaker: Jian Liang (University of Kentucky) -
Improved Charmonium Contribution to B -> Xll 10mSpeaker: Jack Jenkins (Indiana University)
Lunch 1h 10m
Afternoon Session 1 W. T. Young Library Auditorium
W. T. Young Library Auditorium
University of Kentucky
401 Hilltop Avenue Lexington, KY 40506Convener: Christopher Crawford (University of Kentucky)-
Effective field theory of the proton and applications to dark matter, neutrinos and atoms 40mSpeaker: Richard Hill (Fermilab / University of Kentucky)
Rare Physics at the Intensity Frontier 20m
Next generation detector technology at future neutrino experiments are driven, in large, by the search for sterile neutrinos. In addition to their main research program, these experiments are sensitive to a number of rare neutrino physics processes. Neutrino trident production is one such process, which sees an incoming neutrino incident on a nucleus produce an outgoing neutrino and two oppositely charged leptons. The standard model rates at SHiP and DUNE allow for a number of trident mixed-flavour modes, most of which have never been observed. Some of these mixed-flavour modes have production cross sections as high as 35 times those previously considered by CHARM-II and CCFR, the latter of which currently provides the most stringent bound on certain Z’ models. Trident can also serve as a useful tool for probing generic leptophilic scalar extensions of the standard model. Time permitting, we also discuss hidden heavy neutral lepton extensions to the SM that could yield additional sources of single photons. Proposed as an exotic explanation to the MiniBooNE excess, these could be probed by Fermilab’s upcoming LArTPC short baseline program.
Speaker: Gabriel Magill (Perimeter Institute and McMaster University) -
Constraints on light Z' models with flavor changing couplings 20mSpeaker: Tatsu Takeuchi (Virginia Tech)
Long Range Ion Tracking in XENON1T 10m
Improve sensitivity of the XENON1T dark matter detector by computationally tracking and cutting background ion decays, specifically those of the Rn222 decay chain.
Speaker: Abigail Kopec (Purdue University) -
pp Solar Neutrino Analysis in the XENON1T Detector 10m
How long does it take XENON1T detector to say that we can detect pp solar neutrinos?
Speaker: Fan Zhang (Purdue University)
Break 20m
Afternoon Session 2 W. T. Young Library Auditorium
W. T. Young Library Auditorium
University of Kentucky
401 Hilltop Avenue Lexington, KY 40506Convener: Wolfgang Korsch (University of Kentucky)-
Constraints on Lorentz violation at a future electron-ion collider 20mSpeaker: Nathan Sherrill (Indiana University)
Search for new heavy bosons in the dilepton final state at CMS 20m
The dilepton final state offers great sensitivity to the existence of new heavy bosons that would be visible as a peak in the invariant mass distribution of the two leptons. In this talks, results of a search for new physics in this final state will be discussed, with a focus on recent extension of the interpretation in different models of new physics.
Speaker: Jan-Frederik Schulte (Purdue University (US)) -
Exotica in Hadron Spectroscopy 15m
The hadron spectrum contains many states which do not fit in the quark model description of hadrons. In this talk, I will discuss some phenomenological methods in identifying the nature of these exotic states. We use fundamental principles of scattering theory to model hadronic processes and test these methods against experimental data.
Speaker: Andrew Jackura (Indiana University) -
Constraining new physics with radiative lepton flavor violating decays of B, D, and K mesons 15mSpeaker: Derek Hazard (Wayne State University)
Probing the chirality of leptoquark couplings in light of RD(*); RK(*) puzzle 15mSpeaker: Joydeep Roy (Wayne State University)
Robust predictions for gauge couplings and the top mass in the MSSM with a vectorlike family 20mSpeaker: Navin McGinnis (Indiana University)
Closing W. T. Young Library Auditorium
W. T. Young Library Auditorium
University of Kentucky
401 Hilltop Avenue Lexington, KY 40506Who would like to host our next PIKIO meeting, in about six months time? Any volunteers?! Thank you!