LHC Lumi Days 2019

874/1-011 (CERN)



Show room on map
Anne Dabrowski (CERN), Ilias Efthymiopoulos (CERN), Witold Kozanecki (University of Manchester (GB))

Following the successful 2011 and 2012 meetings, we propose a new edition of LHC LumiDays, dedicated to luminosity and emittance measurements during Run 2. The goal is to review the progress, over the last 4 years, in the determination of the LHC luminosity, the measurement and understanding of  the emittance, and the modeling of the luminosity based on the measured or calculated evolution of single-beam parameters.

This workshop will focus on the Run-2 results and will be followed by another one in early to mid  2020 to discuss in detail the strategy for Run-3.

A list of useful references and documents of relevance for the workshop can be found here, as well as in the proceedings of the past workshop available from

Program organization:

Exp: F. Alessio, V. Balagura, J. Contreras-Nuno, A. Dabrowski, M. Gagliardi, R. Hawkings, W. Kozanecki, R. Matev, A. Polini, D. Stickland

LPC: B. Petersen

Accel: H. Burkhardt, I. Efthymiopoulos, S. Fartoukh, R. Jones, T. Lefevre, Y. Papaphilippou, G. Sterbini, R. Tomas-Garcia, G. Trad, J. Wenninger

Speakers should write-up their contributions (1 paper per talk, no page limit but recommended length approx. 5 pages) by using the JACoW templates.
All papers (format ps and word or LATeX with images, no pdf files) are to be uploaded directly the indico timetable, with initial target 
date end of October 2019.

Dinner: Bois Joly nearby CERN just up the Jura mountains. Leaving CCC 18:30 car pool. Seated for dinner 19:00.

Registration Form
    • Session 1a: Luminosity-determination methodology in Run 2 (part A)

      Introduction and first set of overview presentations

      Convener: Anne Dabrowski (CERN)
      • 1
        Welcome - workshop program and goals
        Speaker: Ilias Efthymiopoulos (CERN)
      • 2
        LHC Luminosity optimisation and operation schemes

        Overview of operations in Run 2:
        - beam types and filling schemes,
        - luminosity -leveling and anti-leveling schemes,
        - scans for luminosity (lumi server): vdM fills, emittance scan algorithms, special fills...

        Speaker: Michi Hostettler (CERN)
      • 3
        Overview of ATLAS luminosity determination methodology in Run 2

        Global view of
        - calibration strategy: vdM (including generic aspects for all expts), LSC, calibration transfer/non-linearity corrections, instrumental effects...)
        - long-term monitoring strategy (details & results thereof in talk on 2nd morning)
        - achieved systematic uncertainty on the luminosity, per year
        - where could we improve for Run 3?

        Speaker: Richard Hawkings (CERN)
    • 10:30
      coffe break
    • Session 1b: Luminosity-determination methodology in Run 2 (part B)
      Convener: Richard Hawkings (CERN)
      • 4
        Overview of CMS luminosity-determination methodology in Run 2

        Global view of
        - calibration strategy: vdM, LSC, calibration transfer/non-linearity corrections, instrumental effects...)
        - long-term monitoring strategy (details & results thereof in talk on 2nd morning)
        - achieved systematic uncertainty on the luminosity, per year
        - where could we improve for Run 3?

        Speaker: Dr Moritz Guthoff (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
      • 5
        Overview of ALICE luminosity-determination methodology in Run 2

        Global view of
        - calibration strategy: vdM, LSC, calibration transfer/non-linearity corrections, instrumental effects...)
        - long-term monitoring strategy (details & results thereof in talk on 2nd morning)
        - achieved systematic uncertainty on the luminosity, per year
        - where could we improve for Run 3?

        Speaker: Martino Gagliardi (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
      • 6
        Overview of LHCb luminosity-determination methodology in Run 2

        Global view of
        - calibration strategy: vdM, LSC, calibration transfer/non-linearity corrections, instrumental effects...)
        - long-term monitoring strategy (details & results thereof in talk on 2nd morning)
        - achieved systematic uncertainty on the luminosity, per year
        - where could we improve for Run 3?

        Speaker: Vladislav Balagura (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
    • 12:50
      lunch break
    • Session 2a: Impact of accelerator instrumentation on vdM calibrations
      Convener: Georges Trad (CERN)
    • 15:45
      tea break
    • Session 2b: Non-Factorization biases in vdM calibration : sources and mitigation
      Convener: Witold Kozanecki (University of Manchester (GB))
  • Wednesday 5 June
    • Session 3a: Impact of beam-beam effects on vdM calibrations
      Convener: Yannis Papaphilippou (CERN)
      • 16
        Beam optics for vdM fills

        • Optics configurations, beta* @ 19/24 m, performance and precision reached

        Speakers: Hector Garcia Morales (University of Oxford), Rogelio Tomas Garcia (CERN)
      • 17
        Simulation of beam-beam effects in vdM scans: impact on precision
        Speaker: Vladislav Balagura (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
        Published paper
      • 18
        Beam-beam simulations with COMBI & TRAIN in vdM fills
        Speaker: Dr Tatiana Pieloni (EPF Lausanne)
    • 10:15
      coffee break
    • Session 3b: Luminosity & Emittance in Physics (part A)
      Convener: Vladislav Balagura (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
    • 12:05
      lunch break
    • Session 4a: Luminosity & Emittance in Physics (part B)
      Convener: Jorg Wenninger (CERN)
    • 15:15
      tea break
    • Session 4b: Summary
      Convener: Ilias Efthymiopoulos (CERN)