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Physics in Collision 2010



Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Wolfgang-Gaede-Weg 1 76131 Karlsruhe Germany
Thomas Muller (Institut fuer Experimentelle Kernphysik, KIT)

This is the 30th international symposium on Physics in Collision which started in 1981. The conference takes place from 1-4 September 2010 at KIT (Karlsruhe), Germany.

The conference covers the following topics:

  • Electroweak
  • Heavy Flavour
  • QCD
  • Searches
  • Neutrino Physics
  • Astroparticle Physics

All details can be found on the conference webpage

  • Aksel Hallin
  • Alexander Golossanov
  • Alexandre Sousa
  • Alexis Descroix
  • Andreas Oehler
  • Andrzej Konrad Siodmok
  • Anze Zupanc
  • Bastian Kronenbitter
  • Benjamin Klein
  • Bernd Stelzer
  • Brian Petersen
  • Carmelo Sgro'
  • Christopher Hays
  • Christopher Jung
  • Conny Beskidt
  • Daniel Martschei
  • Daniel Zander
  • Danilo Piparo
  • Dominik Horn
  • Dominik Scherer
  • Dusan Bruncko
  • Elaine Fortes
  • Eleni Petrakou
  • Erich Varnes
  • Eugene Fisk
  • Eva Barbara Ziebarth
  • Evgueni Goudzovski
  • Fabian Keller
  • Fedor Ratnikov
  • Felix Wick
  • Florencia Canelli
  • Francesc Vives Vaque
  • Francesco Renga
  • Francisco Campanario
  • Francois Montanet
  • Frank-Peter Schilling
  • Fred Stober
  • Gaia Lanfranchi
  • Galina Pakhlova
  • Gerhard Schmidt
  • Giacomo Contin
  • Giancarlo Mantovani
  • Gilad Perez
  • Grégory Schott
  • Gunter Quast
  • Gurjav Ganbold
  • Hauke Held
  • Hristu Culetu
  • Ian Brock
  • Jaakob Voigt
  • Jan Lueck
  • Jasmin Gruschke
  • Jean-marie BROM
  • Jeannine Wagner-Kuhr
  • Jeffrey Appel
  • Jochen Ott
  • John Alison
  • Jose W F Valle
  • Jyothsna Rani KOMARAGIRI
  • Jürgen Winter
  • Karl-Heinz Hoffmann
  • Katerina Lipka
  • Kazuyuki Sakai
  • Klaus Rabbertz
  • Klaus Rith
  • Konstantin Chetyrkin
  • Lucia Masetti
  • Lucia Silvestris
  • Ludovico Tortora
  • Manuel Renz
  • Manuel Zeise
  • Marcella Capua
  • Maria Aldaya
  • Maria Moreno Llacer
  • Markus Röhrken
  • Markus Weber
  • Martin Heck
  • Martin Niegel
  • Mathew Graham
  • Matthias Huschle
  • Michael Heinrich
  • Michael Prim
  • Michael Wilking
  • Michael Wurm
  • Mikhail Rogal
  • Moritz Guthoff
  • Nadia Pastrone
  • Natalia Ratnikova
  • Oksana Brovchenko
  • Oksu Seon
  • Oliver Oberst
  • Paolo Rumerio
  • Pooja Saxena
  • Rafael Lang
  • Regina Kwee
  • Riccardo Brugnera
  • Robert Eber
  • Roy Briere
  • Ruslan Asfandiyarov
  • Rüdiger Voss
  • Sarah Beranek
  • Satish Desai
  • Sebastian Fischer
  • Sebastian Neubauer
  • Simon Kunz
  • Simon Maximilian Honc
  • Sinéad Walsh
  • Stefan Heindl
  • Stefan Ritt
  • Stefan Wayand
  • Steffen Roecker
  • Steven Robertson
  • Sudha Ahuja
  • Thomas Andrew Schwarz
  • Thomas Gaisser
  • Thomas Kuhr
  • Thomas Muller
  • Thomas Nunnemann
  • Thomas Peiffer
  • Thorsten Chwalek
  • Ulrich Heintz
  • Verena Ingrid Martinez Outschoorn
  • Walter Giele
  • Werner Sun
  • Wolfgang Lohmann
  • Xabier Anduaga
  • Youngjoon Kwon
  • Yvonne Kuessel
  • Zhengguo Zhao
    • 1
    • 2
      Welcome address
      Speaker: Prof. Thomas Muller (IEKP Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH))
    • 3
      Tribute to Rich Galik
      Speaker: Roy Briere (Carnegie Mellon University)
    • ATLAS & CMS A

      Reports on status

      • 4
        ATLAS 1: Status Report and Performance for Physics Objects
        Speaker: Lucia Masetti (Institut fur Physik)
      • 5
        CMS 1: CMS status and physics objects results
        Speaker: Lucia Silvestris (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN))
    • 10:20
    • ATLAS & CMS B

      Reports on first physics results

      • 6
        CMS 2: CMS result with collision data
        Speaker: Nadia Pastrone (INFN)
      • 7
        ATLAS 2: Latest Results
        Speaker: Dr Brian Petersen (CERN)
    • Electroweak A


      • 8
        Top Quark Production at the Tevatron
        Speaker: Erich Varnes (University of Arizona)
      • 9
        Top Quark Properties (CDF + DØ)
        Speaker: Thomas Schwarz (University of California Davis)
    • 12:40
    • Electroweak B


      • 10
        W/Z Production and Properties (CDF + DØ)
        Speaker: Prof. Florencia Canelli (University of Chicago and Fermilab)
    • Heavy Flavour A

      B-Physics, new physics searches at B-factories

      • 11
        CP Violation from B-decays
        Speaker: Prof. Youngjoon Kwon (Yonsei University)
      • 12
        B Decays & CKM Physics
        Speaker: Steven Robertson (High Energy Physics Group-McGill University-Unknown)
      • 13
        New Physics Searches at the B-factories
        Speaker: Mathew Graham (SLAC)
    • 16:15
    • Heavy Flavour B

      non 4S Upsilon decays, D Physics, Charmonium Physics

      • 14
        Non-4S Upsilon Decays in B-Factories
        Speaker: Galina Pakhlova (ITEP)
      • 15
        D Mixing and Decay
        Speaker: Anze Zupanc (KIT)
      • 16
        D Decay Using Quantum Correlations
        Speaker: Werner Man-Li Sun (Cornell University-Unknown-Unknown)
      • 17
        Charmonium Physics
        Speaker: Zhengguo Zhao (University of Science and Technology of China)
    • Reception in the castle Karlsruhe Palace

      Karlsruhe Palace

    • Heavy Flavour C

      exotic hadrons, B-Physics

      • 18
        Exotic Hadrons
        Speaker: Francesco Renga
      • 19
        Heavy B States and rare Decays at the Tevatron
        Speaker: G. Fisk (FNAL)
      • 20
        Bs Physics (CDF, DØ + Belle)
        Speaker: Thomas Kuhr (Institut fuer Experimentelle Kernphysik)
    • Poster Presentations A

      Short Talks on selected Posters

      • 21
        Commissioning and Performance of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter
        The operation and general performance of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter at sqrt{s} = 7 TeV are described. The first LHC beams have been used to finalize the commissioning of ECAL readout and trigger. The precision of the inter-channel synchronization and calibration has been verified and improved with collision data, exploiting decays of pi0s and eta into two photons, the phi invariance of the energy deposition in Minimum Bias events. Di-electron and di-photon states have been also used to verify and tune the energy scale. The quality of the offline data reconstruction, from low level quantities to showers, has been investigated and improved using known physics processes. Collision data and thorough Data/MC comparisons have been used to measure and tune the detector performance. First performance results are given.
        Speaker: Eleni Petrakou (Nat. Cent. for Sci. Res. Demokritos (NRCPS))
      • 22
        Performance of the ATLAS Trigger Reconstruction for Minimum Bias Events, Jets, and Missing Transverse Energy in pp-collisions at sqrt{s} = 7 TeV
        Since the restart of the LHC, ATLAS has successfully recorded data at sqrt{s} = 0.9 and 7 TeV. The ATLAS trigger strategy realised a step-wise activation of the three level trigger system, starting with hardware-based first-level (L1) triggers and moving with increasing luminosities to the deployment of the software-based high-level triggers (HLT). We will present L1 and HLT triggers and their performance on 7 TeV collision data, whose use case range from the measuremens of inelastic charged particle spectra to new physics searches. We will focus on triggers selecting inelastic pp-collsions (minimum bias), missing transverse energies (missing E_{T}), jets and bjets. Different minimum bias triggers based of central tracking and forward detector components, their efficiencies as well as possible biases are presented. We highlight missing E_{T} triggers, which require the magnitude of the vector sum of all transverse energies to exceed some threshold. While look-up-tables allow fast trigger decisions at L1, the full calorimeter signal is accessed at HLT to make a more precise estimate on missing E_{T}. We also outline the performance of various jet triggers, showing results for inclusive, dijet, and multijet efficiencies at L1 and HLT. Furthermore, results on the performance of bjet trigger algorithms are presented, allowing for b-meson identification at HLT.
        Speaker: Ms Regina Kwee (CERN/Humboldt University of Berlin)
      • 23
        Measurement of W and Z boson production in pp at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector
        The first measurement of the production cross-sections for W and Z bosons in proton proton interactions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV are reported from the ATLAS experiment. Based on its excellent capability for reconstructing both high pT electrons and muons, the electron and the muon decay modes of the W/Z bosons are compared. First results for the ratio of W/Z production and of W+/W- production will also be described.
        Speaker: Verena Ingrid Martinez Outschoorn (Harvard University)
      • 24
        Inclusive b-jet production measurement on early CMS data
        We describe a measurement of the inclusive b-jet production in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV. The analysis has been done on the first physics data collected by the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. To improve the low p_T measurement, the jets are reconstructed with the Particle Flow algorithm. The experimental uncertainties from jet energy corrections, jet energy resolutions and luminosity are reduced by taking a ratio to the inclusive jet production cross section. We're using a simple secondary vertex high purity tagger, which is one of the most reliable b-taggers for this early measurement, for selecting a jet sample with high b-jet purity. To measure the b fractions in the tagged jet data sample, we made a template fit to the secondary vertex mass. Our estimation of the b-tagging efficiency is taken from Monte Carlo simulation. Thus our studies on LO+NLO contributions from flavor creation, flavor excitation and gluon splitting are shown as well.
        Speaker: Daniel Martschei (Inst. fuer Experimentelle Kernphys.-Universitaet Karlsruhe-Unkno)
      • 25
        Tevatron Combination of Single Top Quark Production
        After the first observation of the inclusive single top-quark production in the s- and t-channels by both CDF and D0, the Tevatron collaborations combined their measurements using the distributions of their multivariate discriminants. A Bayesian analysis is used to extract the cross section at a center of mass energy of 1.96 TeV from 3.2/fb (CDF) and 2.3/fb (D0) of data, respectively. For a top quark mass of 170 GeV/c^2, a cross section of 2.76 +0.58 -0.47 pb is extracted while the CKM matrix element |V_tb| is measured to be 0.88 ± 0.07 with a 95% C.L. lower limit of |V_tb| > 0.77.
        Speaker: Dr Jan Lueck (EKP)
    • 10:45
      Coffee and Posters
    • Heavy Flavour D

      K-Physics, heavy flavour at LHC

      • 26
        Kaon Physics
        Speaker: Evgueni Goudzovski (University of Birmingham)
      • 27
        Heavy Flavour Physics Results at the LHC
        Speaker: Gaia Lanfranchi (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN))
    • 12:50
    • Heavy Flavour E

      heavy flavour theory

      • 28
        Heavy Flavour Theory
        Speaker: Gilad Perez (Weizmann Institute)
    • QCD A

      structure functions

      • 29
        HERA Structure Function Measurement
        Speaker: Katerina Lipka (DESY Hamburg)
      • 30
        Spin Structure Functions
        Speaker: Klaus Rith (University of Erlangen)
    • 16:15
    • QCD B

      precision QCD, high Et jets, non-perturbative QCD, low energy QCD

      • 31
        Precision QCD Test and Measurement of αs
        Speaker: Ian Brock (Physikalisches Institut)
      • 32
        High Et Jet Physics at the Tevatron
        Speaker: Thomas Nunnemann (LMU Munich)
      • 33
        Non-perturbative phenomena in strong interactions
        Speaker: Marcella Capua (Dipartimento di Fisica-Univ. degli Studi della Calabria-Unknown)
      • 34
        Low Energy QCD at LHC
        Speaker: Johannes Wessels (Institut fuer Kernphysik-Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Mun)
    • QCD C

      QCD theory

      • 35
        QCD Theory
        Speaker: Walter Giele (Fermilab)
    • Searches A

      Higgs searches

      • 36
        Higgs Searches at the Tevatron
        Speaker: Satish Desai (Fermilab)
    • Poster Presentations B

      Short Talks on selected posters

      • 37
        The ALICE Silicon Strip Detector performances during the first LHC data taking.
        The Silicon Strip Detector (SSD) is a fundamental part of the Inner Tracking System (ITS) for the ALICE experiment. Since the early phase of p-p collisions at LHC, the SSD is fully operational and participating in the charged particle detection and identification carried out by ALICE. The performance of the SSD during the 900 GeV and 7 TeV collision data taking is presented here. The stability of the system is monitored through the time evolution of its calibration parameters and their correlation with the environmental conditions. The intrinsic noise of the 2.6 million channels composing the SSD is used to assess the detector efficiency. Finally the performances in terms of hit reconstruction and energy-loss measurement are discussed with reference to the global tracking and the ITS-standalone particle identification carried out in the first collision events.
        Speaker: Giacomo Contin (Dipartimento di Fisica-Universita degli Studi di Trieste / INFN Sezione di Trieste)
      • 38
        Search for CP-violating charge asymmetry in B^+ -> J/psi K^+ decays
        We present a result of search for CP-violating charge asymmetry in B^+ -> J/psi K^+ decays using 772x10^6 B anti-B meson pairs collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric energy e^+ e^− collider. The result supersedes our previous measurement and represents the most sensitive measurement up to date.
        Speaker: Mr Kazuyuki Sakai (Niigata University (Japan))
      • 39
        Search for the lepton-number-violating decay B->Dl+l+ at Belle
        In the Standard Model, lepton-number-violating decays such as $B^+ \to D^- \ell^+ \ell^+$ is strictly forbidden, but they are allowed if there exist Majorana-type neutrinos.  In this poster, we report a first search for $B^+ \to D^- \ell^+ \ell^+$ ($\ell = e$ or $\mu$) decays with 772$\times 10^{-6}$ $B \bar{B}$ pairs produced by energy-asymmetric $e^+ e^-$ collision at KEKB accelerator and recorded by the Belle detector.  We measure no events in signal region and obtain upper limits of branching fraction in the order of $10^{-6}$ at the 90\% C.L.
        Speaker: Ms Oksu Seon (Nagoya University)
      • 40
        An improved full reconstruction tool utilizing NeuroBayes
        The full reconstruction is an important tool for particle physics at the $B$ factories. By fully reconstructing one of the two $B$ mesons coming from the $\Upsilon (4S)$ resonance (tag side), the 4-momentum of the other $B$ meson (signal side) is immediately known and all remaining tracks in the detector can be associated with this other $B$ meson. The full reconstruction is therefore an important tool for the analysis of semileptonic and other rare $B$ decays including neutrinos, while it can also be used for measuring inclusive branching ratios. The new full reconstruction tool was developed for the Belle experiment at the KEK-B collider. The program was written from scratch, heavily utilizing the mulitvariate analysis software package NeuroBayes. With the addition of this more sophisticated analysis technique and the addition of several reconstruction channels for the tag side, an improvement in efficiency of more than 100\% could be achieved. Thus, the new full reconstruction enables many analyses to achieve an increase of a factor 2 in their signal sample.
        Speaker: Daniel Zander (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
      • 41
        Borexino beyond solar neutrinos: Analysis of geo-neutrinos, Pauli exluded transitions of C-12 and cosmogenic backgrounds
        The 100t fiducial volume liquid-scintillator experiment Borexino, located at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, is far more than an observatory for solar neutrinos. Its extremely low energy threshold of about 50 keV due to its unprecedented radiopurity also enable to conduct other analyses, i.e. the search for geo-neutrinos, the investigation of the Pauli exclusion principle in Carbon-12 and cosmogenic backgrounds. Geo-neutrinos, i.e. electron anti-neutrinos, are produced in beta-decay chains of U and Th, and in the beta-decay of K-40 abundant in Earth's mantle and crust. They are a unique probe for the interior of the Earth and allow to check geological models. Borexino is the first experiment to observe geo-neutrinos at more than 3 sigma C.L. at a rate of 3.9+1.6−1.3(+5.8−3.2) events/(100 ton yr) [1]. Moreover, the Pauli exclusion principle (PEP) has been tested for nucleons in Carbon-12 [2]. Namely, the non-Paulian transition of 1P3/2-shell nucleons to the filled 1S1/2 shell, emitting γ,n,p,or β±, has been investigated. Due to the extremely low background and the large mass of the Borexino detector, most stringent up-to-date experimental bounds on PEP violating transitions of nucleons could be established. Despite a shielding of about 3800 m.w.e., the residual cosmic muon flux still is a major issue for low background experiments. In fact, these muons can produce neutrons and radionuclides in the detector, forming the so-called cosmogenic background. Both rates and lateral distribution around the muon track can be analysed in Borexino. [1] G. Bellini et al.,Physics Letters B 687 (2010) 299–304 [2] G. Bellini et al.,Phys. Rev.C 81, 034317 (2010)
        Speaker: Mr Jürgen Winter (TU München)
    • 10:45
      Coffee and Posters
    • Searches B

      new physics searches

      • 42
        Physics beyond the SM (non Higgs) at the Tevatron
        Speaker: Dr Christopher Hays (University of Oxford)
      • 43
        μ → e γ
        Speaker: Dr Stefan Ritt (Paul Scherrer Institute)
    • 12:25
    • Searches C

      new physics theory

      • 44
        New Physics Beyond Standard Model
        Speaker: Tilman Plehn (Heidelberg University)
    • Neutrinos A

      solar neutrinos, long baseline and scattering

      • 45
        Solar Neutrino Physics
        Speaker: Aksel Hallin (University of Alberta)
      • 46
        Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiments
        Speaker: Dr Alexandre Sousa (Harvard University)
      • 47
        Neutrino Scattering Measurements
        Speaker: Michael Wilking (TRIUMF)
    • Excursion to Maulbronn

      Music in the cloister

    • Neutrinos B

      appearance searches, theory

      • 48
        Neutrino Appearance Searches
        Speaker: Riccardo Brugnera (Universita' di Padova and INFN)
      • 49
        Neutrino Physics Theory
        Speaker: Jose Valle
    • Astroparticles A

      dark matter searches

      • 50
        Dark Matter Searches
        Speaker: Rafael Lang
    • 10:30
    • Astroparticles B

      gamma ray astronomy, neutrino astroparticle physics, UHE cosmics

      • 51
        Gamma Ray Astronomy
        Speaker: Carmelo Sgro' (INFN-Pisa)
      • 52
        Neutrino Astroparticle Physics
        Speaker: Thomas Gaisser (University of Delaware)
      • 53
        Ultra High Energy Cosmics
        Speaker: Prof. Francois Montanet (LPSC IN2P3/CNRS Univ. Grenoble)
    • 54
      PIC 2011 Annoucement
      Speaker: Bernd Stelzer (Simon Fraser University-Unknown-Unknown)
    • 55