RD51 Collaboration Meeting

from Monday 13 June 2022 (09:00) to Friday 17 June 2022 (17:00)
CERN (40/S2-D01)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
13 Jun 2022
14 Jun 2022
15 Jun 2022
16 Jun 2022
17 Jun 2022
WG1 - Technological Aspects and Development of New Detector Structures - Filippo Resnati (CERN) Paul Colas (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) (until 12:50) (160/1-009)
09:15 Preliminary results of the Proportional Counters array (PCa) - Yi Zhou (USTC) Tian Xiangqi (USTC)   (160/1-009)
09:40 Development of ultra-low mass and high-rate capable DLC-RPC for background reduction in MEG II experiment - Masato Takahashi (Kobe University)   (160/1-009)
10:05 First images with an Optical Readout Micromegas detector - Antoine Cools   (160/1-009)
10:30 --- Break ---
10:50 Transmission through Graphene of Electrons in the 30 - 900 eV Range - Mauro Iodice (INFN - Sezione di Roma Tre) Alice Apponi (Università Roma Tre) Alessandro Ruocco   (160/1-009)
11:15 Production and in-beam studies of medium size, 50×50 cm2, RPWELL detector - Darina Zavazieva   (160/1-009)
11:40 Energy linearity in the LIME prototype of the CYGNO experiment - Samuele Torelli (Gran Sasso Science Institute) Samuele Torelli   (160/1-009)
12:05 Updates on GEM prototyping using micro-additive manufacturing technique - Tiago Fiorini Da Silva (Universidade de Sao Paulo (BR))   (160/1-009)
WG4 - Modelling of Physics Processes and Software Tools - Piet Verwilligen (Universita e INFN, Bari (IT)) Ozkan Sahin (Uludag University (TR)) Rob Veenhof (Uludag University (TR)) (until 12:15) (160/1-009)
09:00 Fast grounding: simulation and further studies - Zhujun Fang   (160/1-009)
09:30 Numerical calculation of RPC time resolution - Jaydeep Datta   (160/1-009)
10:00 Studies on space charge effect in GEM based detectors - Promita Roy   (160/1-009)
10:30 --- coffee break ---
10:45 Update on numerical signal modelling in detectors with resistive elements - Djunes Janssens (Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE))   (160/1-009)
11:15 A parametric simulation of the uRWELL detector - Riccardo Farinelli (Universita e INFN, Ferrara (IT))   (160/1-009)
11:35 New setup to measure electron diffusion - Filomena Pinto dos Santos (Universidade de Coimbra)   (160/1-009)
11:55 Simulation of a High Granularity TPC Readout - Ulrich Einhaus   (160/1-009)
Communications - Atsuhiko Ochi (Kobe University (JP)) (until 09:20) (160/1-009)
RD51 Future (until 12:45) (160/1-009)
09:20 ECFA detector R&D roadmap - Silvia Dalla Torre (Universita e INFN Trieste (IT))   (160/1-009)
09:50 Snowmass process - Maxim TITOV (CEA Saclay)   (160/1-009)
10:10 CERN EP detector R&D programme - Eraldo Oliveri (CERN)   (160/1-009)
10:30 INFN (Italy) - detector R&D - Anna Colaleo (Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))   (160/1-009)
10:50 --- Coffee break ---
11:10 Saclay (France) - detector R&D - Esther Ferrer Ribas (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   (160/1-009)
11:30 US - detector R&D - Andrew White (University of Texas at Arlington (US))   (160/1-009)
11:40 China - detector R&D - Jianbei Liu (University of Science and Technology of China (CN))   (160/1-009)
11:50 Japan - detector R&D - Atsuhiko Ochi (Kobe University (JP))   (160/1-009)
12:00 India - detector R&D - Supratik Mukhopadhyay (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (IN))   (160/1-009)
WG7 - Common Test Facilities - Yorgos Tsipolitis (National Technical Univ. of Athens (GR)) Eraldo Oliveri (CERN) (until 10:30) (40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac)
09:00 Intro & news - Yorgos Tsipolitis (National Technical Univ. of Athens (GR)) Eraldo Oliveri (CERN)   (40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac)
09:10 PICOSEC micromegas - Marta Lisowska (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   (40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac)
09:25 MiniCactus - Jean-Pierre Meyer (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) Jean-Pierre Meyer (IRFU-CEA - Centre d'Etudes de Saclay (CEA))   (40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac)
09:40 Straw/VMM3 - Vitalii Bautin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU)) Victor Maleev (NRC Kurchatov Institute PNPI (RU))   (40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac)
09:55 RD51 VMM3a Tracker and DUTs - Lucian Scharenberg (CERN, University of Bonn (DE))   (40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac)
10:10 CMS & FTM - Antonello Pellecchia (Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))   (40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
CERN EP Detector Seminar: ATLAS NSW (until 12:30) (40/S2-B01 - Salle Bohr)
11:00 CERN EP Detector Seminar: The New Small Wheel project of ATLAS - Theodoros Vafeiadis (CERN)   (40/S2-B01 - Salle Bohr)
WG6 - Production and Industrialization - Fabien Jeanneau (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) Rui De Oliveira (CERN) (until 17:00) (593/R-010 - Salle 11)
14:00 µRwell detector for Neutron detection - davide raspino (STFC)   (593/R-010 - Salle 11)
14:25 CLAS12 µRWELL and GEM-TRD prototypes projects - Kondo Gnanvo (University of Virginia (US))   (593/R-010 - Salle 11)
14:50 Resistive Micromegas T2K upgrade production - David Henaff (CEA)   (593/R-010 - Salle 11)
15:15 --- Break ---
15:25 Development of ultra-low mass and high-rate capable DLC-RPC in MEG II experiment - Kensuke Yamamoto   (593/R-010 - Salle 11)
15:50 Diamond-like carbon coatings for cryogenic operation of particle detectors - Sara Leardini (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))   (593/R-010 - Salle 11)
RD51 MB meeting - Leszek Ropelewski (CERN) Silvia Dalla Torre (Universita e INFN Trieste (IT)) (until 15:00) (15/R-006)
WG2 - Detector Physics and Performance - Florian Maximilian Brunbauer (CERN) Francisco Ignacio Garcia Fuentes (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI)) (until 17:40) (160/1-009)
15:00 Electrical breakdown in Thick-GEM based WELL detectors - Abhik Jash (Weizmann Institute of Science)   (160/1-009)
15:20 Advancements in a large area 100 channel PICOSEC Micromegas detector module - Antonija Utrobicic (CERN)   (160/1-009)
15:40 Rate capability and high-rate GEM foil optimization for the CMS ME0 detector - Davide Fiorina (Universita & INFN Pavia)   (160/1-009)
16:00 --- Coffee break ---
16:20 Elaboration of the XYU readout and first measurements - Jonathan Floethner (University of Bonn (DE))   (160/1-009)
16:40 Negative ion drift in a low pressure OTPC - Dinesh Loomba (University of New Mexico)   (160/1-009)
17:00 Operation of large micro-RWELL discs with SRS-VMM electronics - Lev Shekhtman (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU))   (160/1-009)
RD51 Collaboration Board - Atsuhiko Ochi (Kobe University (JP)) Yorgos Tsipolitis (National Technical Univ. of Athens (GR)) (until 15:00) (160/1-009)
WG5 - Electronics for MPGD - Jochen Kaminski (University of Bonn (DE)) Hans Muller (University of Bonn (DE)) (until 16:30) (160/1-009)
15:00 Latest experiences and test beam results using VMM3a/SRS - Lucian Scharenberg (CERN, University of Bonn (DE))   (160/1-009)
15:20 Update about integration of SAMPA into SRS - Marco Bregant   (160/1-009)
15:35 Preliminary results from use of the SAMPA prototype - Geovane Grossi Araujo de Souza   (160/1-009)
15:55 Cylindrical micro-RWell prototype with VMM3a for eRD108 - matt posik Matt Posik   (160/1-009)
16:10 VMM related projects and experiences in Mainz - David Christian Alexander Gabriel Markus (Universität Mainz)   (160/1-009)
16:25 Short discussion on SRS hardware sharing - Eraldo Oliveri (CERN)   (160/1-009)
16:30 --- Coffe Break ---
WG2 - Detector Physics and Performance (until 17:20) (40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac)
16:40 Designing third generation GEM multipixel FPGA-DAQ system - Andrzej Wojenski (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland)   (40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac)
17:00 Transfer of CVD grown graphene onto GEM foils - Giorgio Orlandini (Friedrich Alexander Univ. Erlangen (DE))   (40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac)
RD51 Future (until 18:00) (160/1-009)
14:00 Impact of the ECFA detector R&D roadmap on RD51 - Leszek Ropelewski (CERN)   (160/1-009)
14:20 WG1 - New structures and technologies - Paul Colas (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) Filippo Resnati (CERN)   (160/1-009)
14:40 WG2 - Detector physics and performance - Francisco Ignacio Garcia Fuentes (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI)) Florian Maximilian Brunbauer (CERN)   (160/1-009)
15:00 New working groups   (160/1-009)
15:10 WG4 - Modelling of physics processes and software tools - Rob Veenhof (Uludag University (TR)) Piet Verwilligen (Universita e INFN, Bari (IT)) Ozkan Sahin (Uludag University (TR))   (160/1-009)
15:30 --- Coffee break ---
15:50 WG5 - Electronics for MPGDs - Jochen Kaminski (University of Bonn (DE)) Hans Muller (University of Bonn (DE))   (160/1-009)
16:10 WG6 - Production and industrialisation - Rui De Oliveira (CERN) Fabien Jeanneau (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   (160/1-009)
16:30 WG7 - Common test facilities - Yorgos Tsipolitis (National Technical Univ. of Athens (GR)) Eraldo Oliveri (CERN)   (160/1-009)
16:50 Round table   (160/1-009)