Workshop on the QCD equation of state in dense matter HIC and astrophysics - MAGIC23

Kovalam, Kerala, India

Kovalam, Kerala, India

Turtle on the beach resort, Kovalam beach, Kerala, India
Jan Steinheimer (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies), Horst Stoecker (GSI), Abhijit Bhattacharyya (University of Calcutta)

This workshop is part of a group linkage project, supported by the Alexander von Humboldt foundation, between the Frankfurt Institute of Advanced Studies and the University of Calcutta and was initiated by the late Stefan Schramm. To honour his scientific legacy this workshop will be focussing on the scientific topics that Stefan has been contributing too during his entire career.

  • The properties of matter in dense compact interstellar objects like neutron stars as well as their mergers
  • The properties of matter in relativistic heavy ion reactions at the highest baryon densities.
  • The combination of the two above to learn about the fundamental properties of strongly interacting matter.

The workshop will take place from Tuesday March 28 until Saturday April 1st 2023. The first 4 days will be dedicated to participant talks and discussion and the 5th day will be only open discussion between the participants.

Since this is a workshop there will also be enough time between the talks, to allow for free discussion among the participants.  
