EOS 2023 Workshop

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre (CERN)

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


Show room on map
Andreas Joachim Peters (CERN), Jakub Moscicki (CERN), Luca Mascetti (CERN), Michael Davis (CERN), Oliver Keeble (CERN)

The 7th EOS workshop is in preparation to bring together the EOS community.


The 3 1/2 day in-person event is organized to provide a platform for exchange between developers, users and sites running EOS. The workshop takes place at CERN  in the IT Auditorium. 


The workshop will cover a wide range of topics related to EOS development, operations, deployments, applications, collaborations and various use-cases!

  • EOS Seminars for Users and Admins
  • EOS Development and Operations
  • CTA Development and Operations
  • Storage, Data Management and Applications


The workshop will be kicked-off with a seminar Monday morning for end-users explaining EOS from a user perspective, tips and tricks how to use it in the best way and necessary background about the CERN setup. 

The afternoon seminar will explain EOS from an admin perspective and deep-dive into details of all components of EOS.

The second day will focus on new developments and improvements since the previous workshop, the project roadmap, EOS operations and site reports.

The third day is dedicated to the CERN Tape Archive project (CTA) and its community.

The morning of the fourth day will be dedicated to the EOS ecosystem:

  • Monitoring
  • Windows Access
  • Application/Services
  • XRootD Framework
  • EOS Roadmap


All presentation will be recorded and published with previous agreement of the speaker.


The workshop participation will be without fee.


Registration is open to anyone.

Please register yourself to the workshop. Don't forget to submit an abstract if you would like to share your experience/ideas within the EOS community.

If you are interested in joining the EOS community, this is the perfect occasion!

We look forward to having you at the in-person workshop in April 2023!

Your CERN EOS team.

There is a live webcast for this event