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PULsed POwer for Kicker Systems (PULPOKS) workshop 2023



Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY Notkestraße 85 D-22607 Hamburg

The PULPOKS23 workshop will be held at DESY, Hamburg, Germany, and is intended to continue the success of previous PULPOKS workshops in bringing together students, engineers, physicists and others working in the field of pulsed power and injection magnets for particle accelerators. 


International organising committee:

  • Patrick Alexandre (Soleil)
  • Mike Barnes (CERN)
  • Olaf Dressler (HZB)
  • Raquel Muñoz (ALBA)
  • Martin Paraliev (PSI)
  • Jonny Ranner (STFC UKRI)


Local organising committee:

  • Gregor Loisch
  • Frank Obier


Abstract submission (until 15.03.2023) and other contact:

  • Anny Gora
  • Christopher Gough
  • Farwa Aslam
  • Frank Obier
  • Giorgia Favia
  • Gregor Loisch
  • Isfried Petzenhauser
  • Jan Lukas Teichgräber
  • Joachim Kahl
  • Konstantinos Papastergiou
  • Maliq Martin
  • marc dubrulle
  • Martin Paraliev
  • Mathieu Morati
  • Mike Barnes
  • Olaf Dressler
  • Pablo Lengua
  • Patrick ALEXANDRE
  • Raquel Muñoz Horta
  • Volker Oswald
  • +12
    • Morning session
    • 10:30
      Coffee break (& Hostel check-out)
    • Morning session
      • 11
        Electrostatic Kicker at 37kHz and +/-10kV for Muons

        Selection of single muons is needed for two experiments at PSI. Four +/- 5kV Switches in a bridge configuration provide a +/-10kV potential for switching muons at a 37kHz rate. A successful system was developed and in operation for 20 years. It relies on a flow of FC77 coolant directly on the transistors in the HV switch to remove ca. 1kW of heat. Unfortunately, the switches were destroyed by a water leak into the coolant. This presentation gives the detailed redesign of the replacement switches.

        Speaker: Chris Gough (Paul Scherrer Institut)
      • 12
        A Solid State Marx Generator for driving kicker magnets
        Speaker: Martin Sack (KIT Karlsruhe)
    • 13:00
    • Afternoon session
      • 13
        Design of a new Multipole Injection Kicker (MIK)

        Top-Up injection in the new SOLEIL II storage ring is planned to use an off-axis on-momentum betatron scheme. The final kick on the injected beam into the small dynamic aperture is given by a non linear kicker or MIK. To ensure the quality and transparency of the injection, the peak magnetic field generated by the MIK must be located at 3.5 mm from the stored beam axis while the zero-field region around the stored beam should be of octupolar type. The MAXIV type MIK developed by SOLEIL in the previous years could not be reused as placing the peak field at 3.5 mm by shrinking the 8-conductor design would lead to a roughly 1 mm aperture for the beams, impracticable for use in a storage ring. Therefore, the SOLEIL pulsed magnet team had to design a new MIK topology from scratch to achieve the required magnetic field distribution, while providing a sufficient aperture for the beams. The presentation focuses on the challenges that were met in defining new suitable topologies, pulsed operation in vacuum, mechanical & thermal design of the magnet as well as the titanium coating effects on the pulsed magnetic field distribution.

        Speaker: Patrick Alexandre (Soleil)
      • 14
        New BESSY Booster Solid State Kicker Pulser Power Supplies

        The BESSY booster kicker magnets have been powered with PFL type kicker pulsers since the BESSY II project was accomplished successfully. The kicker pulsers systems were realized with floating switch topologies applying CX 1154 thyratrons. After more than 25 years of operations the applied thyratron based kicker pulser units show wear and tear. The used pulser technology has obstacles for the operations of modern 4th generation light sources that should be overcome.
        The plan is to replace the existing technology with the help of solid-state Marx generator units. Therefore, a BESSY II booster kicker pulser renewal project has been launched.
        The talk is about the basic idea of replacing the thyratron switch technology, wherever possible, will explain the experience with the existing equipment and tell about technological limitations in applying solid state switches. To conclude, the status of the project will be described.

        Speaker: Olaf Dressler (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin)
    • 15:30
      Coffee break
    • Afternoon session
      • 15
        Development of fast kicker prototype for SLS 2.0 advanced injection schemes

        Swiss Light Source plans an upgrade to turn its existing Storage Ring (SR) into a modern diffraction limited light source (SLS 2.0). A 4-kicker bump scheme with new thick and thin septum will ensure the conventional injection in the smaller aperture of the new SR. To reduce further the perturbation of the stored beam during top-up, two new injection schemes are developed: “Fast” and “Super-fast”. The “Fast” injection should be able to ensure single-bunch off-axis injection affecting only 10 to 20 SR bunches (SR bunch spacing is 2 ns) in so called Aperture Sharing (AS) mode. The “Super-fast” one should utilize single-bunch off-axis injection affecting only one SR bunch (AS mode) or, in the future, on-axis injection between two SR bunches. To realize these injection schemes an extremely fast kicker system is required to provide deflection duration of about 30 ns for the “Fast” scheme and less than 2 ns for the “Super-fast” one. For practical reasons we decided to design a stripline kicker capable of 2 ns second deflection duration, given that if this is achieved, the same kicker can produce longer deflection durations when excited with longer electrical pulses. To prove the concept a prototype stripline kicker is being designed. We will present the status of its development and will discuss some of the critical aspects of such design.

        Speaker: Dr Martin Paraliev (Paul Scherrer Institute)
      • 16
        Stripline kickers for top-up injection into PETRA IV
        Speaker: Gregor Loisch
    • 18:00
      Workshop dinner
    • 10:00
      Coffee Break/Feedback/Tour group formation
    • Facility tour
    • 13:00
      Lunch DESY cantine

      DESY cantine