MuCol Mini-Workshop on Rapid Cycled Synchrotrons, pulsed magnets and powering
MuCol - A Design Study for a Muon Collider complex at the 10 TeV centre-of-mass energy is a European fund ed project devoted to high-energy muon collision studies. One of the work packages is dedicated to the design of the rapid cycled synchrotrons (RCS) of the acceleration complex, including RF and magnets.
The workshop is focused on the choice of parameters, based on the needs of beam optics, and the conceptual design of the technical systems, in particular the fast pulsed magnet and power converters. It is an opportunity for the IMCC and MuCol communities to review advances and plans in the RCS, and in particular options to increase performance and reduce cost. The workshop shall also provide a venue for proposing and fostering new ideas.