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The XIth International Conference on Heavy Quarks and Leptons



The XIth International Conference on Heavy Quarks and Leptons continues the tradition of regular scientific meetings, first started in 1993 at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati in Rome, Italy, under the name "Heavy Quarks at Fixed Target". In 2002 the scope was widened to include leptons with the workshop renamed to what is known as today. This workshop is dedicated to the study of the heavy quarks, namely charm, bottom and top, with obvious extensions to interesting topics involving the strange quark. Neutrino oscillation studies and new insights in mu and tau lepton phenomenology are also included.
    • 09:00 09:30
      Welcome session
      • 09:00
        Welcome address 15m
      • 09:15
        Welcome and opening 15m
    • 09:30 12:30
      Conveners: Jolanta Brodzicka (INP PAS Krakow), Stefano Bianco (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare (IT))
      • 09:30
        New Spectroscopy of Heavy Mesons 25m
        New Spectroscopy of Heavy Mesons
        Speaker: Fulvia De Fazio (Univ. + INFN)
      • 09:55
        Production and properties of b-hadrons 25m
        Production and properties of b-hadrons
        Speaker: Nicola Pozzobon (Universita e INFN (IT))
      • 10:20
        Quarkonia production and polarization 25m
        Quarkonia production and polarization
        Speaker: Dr Bruce Yabsley (University of Sydney)
      • 10:45
        Coffee Break 30m
      • 11:15
        Excited b and c hadrons 25m
        Excited b and c hadrons
        Speaker: Anton Poluektov (University of Warwick (GB), Budker INP (Novosibirsk, Russia))
      • 11:40
        Charmonium(-like) states 25m
        Charmonium(-like) states Babar speaker
        Speaker: Gianluigi Cibinetto
      • 12:05
        Bottomonium(-like) states 25m
        Bottomonium(-like) states Belle
        Speaker: Pavel Krokovny (BINP)
    • 12:30 14:15
      Lunch 1h 45m
    • 14:15 17:40
      Conveners: Christoph Schwanda (Austrian Academy of Sciences), Elisabetta Barberio (University of Melbourne (AU))
      • 14:15
        Theory Overview of semileptonic B decays 30m
        Theory Overview of semileptonic B decays
        Speaker: Björn Lange (Siegen)
      • 14:45
        Semileptonic B/Bs decays at LHCb 25m
        Semileptonic B/Bs decay at LHCb
        Speaker: Alessandra Borgia (Syracuse University (US))
      • 15:10
        Charm semileptonic decays 25m
        Charm semileptonic decays
        Speaker: Arantza Oyanguren (IFIC - Valencia)
      • 15:35
        Exclusive charmed/charmless semileptonic decays (mini-review) 25m
        Exclusive charmed/charmless semileptonic decays (mini-review) Belle invited
        Speaker: Alexey Sibidanov (Sydney)
      • 16:00
        Tea break 25m
      • 16:25
        Inclusive charmed/charmless semileptonic decays (mini-review) and B -> D(*) tau nu at BaBar 25m
        Inclusive charmed/charmless semileptonic decays (mini-review) BaBar invited
        Speaker: Dr Concezio Bozzi (Sezione di Ferrara)
      • 16:50
        Leptonic and semileptonic B decays with tau at the B factories 25m
        Leptonic and semileptonic B decays with tau at the B factories Belle invited
        Speaker: Yasuyuki Horii (Tohoku University)
      • 17:15
        High precision measurement of the form factors of the semileptonic decays K+- -> pi0 l+- nu (Kl3) 25m
        Semileptonic kaon decays offer the most precise determination of the CKM matrix element |Vus|. The experimental precision is however limited by the knowledge of the form factors of this decay, since these enter both the phase space integral and the detector acceptances. The NA48/2 experiment presents new measurements of the form factors of the semileptonic decays of charged kaons, based on 4.3 million Ke3 and 3.5 million Kmu3 decays, both with negligible background. The result matches the precision of the current world average on the vector and scalar form factors and allows to significantly reduce the form factor uncertainty on |Vus|. In addition, the comparison of both channels sets tight constraints on lepton flavor violation and other possible new physics.
        Speaker: Rainer Wanke (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE))
    • 18:00 19:00
      Welcome Party 1h
    • 09:00 13:05
      CP Violation
      Conveners: Hitoshi Yamamoto, Maria Smizanska (Lancaster University (GB))
      • 09:00
        CPV Overview: Theory talk 25m
        CPV: Theory talk
        Speaker: Martin Jung (TU Dortmund)
      • 09:25
        Charm mixing and CPV in LHCb 25m
        LHCb has collected the world's largest sample of charmed hadrons. The ~1 fb–1 sample collected in 2011 is used to search for direct and indirect CP violation in charm, and to measure D0 mixing parameters. Preliminary measurements from several decay modes are presented, with complementary time-dependent and time-integrated analyses. Together, these results significantly improve upon existing measurements.
        Speaker: Vladimir Gligorov (CERN)
      • 09:50
        Measurement of φs in LHCb 25m
        The determination of the CP-violating phase φs in Bs → J/ψ φ decays is one of the key goals of the LHCb experiment. Its value is predicted to be very small in the Standard Model but can be significantly enhanced in many models of new physics. We present the world’s best measurement of φs and the first observation of a non-zero ∆Γs based upon ~1 fb−1 of data collected at LHCb during 2011. φs can also be measured using the predominantly CP-odd Bs → J/ψ π π decay mode. We present this measurement and the combination of φs from both J/ψ φ and J/ψ π π decay modes. Additionally we present first results on other Bs decay modes, potentially interesting for complementary measurements of φs, such as Bs → φ φ and Bs → J/ψ K∗0 decays.
        Speaker: Yasmine Sara Amhis (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))
      • 10:15
        Measurement of gamma in LHCb 25m
        The LHCb experiment is a general purpose forward spectrometer operating at the Large Hadron Collider, optimized for the study of B and D hadrons. LHCb collected ~1 fb-1 of integrated luminosity during 2011 data taking, which provides unprecedentedly large samples of B hadron decays to final states involving charmed hadrons. These decays offer many complementary measurements of CP violation, in particular measurements which are sensitive to the angle gamma (phi_3) of the CKM unitarity triangle, one of the least well measured parameters of the CKM matrix. We present here world best measurements of CPV in decays sensitive to the angle gamma, including both time dependent and time integrated types of measurements.
        Speaker: Mr Mark Peter Whitehead (University of Warwick (GB))
      • 10:40
        Coffee break 20m
      • 11:00
        Direct and mixing-induced CP violation in charmless two-body B decays in LHCb 25m
        CP violation in charmless charged two-body B decays provides a way to measure the CKM angle gamma from decays involving loop diagrams. Using data collected by LHCb in 2011 we reconstruct a large sample of such decay modes of B hadrons. We present measurements of direct CP violation in B(s) → K pi decays, which are the most precise presently available, as well as of direct and mixing-induced CP violation in B0 → pi+ pi- and Bs → K+ K- decays, performed for the first time at a hadron collider and the first time ever, respectively.
        Speaker: Denis Derkach (INFN Bologna (IT)/CERN)
      • 11:25
        CP Violation at ATLAS 25m
        CP Violation at ATLAS (A invited)
        Speaker: Tatjana Jovin (University of Belgrade (RS))
      • 11:50
        CP Violation at BaBar 25m
        CP Violation at BaBar; invited
        Speaker: Fernando Martinez-Vidal (Universidad de Valencia)
      • 12:15
        CP Violation at Belle 25m
        CP Violation at Belle: Belle invited
        Speaker: Kentaru Negishi (Tohoku)
      • 12:40
        Searches for BSM physics through CP violation at CDF 25m
        We report the latest results from indirect searches for BSM physics using charge-parity violating processes in the full 9.6 fb^-1 dataset collected by CDF in Tevatron Run II. These include the confirmation of CP violation in charm with world leading resolution, final measurements of the bottom-strange mixing phase (beta_s) using Bs->J/Psi Phi decays, measurements of the branching fractions of Bs --> Ds(*)+Ds(*)- that help constrain DeltaGamma_s, and final measurements for charge-parity violation in hadronic B decays.
        Speaker: Sabato Leo (Pisa)
    • 13:05 14:30
      Lunch 1h 25m
    • 14:30 18:05
      Neutrino Physics
      Conveners: Dr Adam Para (Fermilab), Gianpaolo Bellini, Rupert Leitner (Charles University (CZ))
      • 14:30
        Recent Results on Solar Neutrinos 25m
        Recent Results on Solar Neutrinos
        Speaker: Gioacchino Ranucci (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
      • 14:55
        Observation of nonzero theta13 at reactor antineutrino experiments 30m
        The Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment has measured a non-zero value for the neutrino mixing angle θ13 with a significance of 5.2 standard deviations in 55 days of data. Six antineutrino detectors deployed in two near (flux-weighted baseline 470 m and 576 m) and one far (1648 m) underground experimental halls will continue to accumulate data until summer 2012 when the final two antineutrino detectors will be installed. The status of the present analysis and future plans will be presented.
        Speaker: Henry Band (University of Wisconsin)
      • 15:25
        Long baseline neutrino disappearance 30m
        Long baseline neutrino disappearance
        Speaker: Ryan James Nichol (Unknown)
      • 15:55
        Status of the geoneutrino study 25m
        Status of the geoneutrino study
        Speaker: sandra zavatarelli (INFN Genova Italy)
      • 16:20
        Tea break 20m
      • 16:40
        Developments on double beta decay search 25m
        Developments on double beta decay search
        Speaker: Oliviero Cremonesi (INFN)
      • 17:05
        Searches for high energy neutrinos 25m
        Searches for high energy neutrinos
        Speaker: Juergen Brunner (CPPM)
      • 17:30
        Possible existence of sterile neutrinos 25m
        Possible existence of sterile neutrinos
        Speaker: Prof. Jonathan Link (Virginia Tech)
    • 09:00 12:25
      Kaon Physics
      Conveners: Karol Kampf (Charles University (CZ)), Konrad Kleinknecht (Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat)
      • 09:00
        Recent results on CP and CPT tests at KLOE 30m
        Recent results on CP and CPT tests at KLOE
        Speaker: Dr Antonio De Santis (U. di Roma "La Sapienza")
      • 09:30
        Lepton Universality Tests in Kaon Decays at NA62 30m
        A precision measurement of the helicity-suppressed ratio RK of the K+- --> e+- nu and K+- --> mu+- nu decay rates has been performed using the full data set collected by the NA62 experiment in 2007--2008. The result is in agreement with the Standard Model expectation, and constrains two-Higgs-voublets extension of the Standard Model.
        Speaker: Francesca Bucci (Universita e INFN (IT))
      • 10:00
        Chiral perturbation theory tests 25m
        The NA62 experiment at CERN collected a large sample of charged kaon decays with a low intensity beam and minimum bias trigger conditions in 2007. This allowed measurements of a number of rare decays that are difficult to address in conventional high intensity experiments with highly selectivite trigger conditions. In particular, large samples of K+- --> pi gamma gamma and K+- --> e nu gamma decays have been collected, allowing precision tests of the Chiral Perturbation Theory. The status and first results of these analyses are presented.
        Speaker: Riccardo Fantechi (Sezione di Pisa (IT))
      • 10:25
        Conference photo + coffee break 30m
      • 10:55
        Theoretical introduction to Kaon session 35m
        Theoretical introduction to Kaon session
        Speaker: Antonio Pich (University of Valencia)
      • 11:30
        The NA62 experiment at CERN 25m
        The rare decays K->pnn are excellent processes to make tests of new physics at the highest scale complementary to LHC thanks to their theoretically cleaness. The NA62 experiment at CERN SPS aims to cllect of the order of 100 K+->p+nn events in two years of data taking, keeping the background at the level of 10%. The physics prospects and the status of the construction of the experiment will be presented.
        Speaker: Massimiliano Fiorini (Universite Catholique de Louvain (BE))
      • 11:55
        The Music of KOTO: $K_L^0 \rightarrow \pi^0 \nu \bar{\nu}$ 25m
        The Music of KOTO: $K_L^0 \rightarrow \pi^0 \nu \bar{\nu}$
        Speaker: Joseph Comfort (Arizona State University)
    • 12:25 13:55
      Lunch 1h 30m
    • 14:00 17:10
    • 08:30 10:10
      Lepton Flavour Violation
      Conveners: Tomas Blazek (Comenius University (SK)), giancarlo piredda (INFN Sezione di Roma)
      • 08:30
        LFV Theory talk 25m
        LFV theory talk,
        Speaker: Prof. Stefan Antusch (University of Basel)
      • 08:55
        Search for charged-lepton-flavor-violation in rare muon decays 25m
        Charged-lepton-flavor-violating processes are strongly suppressed in the Standard Model, therefore their observation would be a clear indication of new Physics. The MEG experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institute searches for the lepton-flavor-violating decay mu+->e+gamma.The combined result of the data taken in 2009 and 2010 is presented. The upper limit on the branching ratio obtained (BR(mu+->e+gamma)<2.4*10^-12) improves by a factor five the previous best limit and tighten constraints on new Physics models. Future prospects are also discussed. Another lepton-flavor-violating decay of the muon is mu+->e+e-e+. The Mu3e collaboration recently proposed a new experiment for searching this decay aiming at sensitivities in the range 10^-15-10^-16.
        Speaker: Cecilia Voena (Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))
      • 09:20
        Muon to e Conversion: Experimental Status in Japan and US 25m
        Muon to e Conversion: Experimental Status in Japan and US
        Speaker: James Miller (Boston University)
      • 09:45
        Lepton Flavor Violation in tau and B meson decays. 25m
        Lepton flavor violating decays such as τ -> μ+ μ- μ+ or B- -> D(*)+ μ- μ- are sensitive probes of New Physics (NP). The discovery of neutrino oscillations implies that at some level there is lepton flavor violation, and in many well motivated extensions of the SM the effects are expected to be visible in τ -> μ+ μ- μ+ decays. LHCb is well suited for this analysis due to the large tau production from charm decays and LHCb’s excellent invariant mass resolution. Like-sign dimuon final states such as B- -> D(*)+ μ- μ- can be sensitive to the existence of Majorana neutrinos. The status of these analyses with ~1 fb–1 of pp collisions collected by LHCb in 2011 at √s=7 TeV is reviewed.
        Speaker: Marta Calvi (Univ. degli Studi Milano-Bicocca (IT))
    • 10:10 10:30
      Coffee break 20m
    • 10:30 12:35
      Top Quark Physics
      Conveners: Jiri Chudoba (Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ)), Joel Butler (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)), Karel Soustruznik (C)
      • 10:30
        Top Quark Production @ Tevatron 25m
        Top quark was discovered at Tevatron by CDF and D0 experiments at 1995. Tevatron had concluded its mission in Sep. 2011. In this report the production cross section of Top quark will be reported. Recent observation of forward-backward asymmetry in the top production will be updated with full RUN II data.
        Speaker: Yen-Chu Chen (Academia Sinica)
      • 10:55
        Measurement of top quark properties at Tevatron 25m
        Measurement of top quark properties at Tevatron
        Speaker: Petr Vokac (Czech Technical University (CZ))
      • 11:20
        Top production and ttbar at LHC 25m
        Top production and ttbar at LHC
        Speaker: Sinead Walsh (Ghent University (BE))
      • 11:45
        Measurement of top quark properties at LHC 25m
        Top properties at LHC
        Speaker: Hongbo Liao (Univ. Blaise Pascal Clermont-Fe. II (FR))
      • 12:10
        CP violation in top-quark pair production and decay 25m
        The LHC will produce large numbers of top anti-top quark pairs providing an excellent opportunity to study in detail the properties of the top-quark. A possibility that has not been explored experimentally so far is that of CP violating interactions of the top. We discuss the use of T-odd correlations to extract information on the CP violating couplings of the top-quark at the LHC. We illustrate our discussion with two examples: CP violating anomalous top quark couplings; and CP violation in extended Higgs sectors.
        Speaker: German Valencia
    • 12:35 14:00
      Lunch 1h 25m
    • 14:00 16:45
      Rare Decays
      Conveners: Brad Cox (University of Virginia), Wolfgang Walkowiak (Universitaet Siegen (DE))
      • 14:00
        Theory status of b -> s l^+ l^- decays and their combined analysis 25m
        Theory status of b -> s l^+ l^- decays and their combined analysis
        Speaker: Christoph Bobeth (Technical University Munich)
      • 14:25
        Rare B decays at ATLAS including B->di-muonic decays 22m
        Rare B decays at ATLAS including B->di-muonic decays ATLAS invited
        Speaker: Iskander Ibragimov (Fachbereich Physik)
      • 14:47
        Rare B decays at CMS including B->di-muonic decays 23m
        The rare decays B_s(B^0)->mu+mu- and B0->K*mu+mu- are an excellent test of the flavor sector of the Standard Model and provide sensitivity to models with extended Higgs boson sectors. We report on searches for these decays with the CMS experiment using pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy √s=7 TeV collected in 2011.
        Speaker: Paolo Ronchese (Universita e INFN (IT))
      • 15:10
        Search for New Physics with rare leptonic decays of B(s), D and K mesons 25m
        Rare lepton decays of the B(s), D and K mesons are sensitive probes of New Physics. In particular, the search for the decays B(s) -> μ+ μ- provides information on the presence of new (pseudo-)scalar particles. LHCb is well suited for these analyses due to its large acceptance and trigger efficiency, as well as its excellent invariant mass resolution and lepton identification capabilities. The status of these analyses with ~1 fb-1 of pp collisions collected by LHCb in 2011 at √s=7 TeV is reviewed.
        Speaker: Flavio Archilli (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare (IT))
      • 15:35
        Tea 20m
      • 15:55
        Rare decay searches at BaBar and Belle 25m
        Rare decay searches at BaBar and Belle (BaBar invited)
        Speaker: Dr Fergus Wilson (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
      • 16:20
        Rare decay searches at CDF 25m
        Rare decay searches at CDF and D0: CDF invited
        Speaker: Paolo Maestro (Universita degli studi di Siena (IT))
    • 16:45 17:20
      Introduction to posters
      Convener: Zdenek Dolezal (Charles University (CZ))
      • 16:45
        Physics with Tau Lepton Final States in ATLAS 4m
        Speaker: Nils Ruthmann (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))
      • 16:49
        Reconstruction and Identification of Hadronically Decaying Tau Leptons at ATLAS 4m
        Speaker: David Thomas Jennens (University of Melbourne (AU))
      • 16:53
        Lepton Flavor violation processes in 331 models 4m
        Speaker: Jairo Alexis Rodriguez (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
      • 16:57
        Two approach to the ratio of the charm structure functions 4m
        Speaker: Gholam Reza boroun
      • 17:01
        Optimization of the Belle II Vertex Detector 4m
        Speaker: Zbynek Drasal (Charles University (CZ))
      • 17:05
        4th generation searches at ATLAS 4m
        Speaker: Snezana Nektarijevic (Universite de Geneve (CH))
      • 17:09
        Implication of the LHCb results in the anomalous tsW couplings 4m
        Speaker: Kang Young Lee (Konkuk University)
      • 17:13
        Top A_FB and charge asymmetry in chiral U(1)' model with flavored Higgs doublets 4m
        Speaker: Chaehyun Yu (KIAS)
    • 17:20 18:00
      Poster session
      • 17:20
        4th generation searches at ATLAS 40m
        Among the places to look for deviations from the SM are new quarks families that can appear as a fourth family with Higgs, a “strong” fourth family without Higgs or vector-like quarks. A potential extension for the SM would be the adjonction a 4th family of heavy chiral fermions that could provide new sources of CP violation to explain the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe, and allow for a heavier Higgs boson while remaining consistent with other precision electroweak studies. This poster will review various searches for 4th generation quarks performed using data collected in 7 TeV LHC proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector.
        Speaker: Snezana Nektarijevic (Universite de Geneve (CH))
      • 17:20
        Implication of the LHCb results in the anomalous tsW couplings 40m
        We consider the possibility of anomalous right-handed tsW couplings with the recent LHCb results. The B -> X_s \gamma decay, B-Bbar mixing, B_s-B_sbar mixing are studied.
        Speaker: Kang Young Lee (Konkuk University)
      • 17:20
        Lepton Flavor violation processes in 331 models 40m
        Six lepton flavor violation processes are calcualted in the framework of a model based on the gauge symmetry SU(3)xSU(3)xU(1) (331) without exotic charges in its fermionic spectra. Parameters involved are constraint using the experimental bounds coming from BABAR. Possible implications in the neutrino sector are discussed.
        Speaker: Jairo Alexis Rodriguez (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
      • 17:20
        Optimization of the Belle II Vertex Detector 40m
        Optimization of the Belle II Vertex Detector
        Speaker: Zbynek Drasal (Charles University (CZ))
      • 17:20
        Physics with Tau Lepton Final States in ATLAS 40m
        Physics involving tau lepton signatures form an integral part of the ATLAS physics program, and are becoming more prevalent, given the large amounts of data accumulated in 2011 and 2012 LHC running. This talk reviews the increased sensitivity of searches for a Standard Model Higgs boson in the low mass region, as well as searches for neutral and charged supersymmetric Higgs bosons, decaying to tau final states. Other searches involving tau lepton signatures are also reviewed, including searches for heavy gauge bosons, leptoquarks, and supersymmetric decays. Standard Model processes from W, Z, and top pair production involving tau leptons are also investigated.
        Speaker: Nils Ruthmann (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))
      • 17:20
        Reconstruction and Identification of Hadronically Decaying Tau Leptons at ATLAS 40m
        Tau leptons will play an important role in the physics program at the LHC. They will be used not only in searches for new phenomena like the Higgs boson or Supersymmetry and electroweak measurements but also in detector related studies like the determination of the missing transverse energy scale. Optimal identification of hadronically decaying tau leptons is achieved by using detailed information from tracking and calorimeter detector components. Variables describing the properties of calorimeter energy deposits and track reconstruction within tau candidates are combined in multi-variate discriminants, to achieve high rejection against backgrounds. The identification efficiencies are measured by W->taunu and Z->tautau events, and compared with the prediction of the Monte Carlo simulation. The energy scale uncertainties for tau leptons are determined by investigating single hadron calorimeter response, as well as kinematic distributions in Z->tautau events.
        Speaker: David Thomas Jennens (University of Melbourne (AU))
      • 17:20
        Top A_FB and charge asymmetry in chiral U(1)' model with flavored Higgs doublets 40m
        We construct flavor-dependent chiral U(1)' models with a Z' boson which couples to the right-handed up-type quarks in the standard model. To make the models have realistic renormalizable Yukawa couplings, we introduce new Higgs doublets with nonzero U(1)' charges. Anomaly-free condition can be satisfied by adding extra chiral fermions. We show that these models could analyze the discrepancy between the SM prediction and empirical data in the top forward-backward asymmetry at the Tevatron. We also discuss the top charge asymmetry at the LHC in this model. We emphasize that unlike the simple Z' model, our model could be compatible with the stringent constraints from the same sign top pair production because of destructive interferences between contributions from the Z' and Higgs boson exchanges.
        Speaker: Chaehyun Yu (KIAS)
      • 17:20
        Two approach to the ratio of the charm structure functions 40m
        Two approach to the ratio of the charm structure functions
        Speaker: Gholam Reza boroun
    • 18:00 20:00
      Prague Tour 2h
    • 20:00 22:00
      Social Dinner 2h
    • 09:00 12:15
      New Experiments
      Conveners: Angel Mario Lopez (University of Puerto Rico (US)), Zdenek Dolezal (Charles University (CZ))
      • 09:00
        Nova status and plans 25m
        Nova status and plans
        Speaker: Andrew Norman (Fermilab)
      • 09:25
        SNO+ status 25m
        SNO+ status invited
        Speaker: Belina von Krosigk von Krosigk (TU Dresden)
      • 09:50
        The SuperB factory : physics prospects and project status 25m
        With an integrated luminosity goal larger than 75 ab-1, the SuperB factory, to be built on the Tor Vergata Campus, near Roma (Italy) by 2016, has the very ambitious goal to unravel the detailed structure of the new physics soon to be discovered at the LHC, or to explore BSM physics beyond the LHC reach if nothing is found there. This goal will be reached using a large number of rare B , charm and tau decays very sensitive to the presence of new heavy particles via virtual loops. The physics prospects of this ultra-high luminosty e+e- collider will be presented in detail as well as the very innovative concepts guiding the machine and detector designs. The important advanatages brought by the specific assets of the SuperB project, namely beam polarization and capability to run at the charm threshold with a significant boost will be presented.
        Speaker: Dr Stefano Germani (INFN Perugia)
      • 10:15
        Belle II status and plans 25m
        Belle II status and plans Belle II invited
        Speaker: Christoph Schwanda (Austrian Academy of Sciences)
      • 10:40
        Coffee Break 20m
      • 11:00
        ORKA, The Golden Kaon Experiment: Precision measurement of K+ -> pi+,nu,nubar and other ultra-rare processes. 25m
        Precision measurement of the ultra-rare K+ -> pi+,nu,nubar decay at Fermilab would be one of the most incisive probes of quark flavor physics this decade. This sensitivity is unique in quark flavor physics and allows probing of essentially all models of new physics that couple to quarks within the reach of the LHC. Furthermore, a high precision measurement is sensitive to many models of new physics with mass scales well beyond the direct reach of the LHC. The ORKA initiative aims to precisely measure this process based on established detector techniques driven with the Fermilab Main Injector high intensity proton source. In recognition of this exciting opportunity the Fermilab director has recently granted scientific approval to the ORKA proposal. The experimental technique and prospects will be discussed.
        Speaker: Joseph Comfort (Arizona State University)
      • 11:25
        Introduction to Project X 25m
        Introduction to Project X
        Speaker: Andrew Norman (Fermilab)
      • 11:50
        The LHCb upgrade 25m
        The LHCb experiment is designed to perform high-precision measurements of CP violation and search for New Physics using the enormous flux of beauty and charmed hadrons produced at the LHC. The operation and the results obtained from the data collected in 2010 and 2011 demonstrate that the detector is robust and functioning very well. However, the limit of 1 fb-1 of data per year cannot be overcome without improving the detector. We therefore plan for an upgraded spectrometer by 2018 with a 40 MHz readout and a much more flexible software-based triggering system that will increase the data rate as well as the efficiency specially in the hadronic channels. Here we present the LHCb detector upgrade plans, based on the recently submitted Letter of Intent.
        Speaker: Tomasz Szumlak (AGH Univesity of Science and Technology (PL))
    • 12:15 13:45
      Lunch 1h 30m
    • 13:45 16:20
      Summary and Closeout
      • 13:45
        Summary of the Spectroscopy session 15m
        Speakers: Jolanta Brodzicka (INP PAS Krakow), Stefano Bianco (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare (IT))
      • 14:00
        Summary of the CKM session 15m
        Speakers: Christoph Schwanda (Austrian Academy of Sciences), Elisabetta Barberio (University of Melbourne (AU))
      • 14:15
        Summary of the CP Violation session 15m
        Speaker: Maria Smizanska (Lancaster University (GB))
      • 14:30
        Summary of the Neutrino Physics session 15m
        Speaker: Rupert Leitner (Charles University (CZ))
      • 14:45
        Summary of the Kaon Physics session 15m
        Speakers: Karol Kampf (Charles University (CZ)), Konrad Kleinknecht (Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat)
      • 15:00
        Summary of the Lepton Flavour Violation session 15m
        Speakers: Giancarlo Piredda (Dipartimento di Fisica G. Marconi-Universita di Roma I 'La Sapi), Tomas Blazek (Comenius University (SK))
      • 15:15
        Summary of the Rare Decays session 15m
        Speakers: Brad Cox (University of Virginia), Wolfgang Walkowiak (Universitaet Siegen (DE))
      • 15:30
        Summary of the Top Physics session 15m
        Speakers: Jiri Chudoba (Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ)), Joel Butler (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)), Karel Soustruznik (Charles University in Prague)
      • 15:45
        Summary of the New Experiments session 15m
        Speaker: Angel Mario Lopez (University of Puerto Rico (US))
      • 16:00
        Closeout 15m
    • 16:20 16:40
      Tea Break 20m