MPI@LHC 2012, Workshop on Multi-Parton Interactions at the LHC
MPI are experiencing a growing popularity and are widely invoked to account for observations that cannot be explained otherwise: the activity of the Underlying Event, the rates for multiple heavy flavour production, the survival probability of large rapidity gaps in hard diffraction, etc. At the same time, the implementation of MPI effects in Monte Carlo generators is quickly proceeding at an increasing level of sophistication and complexity, which can have far reaching implications for LHC physics. The ultimate ambition of this workshop is to promote MPI as a unifying concept between apparently distinct lines of research, to profit from experimental progress in order to constrain their implementation in models, and to evaluate their impact on the LHC physics program.
Four working groups have been formed, to prepare, through 2012, material to be discussed at the Workshop:
- MPI and diffraction. Conveners: M.Poghosyan (ALICE), A.Pilkington (ATLAS), N.Cartiglia (CMS), D.Volyanskyy (LHCb), F.Ferro (TOTEM)
- MPI and small-x. Conveners: H.Abramowicz (ATLAS), H.Jung (CMS)
- MPI and double-parton scattering. Conveners: E.Dobson (ATLAS), A.Moraes (ATLAS), P.Bartalini (CMS), X.Janssen (CMS), R.Muresan (LHCb), D.Treleani
- MPI and MC development: J.Katzy, F.Krauss, Z.Nagy, T.Rogers (see
A preliminary meeting, organized at Tel Aviv University, is scheduled to take place on Oct 14-18:
For a compilation of commented references to relevant papers on the theory and experimental results on MPIs, see
Previous meetings in this series:
MPI@LHC'11 DESY, Hamburg, Germany
MPI@LHC'10 Glasgow, Scotland
MPI@LHC'08 Perugia, Italy
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