28 August 2016 to 4 September 2016
Europe/Athens timezone

Scattering of charmed mesons from lattice QCD

29 Aug 2016, 16:40
Alexandros I (Makedonia Palace)

Alexandros I

Makedonia Palace

Section C: Heavy Quarks Section C


Dr Graham Moir (University of Cambridge)


We present a lattice QCD study of coupled-channel $D\pi$, $D\eta$ and $D_{s}\bar{K}$
scattering, as well single-channel $DK$ scattering. Our methodology allows us to determine precise finite volume spectra which we use to constrain scattering amplitudes as a function of energy. We interpret our results in terms of poles in the $S$-matrix and provide a measure of the coupling of each channel to a given pole. By exploring $S$, $P$ and $D$ wave interactions we comment on the nature of states with $J^{P} = 0^{+}$, relevant for the $D^{*}_{0}(2400)$ and $D^{*}_{s0}(2317)$, as well as states with $J^{P} = 1^{-}, 2^{+}$.


Dr Graham Moir (University of Cambridge)

Presentation materials