28 August 2016 to 4 September 2016
Europe/Athens timezone

The bottom-quark mass from non-relativistic sum rules at NNNLO

29 Aug 2016, 18:30
Alexandros I (Makedonia Palace)

Alexandros I

Makedonia Palace

Section C: Heavy Quarks Section C


Jan Piclum (University of Siegen)


The mass of the bottom quark can be determined with high precision from moments of the pair-production cross section $\sigma(e^+ e^- \to b \bar{b})$ near threshold. We present the first complete NNNLO determination from non-relativistic sum rules, obtaining a bottom-quark mass of $m_b^\text{PS}(2\,\text{GeV}) = 4.532^{+0.013}_{-0.039}\,\text{GeV}$ in the potential-subtracted scheme. For the mass in the $\overline{\text{MS}}$ scheme we find $m_b^{\overline{\text{MS}}} (m_b^{\overline{\text{MS}}}) = 4.203^{+0.016}_{-0.034}\ \text{GeV}$ using the recently computed four-loop correction to the scheme conversion.


Jan Piclum (University of Siegen)

Presentation materials