28 August 2016 to 4 September 2016
Europe/Athens timezone

$Z_c(3900)$: theory, experiment, lattice

2 Sept 2016, 18:30
Amfitrion II (Makedonia Palace)

Amfitrion II

Makedonia Palace

Section C: Heavy Quarks Section C


Prof. Feng Kun Guo (Beijing, Inst. Theor. Phys.)


In this talk we report on two recent works about the $Z_c(3900)$ resonance. A coupled channel T-matrix is used in the description of the $D^*\bar{D}$ and $J/\psi\pi$ spectra in which the $Z_c(3900)$ peak has been seen. The data can be well reproduced in two different scenarios, in which the $Z_c(3900)$ is a resonance or a virtual state. We also put this coupled channel $T$-matrix in a finite box, with the aim of comparing with recent lattice QCD simulations.


In this talk we report on two recent works about the $Z_c(3900)$ resonance. A coupled channel T-matrix is used in the description of the $D^*\bar{D}$ and $J/\psi\pi$ spectra in which the $Z_c(3900)$ peak has been seen. The data can be well reproduced in two different scenarios, in which the $Z_c(3900)$ is a resonance or a virtual state. We also put this coupled channel $T$-matrix in a finite box, with the aim of comparing with recent lattice QCD simulations.

Primary author

Prof. Feng Kun Guo (Beijing, Inst. Theor. Phys.)


Prof. Juan Nieves (IFIC-CSIC, U. Valencia) Miguel Albaladejo Serrano (IFIC-CSIC, U. Valencia) Mr Pedro Fernandez-Soler (IFIC-CSIC, U. Valencia)

Presentation materials