Cargese 2010: Physics at TeV colliders - From Tevatron to LHC
Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargese
Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargese
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The school will take place at the Institute for Scientific Studies in Cargese, Corsica.
- Introduction to Collider Physics by D. Zeppenfeld (U. Karlsruhe),
- Introduction to Higgs and EW precision physics by A. Hoecker (CERN),
- Introduction to QCD phenomenology at hadron colliders & Monte Carlo Tools for Collider Physics by P. Skands (CERN),
- Jet physics by G. Salam (LPTHE Paris),
- What have we learnt from the Tevatron for the LHC by Y. Gershtein (Rutgers U.),
- BSM physics by J. Terning (U.C. Davis),
- MadGraph Tutorial by T. Stelzer (Urbana-Champaign) ,
- Top quark physics by F. Maltoni (Louvain),
- Tools for the New Physics by F. Boudjema (LAPTH Annecy),
- The search for Supersymmetry by T. Plehn (U. Heidelberg),
- Flavour physics and CP violation at LHC by Y. Nir (Weizmann Institute),
- Dark Matter: model building, direct, indirect and collider signatures by N. Weiner (New York U.) ,
- The road to discovery at LHC/data analysis I by F. Moortgat (ETH Zurich, CMS),
- The road to discovery at LHC/data analysis II by G. Brooijmans (Columbia university, ATLAS),
- Physics case for future accelerators by M. Mangano (CERN).
Application: On-line application has been open from December 1st, 2009 to March 7th, 2010. The student selection has been announced on March 30th, 2010.
- Adam Kardos
- Adrian Carmona
- Adrien Renaud
- Alejandro de la Puente
- Alexandra CARVALHO
- Andrea Bangert
- Andrea Massironi
- Andreas Hoecker
- Andrew Larkoski
- Andrew Stump
- Arsham Farzinnia
- Benedikt Biedermann
- Bryan Zaldivar Montero
- Catherine Pinty
- Chiu-Tien Yu
- Christophe Grojean
- Clara Salas Hernandez
- Daniel Grossman
- Diane Cinca
- Dieter Zeppenfeld
- Dilani Kahawala
- Diogo Buarque Franzosi
- Dorival Goncalves Netto
- Doyoun Kim
- Emmanuel Stamou
- Ennio Salvioni
- Eric Williams
- Evelyn Schmidt
- Fabio Maltoni
- Fawzi Boudjema
- Filip Moortgat
- Florian Goertz
- Gavin Cullen
- Gavin Salam
- Geraldine Servant
- Gianluca Blankenburg
- Gordan Krnjaic
- Gregory Espitalier-Noel
- Gregory Kestin
- Guillaume Drieu La Rochelle
- Gustaaf Brooijmans
- Hugues BRUN
- Ido Mussche
- Ioan Wigmore
- Itay Nachshon
- Jean Orloff
- Jens Salomon
- Jeremie llodra-perez
- Ji-Hun Kim
- Joan Antoni Cabrer
- John Terning
- Jonathan BenTov
- Joshua Berger
- Jure Drobnak
- Kai Schmitz
- Lasse Leinonen
- Lea Gauthier
- Lisa Hartgring
- Marc Montull Garcia
- Marco Zaro
- Marek Schoenherr
- Maria Eugenia Cabrera Catalan
- Marina Billoni
- Marthe Teinturier
- Matthew Bishara
- Michael Grefe
- Michael Park
- Michelangelo Mangano
- Miika Klemetti
- Mika Vesterinen
- Neal Weiner
- Nicolas Morange
- Oriol Domenech
- Pawel Malecki
- Peter Skands
- Philipp Sturm
- Roberto Barcelo
- Ryan Gavin
- Sandeepan Gupta
- Scott Braithwaite
- Sergei Bobrovskyi
- Siavash Neshatpour
- Snezana Nektarijevic
- Somnath Choudhury
- Stefan Schacht
- Stefano Di Vita
- Suchita Kulkarni
- Sylvain Fichet
- Tilman Plehn
- Tim Stelzer
- Tirtha Sankar Ray
- Tongyan Lin
- Yang-Ting Chien
- Yasuhiro Yamamoto
- Yonit Hochberg
- Yossi Nir
- Yuri Gershtein