Cargese 2010: Physics at TeV colliders - From Tevatron to LHC
Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargese
Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargese
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The school will take place at the Institute for Scientific Studies in Cargese, Corsica.
- Introduction to Collider Physics by D. Zeppenfeld (U. Karlsruhe),
- Introduction to Higgs and EW precision physics by A. Hoecker (CERN),
- Introduction to QCD phenomenology at hadron colliders & Monte Carlo Tools for Collider Physics by P. Skands (CERN),
- Jet physics by G. Salam (LPTHE Paris),
- What have we learnt from the Tevatron for the LHC by Y. Gershtein (Rutgers U.),
- BSM physics by J. Terning (U.C. Davis),
- MadGraph Tutorial by T. Stelzer (Urbana-Champaign) ,
- Top quark physics by F. Maltoni (Louvain),
- Tools for the New Physics by F. Boudjema (LAPTH Annecy),
- The search for Supersymmetry by T. Plehn (U. Heidelberg),
- Flavour physics and CP violation at LHC by Y. Nir (Weizmann Institute),
- Dark Matter: model building, direct, indirect and collider signatures by N. Weiner (New York U.) ,
- The road to discovery at LHC/data analysis I by F. Moortgat (ETH Zurich, CMS),
- The road to discovery at LHC/data analysis II by G. Brooijmans (Columbia university, ATLAS),
- Physics case for future accelerators by M. Mangano (CERN).
Application: On-line application has been open from December 1st, 2009 to March 7th, 2010. The student selection has been announced on March 30th, 2010.
Adam Kardos
Adrian Carmona
Adrien Renaud
Alejandro de la Puente
Alexandra CARVALHO
Andrea Bangert
Andrea Massironi
Andreas Hoecker
Andrew Larkoski
Andrew Stump
Arsham Farzinnia
Benedikt Biedermann
Bryan Zaldivar Montero
Catherine Pinty
Chiu-Tien Yu
Christophe Grojean
Clara Salas Hernandez
Daniel Grossman
Diane Cinca
Dieter Zeppenfeld
Dilani Kahawala
Diogo Buarque Franzosi
Dorival Goncalves Netto
Doyoun Kim
Emmanuel Stamou
Ennio Salvioni
Eric Williams
Evelyn Schmidt
Fabio Maltoni
Fawzi Boudjema
Filip Moortgat
Florian Goertz
Gavin Cullen
Gavin Salam
Geraldine Servant
Gianluca Blankenburg
Gordan Krnjaic
Gregory Espitalier-Noel
Gregory Kestin
Guillaume Drieu La Rochelle
Gustaaf Brooijmans
Hugues BRUN
Ido Mussche
Ioan Wigmore
Itay Nachshon
Jean Orloff
Jens Salomon
Jeremie llodra-perez
Ji-Hun Kim
Joan Antoni Cabrer
John Terning
Jonathan BenTov
Joshua Berger
Jure Drobnak
Kai Schmitz
Lasse Leinonen
Lea Gauthier
Lisa Hartgring
Marc Montull Garcia
Marco Zaro
Marek Schoenherr
Maria Eugenia Cabrera Catalan
Marina Billoni
Marthe Teinturier
Matthew Bishara
Michael Grefe
Michael Park
Michelangelo Mangano
Miika Klemetti
Mika Vesterinen
Neal Weiner
Nicolas Morange
Oriol Domenech
Pawel Malecki
Peter Skands
Philipp Sturm
Roberto Barcelo
Ryan Gavin
Sandeepan Gupta
Scott Braithwaite
Sergei Bobrovskyi
Siavash Neshatpour
Snezana Nektarijevic
Somnath Choudhury
Stefan Schacht
Stefano Di Vita
Suchita Kulkarni
Sylvain Fichet
Tilman Plehn
Tim Stelzer
Tirtha Sankar Ray
Tongyan Lin
Yang-Ting Chien
Yasuhiro Yamamoto
Yonit Hochberg
Yossi Nir
Yuri Gershtein