The talk summarizes the activity performed within EuroCirCol on the 16 T magnets, and will be composed of two parts. The first part, presented by Davide Tommasini, will provide a general overview of the 16 T magnets programs and recall the related achievements of the EuroCirCol initiative, including new initiatives coming as a direct consequence of the program. The second part, presented by...
The present baseline of FCC-ee considers 400 MHz single-cell cavities for the Z-pole machine, 400 MHz four-cell cavities for the W and H modes of operation, complemented by 800 MHz five-cell cavities for the tt operation. In this presentation different higher order mode (HOM) damping schemes are compared for the four operating scenarios of FCC-ee. The longitudinal and transverse impedance of...
The Nb$_3$Sn dipole design for the hadron machine option of the Future Circular Colliders enters in an intense and long R&D phase. As a result, more realistic dipole field quality evaluations are available for beam dynamics studies. The impact of the dipole field quality on the optics design and on the beam lifetime at injection are presented and the non-linear correction schemes defined. The...
Landau damping provided by dedicated octupole magnets should be employed in the FCC-hh as a cure against transverse coherent instabilities, in addition to a transverse feedback system. In the LHC, the Landau octupoles are routinely combined with finite chromaticity and the transverse feedback system in order to ensure the bunch stability through the cycle. We estimate the required Landau...
FCC-hh impedance-driven beam instabilities and the corresponding mitigation techniques will be outlined. Recent post-CDR updates on impedances will be summarized.
Improving the accuracy of the W mass measurement at or beyond the theoretical prediction would be a crucial test of the overall consistency of the SM and any deviation might reveal the emergence of new physics. With more than 2x10^8 W pairs produced at the W threshold energy and above, the FCCee collider will be a W factory and will allow for W mass measurement with unparalleled...
The unequal coupling of the Z boson to left-handed and right-handed electrons and taus produces the tau polarisation asymmetries, Ptau and ApolFB, that are related to the ratios of the effective vector to axial-vector couplings. In the context of the Standard Model, these couplings can in turn be interpreted as a measurement of the effective electroweak mixing angle. The parity violating...
An overview is given of the design principles and layout of the FCC-hh collimation system, and recent modifications are highlighted. Furthermore, a brief overview of the simulated performance of the system is shown, comparing with design scenarios for beam losses. This topic will be expanded in more detail in the following talks.
Measurements of the partial widths to b-quarks normalised to the total hadronic width (Rb) and the forward-backward b asymmetry probe the fundamental charge and weak isospin structure of the Standard Model couplings for b-quarks, which are in turn sensitive to new physics. I will discuss the current status of the LEP+SLD measurements and methods, discussing the achievable precision at the...
Niobium thin film deposited on copper cavity has the potential to replace bulk niobium superconducting cavity in particle accelerators. Bulk niobium has a typical heat conductance of about 75 W/m.K at best, while for copper is as high as 300-2000 W/m.K and the cost of copper is a fraction of that of niobium. INFN Legnaro has been producing special seamless 6 GHz copper cavity from a single 2mm...
For the FCC-ee physics programme, a precise measurement of the luminosity is
essential. The high statistics scan of the Z line shape dictates the ambitions
goals of 10^-4 precision on the absolute luminosity measurement and 10^-5 on
the relative luminosity measurement between energy scan points. The reference
process for the measurement is small angle Bhabha scattering observed by a...
The expected experimental precision of the rates and asymmetries in the Future Circular Collider with electron positron beams (FCC-ee) in the centre of the mass energy range 88-365GeV considered for construction in CERN, will be better by a factor 5-200. This will be thanks to very high luminosity, factor up to 105 higher than in the past LEP experiments. This poses the extraordinary challenge...
Longitudinal parameters of the HE-LHC at injection energy, during ramp and physics are determined taking into account longitudinal single-bunch stability and LHC experience
The European Spallation Source, currently under construction in Lund, Sweden launched a project to procure and test two MB-IOTs as technology demonstrators. The MB-IOTs were designed for pulsed operation at 1.2 MW, 704 MHz, 3.5 ms pulse width with a repetition rate of 14 Hz. This talk will summarise the outline design and specification of the two MB-IOTs delivered and will describe the test...
The FCC-hh interaction region is heavily impacted by the collision debris, generated at the interaction point. In order to assess its effects on the triplet as well as on the matching section magnets, FLUKA simulations were performed assuming the ultimate integrated and instantaneous luminosity. In this presentation, the obtained results will be discussed for both the vertical and the...
The magnetic design is a basic aspect of the superconducting magnets for particle accelerators. When dealing with single aperture $\cos\theta$-type dipoles, the coil design can be performed with an analytic approach based on a sector dipole approximation followed by a numerical optimization. The great advantage of this approach is a rapid evaluation of the field harmonics which permits an...
The Over Pressure (OP) process led to the realization of Bi-2212 wires with Jc performance well beyond the minimum application requirements. While several efforts are under way to demonstrate that it is possible to apply such a process to real coils, researchers at CNR-SPIN are developing a process based on mechanical deformation (the GDG process) to realize denser Bi-2212 wires with...
The beam screen chamber of the Future Circular Collider-hh will be operating at conditions of 40-60K, 16T and 0-1GHz proton bunch frequency. Under these conditions, Cu coating technology might not guarantee an impedance sufficiently low for a stable beam. Recently, we have shown that the surface resistance of REBa2Cu3O7-x Coated Conductors (CCs) out performs that of copper at 8 GHz, 50 K and...
The FCC-e+e− injector complex needs to produce and to transport a high intensity e+e− beam at a fast repetition rate for topping up the collider at its collision energy. Two different options are under consideration as pre-accelerator before the bunches are transferred to the high-energy booster: using the existing SPS and designing a completely new ring. The purpose of this paper is to...
We study the effects of dimension-eight operators giving rise to anomalous neutral triple gauge boson interactions in Z𝛾𝛾 and Z𝛾Z vertices through the 𝜈𝜈𝛾 production at HL/HE-LHC and FCC-hh. The analysis is performed using transverse momentum of photon in the final state including a realistic detector effects for the future hadron colliders. The sensitivity to CP-conserving and CP-violating ,...
A general rule is presented, which describes in which cases it is energetically advantageous to cool the inlet stream to a compressor with chilled water. This feature is investigated specifically for the Nelium refrigerator for the cooling of the beam screens of the Future Circular Collider. It turns out that with this modification of the process the required overall power consumption is...
The FCC-hh design study included investigations on various high temperature superconducting materials to act as part of the beam screen. A superconducting coating on the beam screen should improve cryogenic efficiency and beam impedance mitigation for a high beam stability margin. The extreme conditions in such a collider make high critical currents at high temperatures necessary. Our study...
According to the assumed specification of the Nb3Sn for the accelerator magnets of the FCC (Future Circular Collider), it is required to achieve both extremely high Jc, which is unprecedented, and high RRR and low effective filament diameter (deff).
We have developed high performance Nb3Sn wire via DT (Distributed Tin) method, which is a type of internal Sn method with single barrier. So far,...
Ultra-High Vacuum is an essential requirement to reach design performances in high-energy particle colliders. For the future HL-LHC or FCC study, the understanding of the beam interactions with the vacuum chamber is fundamental to provide solutions to mitigate the pressure rises induced by electronic, photonic and ionic molecular desorption. Studies were performed on the ions, produced by...
This study reveals the industrial impact potentials of key processes needed in the construction of an intensity frontier electron-positron collider and identifies new application fields. Suppliers and manufacturing partners of CERN benefit from their know-how being used in other markets in order to improve their internal efficiency and competitivity on the world-market. Higher cost...
Beam instabilities caused by electron clouds and the resistive wall impedance are potential intensity limitations for the FCC-hh. Similar to the LHC, electron cloud build-up results in heat load and possibly beam instabilities. Consequently, the FCC-hh beam screen will be coated partially with a low secondary emission yield (SEY) layer, which will affect also the impedance. The impedances and...
A key requirement for the realization of the FCC is the development of high-field superconducting dipole magnets: considering that Nb$_3$Sn is currently the best candidate material (with the related requirements of non-Cu J$_c$ = 1.5 kA/mm$^2$ at 16 T and 4.2 K), the microstructural analysis of prototype internal tin Nb$_3$Sn wires, manufactured by the Bochvar Institute with different designs...
WEKA developed together with Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) a mass flow meter for cryogenic applications. The sensor is based on a new thermal measurement principle developed and verified by KIT. After successful validation of the self-calibrating capability of the sensor at cryogenic conditions in the TOSKA facility in Karlsruhe, the sensor was installed in several field test...
Based upon the conceptual design reports for the FCC cryogenic system, the need for more accurate thermodynamic property models of mixtures was identified. Both academic institutes and world-wide industries have identified the lack of reliable equation of states for mixtures used at very low temperatures. Detailed cryogenic architecture modeling and design cannot be assessed without valid...
High precision timing is becoming an important issue in particle physics especially in Energy Frontiers. Signals with FW10%-10% Max < 25ns and segmentation to handle >200 pileup(PU) are advantageous in many future Colliders and upgrades The high track density and pile-up in high luminosity particle colliders are challenges for event reconstruction and analysis. MIP (minimum ionizing particle)...
The behavior of short segments of YBCO coated conductors with double disordered (DD) nano structure were investigated in a 3 T magnetic field which was produced by a self-designed split-electromagnet at 77 K. The tapes investigated with this magnet were exposed to a non-homogeneously distributed field over a length of 10 cm with an imposed constant transport current of 0-10 A. The voltage...
We study a hybrid positron source based on the radiation of high energy (GeV) photons by coherent bremsstrahlung in the oriented single crystal, and a subsequent amorphous target for the photons. The primary electron beam could be accelerated to 4.46 GeV energy for the current setup of FCC-ee. It is possible to set photon radiation peak on 3.08 GeV with the proper orientation of the crystal....
Cost-effective manufacturing of Nb3Sn magnets for HE-LHC and FCC could be achieved through optimization of HL-LHC magnet manufacturing performance using key performance indicators (KPI) such as cost and quality. However, optimization of Nb3Sn magnet manufacturing performance is computationally expensive due to the large number of manufacturing parameters, design variables, and KPI, whose...
Among the iron-based Superconductors (IBS) the 11 and the 122 family have attracted much attention because they show excellent superconducting properties for high field applications. The 11 family is also very robust against proton induced damage, and this is important in view of applications of superconductors in radiation-harsh environments such as particle accelerators. Moreover, conductors...
Future Circular Collider for hadrons (FCC-hh) requires a high energy injector. Upgrading the current LHC injector, the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS), to a superconducting synchrotron (scSPS) could provide adequate extraction energy up to 1.3TeV. Presented here are results of a design study for such an upgrade with a focus on the lattice design, dipole, quadrupole, and sextupole magnets, and...
The reduced price of large grain niobium sheets, compared with the standard small grain sheets, can play a significant role in cost reduction for the fabrication of superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities in large particle accelerators projects. However, the anisotropic properties of the blank hinder its formability with conventional forming techniques, e.g. deep-drawing and spinning....
High field superconducting magnets are of the essence to further increase the energy of particle colliders beyond their current state-of-the-art. A magnet technology development program is being carried out at CERN to explore the Nb3Sn performance limits at dipole field levels of 16—18 T. Both the enhanced Racetrack Model Coil (eRMC) and the Racetrack Model Magnet (RMM) aim to develop these...
In order to avoid the damage of the dump target of the FCC-hh ring, the beam will be swept over its surface in a spiral pattern, using dilution kickers oscillating in the x/y planes with 90 degree phase difference, and an amplitude changing with time. Whereas the natural time-dependence of the amplitude is a convex function (the exponential decay of a damped oscillating circuit...
Presently available state-of-the-art Nb3Sn wires have not yet reached the required FCC performance, which heavily depends on the microstructure. New manufacturing techniques aim to push the material further to its limits through grain refinement and pinning enhancement by the introduction of artificial pinning centres (APCs).
In this study, two approaches that recently managed to achieve the...
The aim to improve critical properties of MgB2 is crucial for its future application. Introduction of artificial pinning center (APC) in MgB2 will be a key factor for enhancement of critical current density. Here we report the progress on synthesis of boron precursor prepared following a patented process developed at SPIN-CNR laboratories. Basic idea is manipulate B precursor B2O3 in liquid...
We study single production of heavy vector-like bottom (VLB) quark partner and its decay to a top quark and W boson at the future circular hadron collider (FCC-hh) with high center of mass energy of 100 TeV. The results show that the mixing between the vector-like quark and third generation quarks can largely enhance the production cross section. We analyze the final state kinematical...
The existing designs of the 16 T dipoles of the Future Circular Collider (FCC) consider the use of Nb3Sn grading. Since 2017 a collaboration between CERN and Swiss Plasma Center has been aiming at developing and qualifying intergrade splices. The main goal is obtaining a low electrical resistance (<1 nΩ) at magnetic field higher than 10 T and at a ratio of 1/3 between operational and critical...
The Magnesium Diboride is a superconducting compound discovered in 2001 with a relatively high-critical temperature. The absence of weak-link and the simple crystalline structure allows producing low-cost wires through the powder in tube (PIT) technique, allowing the industrial application.
In the past ten years, the MgB2 wire technology has made a significant progress, thanks to the...
Beam-beam simulation code BBSS is extended to multi-IP and multi-beam collision. Increasing IP, synchrotron tune is kept due to limitation of RF voltage, synchrotron phase advance between IP is smaller. Condition of beam-beam head-tail (BBHT) instability is changed for increasing IP. We discuss simulation results for CEPC and FCCee.
We investigate the effects of dimension-eight operators of the anomalous neutral triple gauge boson interactions in ZZ production at 100 TeV centre of mass energy of circular hadron collider, namely FCC-hh. The analysis is performed on four-lepton final state including the realistic detector effects. The sensitivities to the CP-conserving C_{\tilde{B}W} and CP-violating C_{BW},C_{BB} ,C_{WW} ...
Superconducting thin films have great potential as post-Nb material for use in SRF applications in future accelerators and industry. To test the RF-performance of such films in practice, would require the building and coating of a full RF cavity. Deposition of thin films on such scales in test facilities are challenging, in particular when curved surfaces have to be coated. This greatly...
The present contribution deals with investigations of heat treated Nb-Cu6Sn5 diffusion couples starting from Nb substrate and deposited Cu-Sn layers serving as models for early stages of intermetallic formation during heat treatment of Nb-Cu-Sn wires upon the production of Nb3Sn multifilamentary wires. In the last years, in contradiction to the long-term belief, also a ternary phase with the...
Preliminary studies of top quark pair production in e+e- collision at the production threshold will be presented, where the FCC-ee fast simulation including full particle flow is used.
Dual Readout Calorimetry measures scintillation light and Cherenkov light on the same hadron shower to correct the jet energy in order to compensate hadron and jet energy measurements.
Dual Readout with parallel plastic scintillator and quartz fibers shows promise, but limitations exist including but not limited to radiation damage of the plastic scintillators and high costs.
We present dual...
For the post High Luminosity LHC era several accelerator projects are under study with the aim to increase the discovery potential for new physics at both the high energy and intensity frontier. The hadron-hadron based Future Circular Collider(FCC-hh) is one such project with the goal to collide proton-proton beams at $\sqrt{s} \sim 100$TeV with a bunch crossing rate of 25ns. Some of the major...
One of the well-known difficulties concerning the performances of the Nb coated Cu cavities, is the reproducibility of the results. Two cavities fabricated by the same method and sputtered with the same deposition parameters, may present different performances during the RF characterization. Two main approaches are taken into consideration for this research: substrate and film reproducibility....
The top quark FCNC interactions would be a good test of new physics at present and future colliders. We present an update on study for top-quark-photon and top-quark-Z boson effective FCNC interaction vertices through the production process ep—>eWq+X at future circular collider-electron hadron (FCC-eh). The cross sections for the signal and interfering background have been calculated for...
The global fit of the Standard Model predictions to electroweak precision data, which has been routinely performed in the past decades by several groups, led to the prediction of the top quark and the Higgs boson masses before their respective discoveries. With the measurement of the Higgs boson mass at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in 2012 by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations, the last free...
The technical history of the SLAC/SLC 2-mile Linear Collider will be discussed including the concept, construction, accelerator physics advances, and the collider operation on the Z resonance.
Synchrotron radiation emitted by the 50 TeV protons of the FCC-hh in the last bending and quadrupole magnets upstream the interaction region has been simulated and characterized in terms of emitted power, flux, photons spectrum and fans. The study is focused on the evaluation of the fraction of photons that reaches the experimental region and may hit the detector.
This work was supported by...
The baseline design for the FCC-hh foresees next to the two high luminosity experiments also two lower luminosity experimental insertions. Similar as in the LHC, in these insertions also the beams from the injector will be injected upstream of the experiment. We present here the status of design for these insertions together with the challenges arising from the combination of these two...
We present the first comprehensive analysis of the unitarity thresholds and anomalous thresholds of scattering amplitudes at two loops and beyond based on the loop-tree duality, and show how non-causal unphysical thresholds are locally cancelled in an efficient way when the forest of all the dual on-shell cuts is considered as one. We also prove that soft and collinear singularities at two...
A High Energy Booster (HEB) is needed as an injector for the FCC-hh. This talk outlines the options available based on studies carried out over the last few years. The principal features of each option are shown and a strategy on how to proceed to reach a HEB TDR in 5 years is proposed.
PAL-XFEL is Korea’s first, and the world’s third, hard X-ray free-electron laser facility. PAL-XFEL is based on a 10-GeV S-band normal conducting linac consisting of 170 units of the 3-m long S-band accelerating structure, 46 units of the 80 MW S-band klystron, 41 units of S-band energy doubler, one X-band klystron, and three magnetic bunch compressor chicanes. A photo-cathode RF gun is used...
The Japanese XFEL (X-ray Free Electron Laser), SACLA adopts C-band normal conducting RF acceleration system as a main accelerator. The C-band system has constantly provided an acceleration gradient of about 40 MV/m since 2011 and it has accelerated electron beams up to 8.5 GeV at the maximum keeping sufficiently high stability of RF amplitude and phase required for high performance XFELs....
The unprecendented precision goal of the future FCC-ee machine in key measurements in the Standard Model and beyond will require that the accelerator luminosity is know with extremely high accuracy, at the $10^{-4}$ level and even better. In this context, QED processes (and their accurate theoretical prediction) play the role of precise luminosity monitoring processes: together with the...
The properties of vacuum components working at cryogenic temperature represent a crucial aspect to assure accelerator's best performances. Recently, pulsed laser processing of Cu samples (LASE-Cu) has been demonstrated to produce rough surfaces, whose structuring at the nanoscale ensures an impressive reduction of the secondary electron yield and, then, of electron cloud phenomena. This...
The FCC-ee project studies the design of a future 100 km e+/e circular collider for precision studies and rare decay observations in the range of 90 to 350 GeV centre of mass energy with luminosities in the order of 10$^{35}$ cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$. In order to reach these luminosity requirements, strong focusing is needed in the interaction regions. Large maximum beta values (of 7736 m for the...
In this talk an update of beam polarization expectations for energy calibration at FCCee is given.
The injection kicker system for the Future Circular Collider (FCC-hh) must satisfy demanding requirements. To achieve low pulse ripple and fast field rise and fall times, the injection system will use ferrite loaded transmission line type magnets. The beam coupling impedance of the kicker magnets is crucial, as this can be a dominant contribution to beam instabilities. In addition, interaction...
I give an overview of our analytical and numerical work on the spin polarization in high-energy electron storage rings including progress since our ICAP18 contributions (see: and our IAS contribution (see: We study the possibility of polarization for FCC-ee and CEPC. Our work is based on the so-called...
In this talk the collective effects for the FCC-ee with ttbar configuration will be presented. The resistive wall and RF cavity systems at 400 MHz and 800 MHz are taken into account for the short range wakefield in the longitudinal and transverse planes. The thresholds of the transverse mode coupling and microwave instabilities are evaluated and compared with the Z-pole configuration.
The reduction of secondary electron yield (SEY) is a very effective way of mitigation of electron cloud (e-cloud) and beam induced electron multipacting in accelerator beam chambers and RF wave guides. During the past five years it has been shown that Laser Ablation Surface Engineering (LASE) is very effective method to reduce SEY well below one. Furthermore, it was shown that the reduction...
The non-evaporable getter (NEG) coating is an important component of vacuum systems in many current particle accelerators due to its high evenly distributed pumping speed and low thermal outgassing and electron, photon and ion stimulated desorption yields. Coatings made of compound materials, e.g. TiZrV or TiZrHfV, have been found to have the highest sticking probabilities and lowest...
An X-ray interferometer was proposed for the apparent extremely small beam size measurement in the FCC-ee. The wavelength information is necessary to determine the beam size via interferometry. Certain monochrometer such as band-pass filter is used for identify the wavelength in ordinal interferometer using the visible SR. the K-edge filter is proposed as getting quasi monochromatic X-ray for...
In the framework of the EuroCirCol collaboration (work package 4 "Cryogenic Beam Vacuum System"), three FCC-hh beam screen (BS) prototypes have been tested at the Beam Screen TEstbench Experiment (BESTEX) installed at the 2.5 GeV electron storage ring KARA (KArlsruhe Research Accelerator) light source at the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT). Each of the three BS prototypes, 2 m in...
The further development of turbo-compressors has shown that improvements in design are possible by matching the design of the cryogenic cycle to that of the compressor. Different possibilities of the beam screen Nelium Turbo-Brayton cycle arrangement are analysed. The cryogenic cycles with different arrangements of the pre-cooling turbine are studied and compared including the number of...
Dual Readout Calorimetry measures scintillation light and Cerenkov light on the same hadron shower to correct the jet energy to compensate hadron and jet energy measurements,We present dual readout calorimetry with scintillator and Cerenkov tile readout and beyond to multiple tile readout, with superior energy resolution, radiation resistant ionization sensors in the form of tiles (inorganic...
The FCC-ee vacuum system design presents several challenges, stemming from various technical specifications, namely its sheer unprecedented size, a twin-ring design (contrary to LEP's single-ring), and the fact that it needs to accommodate both a low-energy/high-current and high-energy/low-current machines. Another important challenge is the need to condition the various machines in as short...
In this talk a preliminary overview of the collective effects for the FCC-ee booster will be presented. In particular we will give a first evaluation of the microwave instability threshold and discuss possible actions to eventually increase such a threshold. Finally, a plan for the future work on collective effects of this machine will be discussed.
Software plays a major role in all phases of High-Energy Physics research, from the processing of the first particle collisions to the final end-user analyses. Therefore, the quality of all software products involved must be ensured in order to achieve successful results now and in the future. Quality of software is heavily correlated to multiple stages of the software development process as...
In the foreseen Future Circular Collider-hh operating conditions of 40-60K, 16T and 0-1GHz proton bunch frequency, the intended Cu coating of the beam screen might not guarantee an impedance sufficiently low for a stable beam. This motivates the exploration of high-temperature superconducting coated conductors (CC) as an alternative coating.
In this contribution, we present the surface...
Three different 16 T dipole magnet options for the Future Circular Collider have been designed within the H2020 EuroCirCol collaboration. Namely, a cosθ-type, a block-type, and a common-coil type magnets have been considered. All magnets were designed using the same design criteria related to magnetic field, cable parameter space, mechanical constraints, and quench protection. The quench...
This session will present the main institutional and administrative challenges for the FCC implementation, in particular the compliance with the two Host States’ specific legal requirements in a unique environment.
A 2D collar-based mechanical analysis and a 3D electromagnetic investigation of the 360 T/m FCC main quadrupoles are presented. The magnet coils rely on a conventional cos(2θ) layout. One of the challenges is the windability around the 50 mm aperture of the 16 mm wide Rutherford cable made of 0.85 mm strand. This is going to be investigated in the near future.
Cost-effective manufacturing of Nb3Sn magnets for HE-LHC and FCC could be achieved through optimization of HL-LHC magnet manufacturing performance using key performance indicators (KPI) such as cost and quality. However, optimization of Nb3Sn magnet manufacturing performance is computationally expensive due to the large number of manufacturing parameters, design variables, and KPI, whose...
This talk precedes to the presentation “A first overview of the legal and technical framework for the reuse of FCC’s proposed excavated spoil material” and focuses on advanced online technologies for analysing the excavated materials. In that regard, Industry 4.0 gains great attention and a high priority status. It will give an outlook for proposed important information regarding requirements...
This presentation follows the talk “Excavation material use strategy’” and will give an overview of the current technical and legal situation for the reuse of FCC’s proposed excavated spoil material. First results based on mineralogical, geotechnical and petrophysical analyses will be presented that are directed by the legal framework of national (France and Switzerland) as well as European...
Thus far, the LHC has not discovered any new resonances with the notable exception of the SM-like Higgs boson. Nevertheless, if New Physics states (i.e., new states beyond the SM) exist but are out of reach for the LHC or even a future collider with a higher center-of-mass (CoM) energy, these resonances can manifest themselves in the growth with partonic CoM energy of certain amplitudes below...
Internal oxidation technique could generate nano oxide particles in Nb3Sn strands, which could significantly refine the Nb3Sn grain size and boost the high-field critical current density. Our recent APC (Artificial Pinning Center) Nb3Sn wires with Ta and Zr doping demonstrated substantial grain refinement and significantly increased Jc,nonCu, while retaining the high Bc2 values of the best...
With Higgs measurement prospects reaching the permil level at future lepton colliders, their interplay with the electroweak sector of the standard-model effective field theory is expected to become relevant. We perform the first rather complete effective-field-theory analysis covering jointly the Higgs and electroweak sectors. It allows us to investigate the impact of electroweak parameter...
The current CDR sets a ventilation strategy developed together with EN/CV. CFD simulations of the inflow and outflow requirements of such a new system are necessary to properly size it and ensure performance with all different credible and degraded scenarios (e.g. fire). Additionally, a detailed study on the mechanical smoke dampers and required fire resistance of the ducts will help on...
Double Higgs production is suppressed in the SM and therefore it is a clean probe of new physics. In particular,
I will discuss on the effects the dimension-six operators of the SMEFT and how they will be tested by double Higgs production at future e+e− colliders.
We present a modification of the Interaction Region beam pipe for dilution of the beam energy loss. This approach allows decreasing the diameter of the central beryllium pipe to 20 mm, as a request for further improvement of the Interaction Region and giving more freedom for the FCC detector. Additionally we discuss how additional IR elements like BPMs, bellows and flanges may influence on the...
KAT have manufactured various kinds of wires to achieve an FCC requirement during last two years. As a result, it succeeded in developing a wire having a critical current density of 1,070 A/mm2@16T and an effective diameter of 69 micrometers with short piece length. Recently, our research has been successfully conducted to secure a piece length of 100 m or more. Totally 6 km of strand has been...
The High Energy Large Hadron Collider (HE-LHC), a possible successor of the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) aims at reaching a centre-of-mass energy of about 27 TeV using basically the same 16 T dipoles as for the hadron-hadron Future Circular Collider FCC-hh.
Before concluding on two possible baseline desings, namely an 18$\times$90 (18 LHC-like arc FODO cells with 90$^{\circ}$ phase advance in...
In the framework of the Future Circular Collider study, the option for an energy upgrade of the LHC is explored, the so called High Energy LHC (HE-LHC). To achieve the targeted 27 TeV, it relies on the use of 16 T dipoles, based on $Nb_3Sn$ and which are currently under development for the FCC-hh. At injection energy, the field quality of these dipoles is of major concern due to its large...
We discuss prospects of studying supersymmetric model at future pp circular collider (FCC) with its centre-of-mass energy of ∼100 TeV. We pay particular attention to the model in which Wino is lighter than other supersymmetric particles and all the gauginos are within the kinematical reach of the FCC, which is the case in a large class of so-called pure gravity mediation model based on anomaly...
The Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) is supporting the FCC wire development program by advanced characterization techniques of the superconducting properties of prototype wires and microstructural analysis. The aim of the work is to deepen the understanding of the relationship between the local superconducting properties, the underlying microstructure, and the resulting macroscopic...
Progress in development and processing of HTS-coated conductors is presented regarding general trends and particular cases of the double-disordered YBCO conductors. These coated tapes with a length of 400-600 m show already a very high in-field critical current density, up to 1000 A/mm2 at 20 T, B//c, 4.2 K. Potential for further gaining of critical currents and current density is discussed...
Iron-based superconductors (IBS) since their discovery appeared very promising for applications at 4.2K and high fields. Two technologies are advancing towards realistic applications, namely Powder-In-Tube (PIT) and Coated Conductors (CCs). PIT tapes of the 122 family attained critical current densities Jc of 105A/cm2 at 15T with hot pressing, while CCs on commercially available IBAD and...
Bi-2212 round wire made by powder-in-tube technique has emerged as a very promising conductor for high field NMR and accelerator magnets because it is can be made in multiple multifilament architectures and in the twisted state that benefits low hysteretic losses, isotropic properties, and high magnetic field quality. Bi-2212 powder is now available from two US companies, MetaMateria and...
U.S. Magnet Development Program (US-MDP) has developed a Nb3Sn dipole demonstrator for a post-LHC pp Collider. The magnet has 60-mm aperture, 4-layer shell-type graded coils, and cold iron yoke. The cable in the two inner layers has 28 strands 1.0 mm in diameter and the cable in the two outer layers has 40 strands 0.7 mm in diameter. Both cables are using RRP Nb3Sn wires produced by...
This presentation shows the current status of the microstructural analyses concerning several superconducting materials, envisioned for diverse components of the Future Circular Collider: Nb3Sn, YBCO, MgB2 (Magnets), Tl-1223 (Beam screen) and NbN (RF Cavities). All the samples have to be properly prepared in order to be consequently well characterized by employing different electron microscopy...
Based upon the conceptual design reports for the FCC cryogenic system, the need for more accurate thermodynamic property models of mixtures was identified. Both academic institutes and world-wide industries have identified the lack of reliable equation of state for mixtures used at very low temperatures. Detailed cryogenic architecture modeling and design cannot be assessed without valid fluid...
F2D2, the FCC Flared-ends Dipole Demonstrator, is a 15 T single-aperture short model being developed within a collaboration between CEA Paris-Saclay and CERN. The magnet will be fabricated at CEA and then tested at CERN. The design phase is ongoing at CEA and we will report on its status. The 2D magnetic and mechanical designs have been optimized and allowed defining the operating points and...
The concept of new fast cycled low loss 6 T model dipole cooling at 1.9 K is proposed. The magnet is considered in the context of the FCC-hh high energy injector based on the modernized CERN SPS synchrotron. The new machine would operate in a cycled mode also to feed experimental areas, much like the SPS nowadays. Due to this specific cycled operation, innovative design and development...
The study of high-energy Future Circular Collider (FCC-hh) study includes investigation on thallium based high temperature superconducting materials to act as part of the beam screen for the circulating high energy proton beams stability. At present, the copper coating is used to keep the beam coupling impedance low, but at 50K it might not be sufficiently low. For beam stability, high-...
Development of a Nelium Turbo-Brayton cryogenic refrigerator for the FCC-hh -
EASITrain project status overview
S. Savelyeva, S. Klöppel, Ch. Haberstroh, H. Quack
Technische Universität Dresden - Bitzer Chair of Refrigeration, Cryogenics and Compressor Technology
The scope of the EASITrain project includes the development of the cryogenic system for the 40-60 K beam screen cooling as a...
Direct s¬channel Higgs production in e+e− collisions is of interest if the collision energy spread can be comparable to the natural width of the standard model Higgs boson. At the Future Circular e+ e¬ Collider (FCC¬ee), a monochromatization scheme could be employed in order to reduce the collision energy spread to the target value. This may be achieved by introducing a non¬zero horizontal...
The following work addresses improvements of the resin impregnation systems with the goal to overcome field limiting effects occurring during training like micro-cracks, plastic events, or delamination. A current cooperation between ETH Zürich, Paul Scherrer Institute and CERN, embedded in the CHART (Swiss Accelerator Research and Technology) initiative, aims at the development of tough epoxy...