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SAGEX Kickoff Meeting

G. O. Jones Building (Queen Mary University of London)

G. O. Jones Building

Queen Mary University of London

327 Mile End Road London, E1 4NS United Kingdom

This is the webpage for the inaugural meeting of the European Commission Innovative Training Network SAGEX, or "Scattering Amplitudes, from Geometry to Experiment"

The workshop will consist of research presentations from members of the network (Tuesday-Thursday); and meetings with our industrial partners, as well as administrative meetings (supervisory board, task groups) for the beneficiaries, academic and industrial partners (Friday).

Confirmed speakers:

Zvi Bern
Emil Bjerrum-Bohr
Johannes Blümlein
Andi Brandhuber
John Joseph Carrasco
Lance Dixon
Michael Green
Paul Heslop
David Kosower
Lionel Mason
Tristan McLoughlin
Sven-Olaf Moch
Jan Plefka
Carsten Schneider
Volker Schomerus
Matthias Staudacher


For payment or other administrative queries, please contact Jazmina Vaca Ortiz (

Participants that have not been contacted directly by the organisers are invited to make their own arrangements for accommodation. A convenient option is to stay in College - this can booked at the STAY QM website

Deadline for registration: July 20, 2018. 


Organisers: Lorenzo Bianchi, Andi Brandhuber, Ricardo Monteiro, Gabriele Travaglini, Chris White

  • Andreas Brandhuber
  • Andrei Petrovskii
  • Bill Spence
  • Carsten Schneider
  • Chris White
  • Congkao Wen
  • David Kosower
  • Ekaterina Eremenko
  • Emil Bjerrum-Bohr
  • Erik Postma
  • Gabriele Travaglini
  • Georgios Papathanasiou
  • Jan Plefka
  • Jenna Lane
  • Jenny Collard
  • Johannes Bluemlein
  • John Joseph Carrasco
  • Kati Schwab
  • Kays Haddad
  • Lance Dixon
  • Lionel Mason
  • Lorenzo Bianchi
  • Martyna Maria Kostacińska
  • Matteo Parisi
  • Matthias Staudacher
  • Michael Green
  • Nadia Bahjat-Abbas
  • Nat Levine
  • Ove Scavenius
  • Patrick Dorey
  • Paul Heslop
  • Poul Damgaard
  • Ricardo Monteiro
  • Ricardo Stark-Muchão
  • Rodolfo Panerai
  • Ruth Britto
  • Susanne Milde
  • Sven-Olaf Moch
  • Tim Adamo
  • Tristan McLoughlin
  • vittorio del duca
  • Volker Schomerus
  • Zvi Bern
  • Ömer Gürdoğan
    • 09:30
      Registration G. O. Jones Building

      G. O. Jones Building

      Queen Mary University of London

      327 Mile End Road London, E1 4NS United Kingdom
    • Research Talks: Session 1 G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre

      G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre

      • 1
        Welcome (Prof. Bill Spence, Vice Principal for Research, QMUL)
      • 2
        Integrability, Scattering Amplitudes, and the Breaking of Yangian Invariance
        Speaker: Matthias Staudacher (Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin)
    • 11:00
      Coffee G. O. Jones Foyer

      G. O. Jones Foyer

    • Research Talks: Session 2 G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre

      G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre

      • 3
        Iterative non-iterative Integrals in Higher Loop Calculations
        Speaker: Johannes Blümlein (DESY Zeuthen)
      • 4
        Symbolic Summation and Integration Tools for Feynman Integrals
        Speaker: Carsten Schneider (RISC (Linz) & RISC GmbH)
    • 13:00
      Lunch Room 610, G. O. Jones Building

      Room 610, G. O. Jones Building

    • Research Talks: Session 3 G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre

      G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre

      • 5
        Supergravity at Five Loops
        Speaker: Zvi Bern (UCLA)
      • 6
        Playful Constructions in Double Copy Predictions (a story about stories)
        Speaker: John Joseph Carrasco (CEA Saclay)
    • 16:15
      Coffee G. O. Jones Foyer

      G. O. Jones Foyer

    • Research Talks: Session 5 G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre

      G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre

      • 7
        Amplitudes on plane wave backgrounds

        We set up the study of scattering amplitudes on both gravitational and gauge theory plane wave backgrounds. We do so with a view to exploring the double copy in a semi-nonperturbative framework and to extend the ambi-twistor string formulae to fully curved backgrounds. We give a double copy prescription at three points, and a version of the curved background BCJ relations at four points. We also discuss memory effects and tails of waves.

        Speaker: Lionel Mason (University of Oxford)
    • 11:00
      Coffee G. O. Jones Foyer

      G. O. Jones Foyer

    • Research Talks: Session 6 G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre

      G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre

      • 8
        Classical effective action of dilaton gravity as the double copy of Yang-Mills theory

        I will review the computation of the effective gravitational action in the post-Minkowskian and post-Newtonian approximation by „classically“ integrating out the gravitational field in the path integral. It is then shown how this result for dilaton gravity may be easily obtained through a suitable adaption of the BCJ double copy construction applied to the computation of the effective action for two color charged classical particles in Yang-MIlls theory. It is a summary of our recent paper 1807.09859.

        Speaker: Jan Plefka (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
      • 9
        Transcendental Functions and Integrability
        Speaker: Volker Schomerus (DESY)
    • 13:00
      Lunch Room 610, G. O. Jones Building

      Room 610, G. O. Jones Building

    • Research Talks: Session 7 G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre

      G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre

      • 10
        N=4 SYM amplitudes and cosmic Galois theory

        Scattering amplitudes in planar N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory are dual to light-like polygonal Wilson-loop expectation values. In many cases their perturbative expansion can be expressed in terms of multiple polylogarithms that also obey certain single-valuedness conditions or branch cut restrictions. The rigidity of this function space, together with a few other conditions, allows one to construct the six-point amplitude -- or hexagonal Wilson loop -- through 6 loops. Derivatives of the amplitude can then be used to explore the minimal space of functions expected to contain all such amplitudes, and the structure of the coproduct (or coaction) of its associated Hopf algebra. There is strong evidence that a certain co-action principle is obeyed, which restricts in particular the number of multiple zeta values and alternating sums that can appear.

        Speaker: Lance Dixon (SLAC)
      • 11
        Correlators in N=4 SYM at weak and strong coupling

        I will give an overview of what is known about 4 point correlators of half BPS operators in N=4 SYM both at weak and strong coupling. At weak coupling - in the planar limit - the integrands are known explicitly to 10 loops and give combinations of amplitude integrands at any number of points. It is conjectured that all information needed to extract all n-point l-loop amplitudes is contained in the four-point correlator. These (and higher point) integrands are conjectured to be equivalent to a geometric object the "correlahedron". At strong coupling the correlators are dual via AdS/CFT to graviton amplitudes in IIB string theory on AdS_5 x S^5. We bootstrap these supergravity amplitudes at 1 loop, using recently found tree-level amplitudes, via OPE techniques on the dual CFT side.

        Speaker: Paul Heslop (Durham University)
    • 16:15
      Coffee G. O. Jones Foyer

      G. O. Jones Foyer

    • Research Talks: Session 8 G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre

      G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre

      • 12
        Soft limits and Asymptotic Symmetries
        Speaker: Tristan McLoughlin (Trinity College Dublin)
    • 18:00
      Wine reception Graduate Centre Terrace

      Graduate Centre Terrace

    • Research Talks: Session 9 G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre

      G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre

      • 13
        Direct Solutions of IBP Systems

        In this talk, I present recent work on solving integration-by-parts (IBP) systems for simplifying Feynman integrals. I'll give a brief review of IBP, and also review the idea of generating vectors which block-diagonalize IBP systems. I then present recent work on conjugate polynomials, which fully diagonalize such systems. I also present an application to generating recurrence relations for arbitrary powers of irreducible numerators in Feynman integrals.

        Speaker: David Kosower (CEA Saclay)
      • 14
        QCD splitting functions and cusp anomalous dimensions at four loops
        Speaker: Sven Moch (Universität Hamburg)
    • 11:00
      Coffee G. O. Jones Foyer

      G. O. Jones Foyer

    • Research Talks: Session 10 G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre

      G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre

      • 15
        Gravity Amplitudes and General Relativity

        We will discuss the treatment of general relativity as an effective field theory and discuss recent progress for computation. We will use results for amplitudes to derive theoretical predictions in general relativity.

        Speaker: Emil Bjerrum-Bohr (NBI Copenhagen)
      • 16
        Form factors from N=4 SYM to Higgs+gluon amplitudes
        Speaker: Andreas Brandhuber (Queen Mary University of London)
    • 13:00
      Lunch Room 610, G. O. Jones Building

      Room 610, G. O. Jones Building

    • Colloquium: Professor Michael Green G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre

      G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre

      • 17
        Colloquium: Some features of scattering amplitudes in string theory and quantum field theory (Prof. Michael Green, Cambridge University & QMUL)

        This talk will provide an overview of some properties of scattering amplitudes in superstring theory and their connections to amplitudes in conventional quantum field theory. The talk is aimed to be comprehensible to graduate-level physicists, an well as more advanced researchers.

    • 20:00
      Network Dinner (for senior SAGEX members only)
    • SAGEX Network Meetings: Supervisory Board (including presentations from Private Sector Partners) Room 610, G. O. Jones Building

      Room 610, G. O. Jones Building

    • 11:30
      Coffee Room 610, G. O. Jones Building

      Room 610, G. O. Jones Building

    • SAGEX Network Meetings: Supervisory Board (including presentations from EU team) Room 610, G. O. Jones Building

      Room 610, G. O. Jones Building

    • 12:45
      Lunch Room 610, G. O. Jones Building

      Room 610, G. O. Jones Building

    • SAGEX Network Meetings: Supervisor Training and Work Planning Room 610, G. O. Jones Building

      Room 610, G. O. Jones Building

    • 14:45
      Coffee Room 610, G. O. Jones Building

      Room 610, G. O. Jones Building

    • SAGEX Network Meetings: Task Groups Room 610, G. O. Jones Building

      Room 610, G. O. Jones Building