Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

2nd ARIES Annual Meeting

from Monday 8 April 2019 (09:00) to Friday 12 April 2019 (17:00)
Other Institutes

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
8 Apr 2019
9 Apr 2019
10 Apr 2019
11 Apr 2019
12 Apr 2019
ARIES WP Parallel Meetings (until 12:00) ()
Additive Manufacturing advanced technologies for accelerator applications Workshop (until 17:00) ()
ARIES WP Parallel Meetings (until 10:30) ()
Project meeting - Toms Torims (Riga Technical University) (until 10:30) ()
Sustainability Meeting - Maurizio Vretenar (CERN) (until 10:00) ()
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Governing Board and Steering Committee (until 12:30) ()
Session 3 - Peter McIntosh (STFC) (until 10:40) ()
09:00 Testing of magnets and components at cryogenic temperatures: Report from TNA WP9 - Marta Bajko (CERN)   ()
09:10 Material testing with extreme beams: Report from TNA WP10 - Daniel Severin (GSI)   ()
09:20 Testing with beams: Report from TNA WP11 - Jerome Schwindling (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   ()
09:30 Testing of advanced RF structures: Report from TNA WP12 - Roger Ruber (Uppsala University (SE))   ()
09:40 Plasma beam testing: Report from TNA WP13 - Brigitte Cros (LPGP CNRS)   ()
09:50 Very high gradient acceleration technique: Report from WP18 - Arnd Ernst Specka   ()
10:05 Materials for extreme thermal management: Report from WP17 - Alessandro Bertarelli (CERN) Marilena Tatiana Tomut   ()
10:20 Intense RF modulated e-beams: Report from WP16 - David Ondreka   ()
10:40 --- Coffee Break ---
Session 4 - R Romaniuk (Warsaw University of Technology (PL)) (until 12:25) ()
11:10 Thin film coatings for superconducting cavities: Report from WP15 - Oleg Malyshev (STFC Daresbury Laboratory)   ()
11:25 Fibre optic sensors based on Colloida Crystal structuresl - Michele Giordano (Sezione di Napoli (INFN))   ()
11:45 Deposition and Characterisation of Superconducting thin films of  Nb, NbN and Nb3Sn for SRF applications - Dr Reza Valizadeh (STFC Daresbury Laboratory)   ()
12:05 Laser light with orbital angular momentum and its applications - Jorge Vieira (Instituto Superior Técnico)   ()
IAB Meeting (until 11:00) ()
SAC Meeting (until 12:00) ()
Session 7 - Yacine Kadi (CERN) (until 10:35) ()
09:00 Accelerators for applications in energy and nuclear waste transmutation - Hamid Aït Abderrahim (SCK.CEN)   ()
09:40 The ESS target - Maite Mancisidor (ESS Bilbao)   ()
10:00 Discussion: Future high-power accelerator applications   ()
10:15 Static and oscillating EDM- experiments at storage rings - Achim Stahl (Rheinisch Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))   ()
10:35 --- Coffee Break ---
WAMHTS-5 Workshop (until 12:00) ()
12:00 --- Lunch Break ---
ARIES WP Parallel Meetings (until 18:00) ()
12:30 --- Buffet Lunch ---
Session 1 - Nicholas Sammut (University of Malta (MT)) (until 15:40) ()
13:45 Opening address and introduction to Wigner RCP - Zsuzsanna Tandi (MTA Wigner RCP) Peter Levai (Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU))   ()
14:05 Report from the Project Coordinator - Maurizio Vretenar (CERN)   ()
14:25 Communication, Training and Outreach: Report from WP2 - Ms Daniela Antonio (CERN)   ()
14:40 Industrial and societal applications: Report from WP3 - Rob Edgecock   ()
14:55 Efficient energy management at accelerators: Report from WP4 - Mike Seidel (PSI)   ()
15:10 The European network on novel accelerator concepts: Report form WP5 - Ralph Wolfgang Assmann (DESY)   ()
15:25 Accelerator performance and concept - Frank Zimmermann (CERN)   ()
15:40 --- Coffee Break ---
Session 2 - Anke-Susanne Mueller (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (DE)) (until 18:20) ()
16:10 Ultra-low emittance rings: Report from WP7 - Prof. Riccardo Bartolini (Diamond Light Source and John Adams Institute (Oxford University))   ()
16:25 Advanced accelerator diagnostics: Report from WP8 - Peter Forck (GSI)   ()
16:40 The ARIES Massive Online Open Course - Nicolas Delerue (LAL, CNRS & Université Paris-Sud)   ()
17:00 Reliability information databases and feasibility within accelerator community - Heinrich Humer (AIT AUstrian Institute of Technology)   ()
17:20 The impact of magnetic flux trapping on SRF efficiency - Anton Evgeniev Ivanov (CERN)   ()
17:40 Progress with experimental tests of CLIC damping ring kickers at ALBA - Francis Perez (ALBA-CELLS)   ()
18:00 State-of-the-art closed orbit feedback - Sajjad Hussain Mirza (GSI Darmstadt)   ()
19:00 --- Welcome Drink at Mercure Korona Hotel ---
12:25 --- Buffet Lunch ---
Session 5 - Marilena Tatiana Tomut (until 15:25) ()
13:30 Innovation and industry programme: Report from WP14 - Marcello Losasso (CERN)   ()
13:50 PoC project: Development of hybrid electron accelerator system for the treatment of marine diesel exhaust gas - Prof. Toms Torims (Riga Technical University (LV))   ()
14:10 PoC project: Investigation of new methods for the manufacturing of Cooper-Diamond Composites with tailored thermos-physical properties - Michael Kitzmantel (RHP-Technology GmbH)   ()
14:30 PoC project: Atomic Layer Deposition: An innovative approch for next generation particle accelerator - Claire Antoine (CEA)   ()
14:50 PoC project: Accelerator Diagnostic using innovative Adaptive Optics - Mark Ibison (University of Liverpool)   ()
15:10 HTS for accelerator magnets - Lucio Rossi (CERN)   ()
15:25 --- Coffee Break ---
Session 6 - Maurizio Vretenar (CERN) (until 17:45) ()
15:55 Designs for the next generation of medical accelerators - Elena Benedetto (TERA Foundation (IT))   ()
16:15 Laser plasma proton and ion accelerators for therapy - Prof. Ulrich Schramm (HZDR)   ()
16:35 Superconducting magnets for medical accelerators - Soren Prestemon (LBNL)   ()
16:55 New electron Linac therapies and accelerator designs - Angeles Faus-Golfe (Laboartoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire)   ()
17:15 Discussion: Future directions for particle therapy accelerators   ()
19:30 --- Banquet Dinner ---
12:20 --- Departure for PAKS visit ---
12:35 --- Buffet Lunch for WAMHTS-5 Workshop particpants ---
PAKS visit (until 17:30) ()
WAMHTS-5 Workshop (until 17:30) ()
12:00 --- Buffet Lunch ---
WAMHTS-5 Workshop (until 17:00) ()