2nd ARIES Annual Meeting
Other Institutes
The ARIES (Accelerator Research and Innovation for European Science and Society) Integrating Activity is organising its 2nd Annual Meeting in Budapesr, Hungary in collaboration with the Wigner Research Center for Physics.
The project as well as the activities of the different Work Packages will be presented.
A WP14 Workshop "Additive Manufacturing advanced technologies for accelerator applications" will be organised on Monday 8 April 2019 at Wigner research Institute for Physics, Hungarian Academic os Science.
A few parallel WP meetings will be organised also on Monday 8 April and Tuesday 9 April 2018.
Plenary meeting will begin on Tuesday 9 April 2018 afternoon to Thursday 11 April lunch time.
On Thursday afternoon a visit of the PAKS site will be proposed.
A WAMHTS-5 workshop will be organised form Thursday 11 April afternoon to Friday 12 April 2018.