Francois Vasey
(CERN), Mrs
Heather Hofmeister
(RWTH Aachen University),
Lutz Feld
(RWTH Aachen University)
20/09/2010, 14:00
Bernhard Spaan
(Fachbereich Physik - Universitaet Dortmund)
20/09/2010, 15:00
Karlheinz Meier
(Kirchhoff-Institut fur Physik (KIP))
20/09/2010, 15:20
We will present an overview of current major electronics projects carried out by German groups in the framework of the S-LHC, b-factories and future linear colliders. Cooperations with other scientific fields like hadron physics, medical physics and biophysics will be shown. Finally, the challenge of maintaining a competitive infrastructure for the development of advanced electronics...
Lutz Feld
(RWTH Aachen University)
20/09/2010, 15:40
The physics department of RWTH Aachen University has a long tradition in particle physics. Today, four institutes are active in this field, three in experiment and one in theory. A common focal point is LHC physics. All experimental institutes have contributed to the construction of the CMS experiment, mainly to the silicon tracker, muon system and computing, and are now analysing the data....
Patrick Michel Puzo
(Laboratoire de l''Accelerateur Lineaire (LAL) (IN2P3) (LAL))
20/09/2010, 16:30
Peter Goettlicher
(Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY))
20/09/2010, 17:15
The European free electron laser (EuXFEL) facility will generate coherent and intense X-ray flashes at rates up to 27000 per second. X-rays flashes are generated by passing bunches of electrons, accelerated to 17.5GeV by a superconducting linear accelerator, through magnetic undulators in which electrons emit X-ray flashes by a SASE lasing process. Each flash is intense enough to produce a...
Ralph Assmann
20/09/2010, 18:00
The Large Hadron Collider is presently in its first year of operation for High Energy Physics. The status of beam operation is discussed, presenting the evolution of beam parameters, achieved performance, beam energy and delivered luminosity. Expected and observed limitations are analyzed and the plans for further increases in LHC intensity, luminosity and beam energy are reviewed. Both...
Costanza Cavicchioli
21/09/2010, 09:50
Systems. Planning, installation, commissioning and running experience
This paper describes the tests and measurements made during the final commissioning of the ALICE Silicon Pixel Detector (SPD) in the first year operation with beams and the optimization of its performance.
The ALICE Silicon Pixel Detector (SPD) is the innermost detector of the ALICE experiment. It consists of two cylindrical layers of pixel detectors, with a total of ~10^7 pixels.
David Gascon
(Universitat de Barcelona (ICC-UB))
21/09/2010, 09:50
A fully differential wideband amplifier for the camera of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is presented. This amplifier would be part of a new ASIC performing the digitization at 1-3 GS/s with a dynamic range of 16 bits. Input amplifiers have a voltage gain up to 20 and a bandwidth of 400 MHz. Being impossible to design an 8 GHz GBW fully differential operational amplifier in a 0.35 um CMOS...
Jens Verbeeck
21/09/2010, 10:15
In this work a voltage amplifier with a gain-bandwidth (GBW) product of 2.5Ghz utilizing adaptive biasing has been designed, using a standard CMOS technology. The amplifier was tested under gamma-radiation and temperature and features a gain degradation of 4,5 % up to a total dose of 100kGy and 5.6 % within a temperature range of -40 till 130°C. Finally the importance of including the...
Paolo De Remigis
(INFN sez. di Torino)
21/09/2010, 10:15
Systems. Planning, installation, commissioning and running experience
The electronic readout architecture for the silicon pixel sensors of the PANDA Micro Vertex Detector is presented. The pixels will provide timing, position and energy information; moreover, no trigger signal is foreseen, thus leading to a huge amount of data to be transmitted.
The foreseen readout system is based on a custom ASIC development, named ToPiX, which provides time information via a...
Andreas Sabellek
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
21/09/2010, 11:00
Systems. Planning, installation, commissioning and running experience
The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02) will measure primary cosmic ray particle and gamma ray spectra on board the International Space Station. A transition radiation detector (TRD) provides the capability to identify positrons and antiprotons. Space qualified electronics, developed for the TRD, supply its 5248 proportional counter tubes with high voltage and read out all channels running on...
Ludovic Raux
(Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire (Orsay) / OMEGA)
21/09/2010, 11:00
SPIROC embeds cutting edge features that fulfil ILC final detector requirements. It has been realized in 0.35m SiGe technology. It has been developed to match the requirements of large dynamic range, low noise, low consumption, high precision and large number of readout channels needed.
SPIROC is an auto-triggered, dual gain, 36-channel ASIC which allows to measure on each channel the charge...
Eva Vilella
(University of Barcelona)
21/09/2010, 11:25
The high sensitivity and excellent timing accuracy of Geiger-mode Avalanche PhotoDiodes makes them ideal sensors for particle tracking pixel detectors in high energy physics experiments. However, it is well known that they suffer from dark counts which in practice enlarge the necessary area of the readout electronics. Dark count can be dramatically reduced lowering the bias overvoltage of the...
Peter Lichard
21/09/2010, 11:25
Systems. Planning, installation, commissioning and running experience
The NA62 straw detector, made of 7200 cylindrical straws, is a combined spectrometer and veto detector, which is part of the NA62 experiment at the CERN SPS accelerator. A new version of the full read-out system has been designed and tested on a detector prototype.
A description of this system will be given, as well as test results and plan for future scaling.
Magnus Mager
21/09/2010, 11:50
Systems. Planning, installation, commissioning and running experience
A large volume (90 m^3) Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is exploited at the dedicated heavy ion experiment ALICE ("A Large Ion Colliding Experiment") at CERN LHC as the main tracking detector. Equipped with 557,578 active read-out channels distributed over 4,356 Front-End Cards (FECs) and two endplates of 1.8-5 m in diameter, it is designed to track up to 20,000 particles emerging from a single,...
Deepak Gajanana
21/09/2010, 12:15
A number of possible techniques exists for detecting high energy neutrinos from space. The most widely exploited method is the detection of neutrinos in large volumes of water or ice, using the Cherenkov light from the muons and hadrons produced by neutrino interactions with matter around the detector. A photon sensor (photo multiplier tube aka PMT) is housed in a glass sphere (aka Optical...
Jan Buytaert
21/09/2010, 12:15
Systems. Planning, installation, commissioning and running experience
The LHCb detector and its electronics architecture are optimized for the measurement of b-physics at LHC. The current detector is complete and taking data, and will run at a luminosity of 2 x 10^32 cm-2s-1 to collect around 6fb-1. It is expected to reach this target around 2016 and hence a programme is already underway towards an upgrade of the detector and its electronics systems at this...
Jean-Francois C. GENAT
(University of Chicago)
21/09/2010, 12:40
In the scope of time of flight measurements at the scale of a few pico-seconds, a CMOS fast sampler chip is being developed in a 130nm CMOS technology. It includes a 10-20GS/s timing generator comprising a Delay Locked Loop and programmable sampling windows, and four channels of 256 sampling cells able to record up to of 25 ns of analog information. An input discriminator triggers the freezing...
Ivo Polak
(Institute of Physics, Prague)
21/09/2010, 12:40
Systems. Planning, installation, commissioning and running experience
We will report on several versions of the calibration and monitoring system for the SiPM-based scintillator tile hadron calorimeter for the ILC. Built and tested in the beam, the 1 m3 calorimeter prototype, uses 7600 SiPMs embedded in the small scintillator tiles and represents the biggest up-to date detector equipped with these new and perspective photodetectors. SiPMs requires a highly...
Giovanni Mazza
(INFN sez. di Torino)
21/09/2010, 15:05
The silicon tracker of the NA62 experiment requires the measurement of the particles arrival time with a resolution better than 200 ps rms and a spatial resolution of 300 um.
A time measurement technique based on a Time to Amplitude Converter has been implemented in an ASIC in order to prove the possibility of integrate a TDC with resolution better than 200 ps in a pixel cell. Time walk...
Federico Faccio
21/09/2010, 15:30
The development of a custom radiation-tolerant DCDC converter ASIC is under way, aiming at an input voltage of 10V and an output power up to 8W. CMOS technologies for the development have been tested for radiation, and two of them satisfied the specifications even for upgraded trackers to SLHC levels. The design of 2 ASIC prototypes is presented, with measurements indicating that both the...
Andre Konrad Kruth
(Physics Department, University of Bonn)
21/09/2010, 15:30
GOSSIPO-3 is the demonstrator of a front-end chip for the read-out of Micro Pattern Gas Detectors designed in IBM 130 nm CMOS in collaboration of Nikhef and the Physics Department Bonn.
The prototype features charge sensitive amplifiers, discriminators, a high resolution Time to Digital Converter, Low Drop Out voltage regulators for supply voltage control of the TDC, biasing circuits and...
Gianluca Traversi
(University of Bergamo and INFN Pavia)
21/09/2010, 15:55
This work is concerned with the design of analog circuits for processing the signals from deep n-well (DNW) monolithic CMOS sensors. The DNW MAPS approach takes advantage of the properties of triple well structures to lay out a sensor with relatively large area (as compared to standard MAPS) read out by a classical processing chain for capacitive detectors. Recently, a very promising approach...
John Matheson
(Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
21/09/2010, 15:55
Future detector systems will face technical difficulties with the supply of electrical power to a multitude of sub-detectors. The Serial Powering (SP) scheme is an elegant solution which leads to a great reduction in cable mass, whilst increasing efficiency and reducing cost. In recent years, substantial developments in SP have been made by the ATLAS Tracker Upgrade Community. Initial...
Katja Klein
(I. Physikalisches Institut (B), RWTH Aachen University)
21/09/2010, 16:45
The CMS experiment foresees the deployment of DC-DC buck converters in its pixel and strip tracker upgrades, to facilitate the supply of the required currents with the installed cable plant and with a minimal amount of material.
We have developed DC-DC buck converters based on radiation-tolerant ASICs from the CERN electronics group. Their performance in terms of power efficiency and...
Laura Gonella
(Universität Bonn)
21/09/2010, 17:10
Powering of future trackers at SLHC requires low current distribution for high power efficiency and low material budget. In this framework, we investigate a serial powering scheme for the ATLAS pixel detector at SLHC. A dedicated regulator has been prototyped and largely characterized, both as single device and in a serial powering configuration. System aspects, such as AC-coupled module...
Tomasz Hemperek
(Physikalisches Institut - Universität Bonn)
21/09/2010, 17:10
This article elaborates on a novel pixel readout system-on-chip (SoC) that has been designed to meet the ever increasing demands of the present and future generation of LHC pixel detectors. The FE-I4 architecture has higher luminosity and rate capability as well as a smaller single pixel area compared to its predecessors and is currently the most complex chip designed for particle physics...
Christine HU-GUO
(DRS-IPHC (IReS), University of Strasbourg, CNRS-IN2P3)
21/09/2010, 17:35
A pixel detector, composed of two layers of high resolution Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS), is being designed for the STAR Heavy Flavor Tracker (HFT) upgrade. It allows topological identification of D mesons in heavy ion collisions at RHIC. The sensor chip: named ULTIMATE, is optimized for the ultimate phase of the upgrade in terms of resolution, power consumption and radiation...
David Lynn
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
21/09/2010, 18:00
Cristian Fuentes
21/09/2010, 18:15
Fernando Arteche
(Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón)
21/09/2010, 18:30
Raymond S. Larsen
22/09/2010, 09:50
Systems. Planning, installation, commissioning and running experience
The PICMG xTCA for Physics Specifications Extensions nearing completion are being tested in linac controls applications at DESY (EU XFEL) and at SLAC (ILC R&D, LCLS). New standard crate and module prototypes have been developed through industry partners while a flexible controls architecture is emerging based on a few powerful generic AMC modules backed by application-specific µRTMs. The...
K.K. Gan
(The Ohio State University)
22/09/2010, 09:50
The LHC at CERN will be upgraded in two phases to increase the design luminosity by a factor of ten. The ATLAS experiment plans to add a new pixel layer to the current pixel detector during the first phase of the upgrade. The optical data transmission will also be upgraded to handle the high data transmission speed. A new driver and receiver ASIC has been designed for this new generation of...
Eric Shearer Hazen
(Department of Physics-Boston University-USA)
22/09/2010, 10:15
Systems. Planning, installation, commissioning and running experience
We are developing a MicroTCA Carrier Hub card which will provide
timing, control and data acquisition functions in a MicroTCA crate for SLHC readout electronics. This module may be mounted in the primary or redundant MCH slot in a MicroTCA crate, and distributes low-jitter LHC RF clock and encoded fast timing signals to up to 12 AMC modules.
In addition, it receives buffer status signals and...
Laurent Royer
(Lab. de Physique Corpusculaire (LPC)-IN2P3-Pole Michrau)
22/09/2010, 10:15
A very-front-end chip dedicated to high granularity calorimeters has been designed and its performance measured. This electronics is composed of a low-noise Charge Sensitive Amplifier followed by a bandpass filter based on a gated integrator. This shaper performs intrinsically the analog memorization of the signal before its delayed digital conversion. The analog-to-digital conversion is...
Jochen Knopf
(Heidelberg University)
22/09/2010, 11:00
The international DEPFET collaboration is developing a low mass vertex detector (PXD)for the future BELLE-II experiment at the SuperKEKB particle accelerator in Japan.
The PXD is based on monolithic arrays of DEPFETs which are read out in a rolling shutter mode.
The Drain Current Digitizer ASIC (DCD-B) is used for reading out this detector matrix. It provides 256 channels of Analog-Digital...
Erich Frahm
(University of Minnesota/CMS)
22/09/2010, 11:00
Systems. Planning, installation, commissioning and running experience
We will discuss our recent experiences designing and testing a prototype MicroTCA card for HCAL Trigger and Readout at SLHC. Our second generation prototype uses a Xilinx XC5VFX70T FPGA to perform the high-speed communication and data processing for up to 8 Readout Module fibers that are streaming data at 4.8 Gbps each. The FPGA also uses two SFP+ optical interfaces at 6.4 Gbps each for data...
Gregory Michiel Iles
(Imperial College, London)
22/09/2010, 11:25
Systems. Planning, installation, commissioning and running experience
A demonstrator for a level-1 trigger system has been designed and manufactured. The prototype card uses the AMC double width form factor, 5Gb/s links and a Xilinx XC5VTX150T or XC5VTX240T FPGA. Testing of the prototype is in an advanced stage. Results on the performance will be presented.
Jean-Pierre Cachemiche
(Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille)
22/09/2010, 11:50
Systems. Planning, installation, commissioning and running experience
The LHCb experiment envisages to upgrade its readout speed from 1 MHz to 40 MHz. The consequence for the electronics is higher densities and an increase of serial links speed. Moreover the architecture must be reviewed to cope with links carrying data, clock and slow control at the same time.
Relying on boards compliant with the xTCA standard, we demonstrate how it is possible to build a...
Vladimir Zivkovic
(NIKHEF Institute)
22/09/2010, 11:50
This paper describes an original Design-for-Test (DfT) architecture implemented in the ATLAS FE-I4 pixel readout System-on-Chip (Soc) to accommodate the higher quality demands of future generation LHC detectors. To ensure that the highest possible number of fault-free devices is used during the experiment, the so-called production test to detect faulty devices after the manufacturing has to be...
Datao Gong
(Southern Methodist Univeristy)
22/09/2010, 12:15
A high speed, low power 16:1 serializer is developed using a commercial 0.25 μm silicon-on-sapphire CMOS technology. It operates from 4.0 to 5.8 Gbps in the lab test. Its total jitter is measured to be 62 ps and the bathtub scan demonstrates a 122 ps opening at BER of less than 10-12 level at 5 Gbps. The measured power consumption is 507 mW at this data rate. A proton test of this chip is...
Mikihiko Nakao
22/09/2010, 12:15
Systems. Planning, installation, commissioning and running experience
At the Belle II upgrade of the Belle experiment at KEKB, we expect about20 kHz level-1 trigger rate at the design luminosity of 8 times 10^34/cm^2/s. The Belle II data acquisition system is designed to read out the data from the entire detector at up to 30 kHz, with minimum amount of deadtime of several percent that is unavoidable due to hardware constraints. The system consists of subsystems...
Matthias Wittgen
(Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC))
22/09/2010, 12:40
Systems. Planning, installation, commissioning and running experience
The RCE DAQ system is based on System-On-Chip building Blocks (RCEs) residing in Virtex-4/5 FPGAs and hosted within an ATCA based ecosystem with generic high bandwidth capabilities and 10-GE support. User applications in C++ run on the PowerPC core of the RCEs under the real-time operating system RTEMS.
We will present a new application of these flexible DAQ building blocks targeted for the...
Michal Bochenek
22/09/2010, 12:40
We present designs and hopefully the first test results of two DC-DC switched capacitor converters developed in 0.13μm technology. Both circuits will be used as the building blocks in the power distribution system proposed for the upgraded ATLAS Inner Detector.
Tiankuan Liu
(Department of Physics-Southern Methodist University (SMU))
22/09/2010, 15:05
This paper presents the design, production quality assurance, integration, installation and commissioning of the optical link system for the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter front-end electronics readout. Operation experience and the recent problems with the optical transmitters are discussed. Also presented are the up-to-date results in searching for failure modes, experiences gained in that...
Ashley Greenall
(The University of Liverpool)
22/09/2010, 15:30
The design and performance of prototype single-sided modules with ABCN-25 front-end chips and 10x10 cm2 Hamamatsu silicon strip sensors is presented. A low mass module assembly has been achieved by gluing a single-sided flex circuit, with read out chips, directly onto the sensor. The design exploits the embedded shunt regulation within the ABCN-25 providing for a distributed and scalable...
Annie Xiang
(Southern Methodist University)
22/09/2010, 15:55
This paper presents simulation and experimental studies of optical power penalties on the Versatile Link, the common R&D project on high-speed optical link for SLHC. It also presents how the 10 GbE fiber link model is incorporated into the Versatile Link system level specification.
Receiver sensitivity tests on multi-mode and single-mode fibers over different fiber lengths are demonstrated....
Michael Beimforde
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik)
22/09/2010, 15:55
The on-going production of a demonstrator module for the ATLAS pixel detector upgrade is presented, exploiting thin planar pixel sensors as well as vertical integration technologies developed at the Fraunhofer Institute –IZM in Munich. The Solid-Liquid-InterDiffusion (SLID) technique is employed as an alternative to the bump-bonding process, to connect thin pixel sensors to the ATLAS FE-I3...
Kostas Kloukinas
22/09/2010, 16:45
Tobias Flick
(Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal)
22/09/2010, 16:45
Gregory Michiel Iles
(Imperial College),
Jean-Pierre Cachemiche
(Faculte des Sciences de Luminy),
Magnus Hansen
(CERN), Mr
Raymond S. Larsen
22/09/2010, 16:45
This is the first session of the eventual xTCA working group and everybody are invited to participate
Sandro Bonacini
22/09/2010, 17:00
Federico Faccio
(CERN), Dr
Sandro Bonacini
22/09/2010, 17:30
K.K. Gan
(The Ohio State University)
22/09/2010, 17:40
Jingbo Ye
(Southern Methodist University, Department of Physics)
22/09/2010, 17:50
K.K. Gan
(The Ohio State University)
22/09/2010, 18:15
Andrea Dainese
(INFN Padova)
23/09/2010, 09:00
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will collide lead nuclei in November 2010. Three experiments will collect data during the heavy-ion run: ALICE, which is the dedicated heavy-ion experiment, ATLAS, and CMS.
After the successful commissioning and proton-proton data taking phases, these experiments will face the new challenge posed by the extreme conditions of Pb-Pb collisions, with envisaged...
Louis Lauser
(Physikalisches Institut, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg)
23/09/2010, 09:50
The Recoil-Proton Detector at COMPASS is built to identify protons of DVCS-processes and to trigger on the recoil particle. A front-end module was designed that allows both precise digitization of photomultiplier signals and real-time data-processing. With GANDALF, signals of 16 channels are converted by 12-bit 500 MHz ADCs, zero-time approximation is accomplished by DSP-algorithms in a...
Daniele Dequal
(Università degli studi di Padova)
23/09/2010, 09:50
The ICARUS-T600 detector at LNGS is the first large mass Liquid Argon TPC (LAr-TPC) going into operation in an underground laboratory.
In the development of the electronics, a particular effort has been addressed to study and implement an on-line hit finding algorithm, for the definition of regions of interest (ROI). This feature has shown to be sensitive to small charge depositions (~1 MeV)...
Igor Konorov
(Technische Universitat Munchen)
23/09/2010, 10:15
The COMPASS digital trigger system is an FPGA based real time trigger logic which detects event signature by analyzing already digitized detector information. The trigger system has distributed multi stage architecture. The first stage is implemented in front-end electronics and it runs in parallel to data acquisition. The COMPASS event selection criteria are based on event geometry, extracted...
Jens Dopke
(University of Wuppertal)
23/09/2010, 10:15
With higher instantaneous luminosity, the present Pixel detector system will run into readout inefficiencies. To compensate for those and yet provide good impact parameter resolution with an upgraded LHC, a Layer designed for reading out higher occupancies is to be inserted into Pixel during the Phase1 Upgrade of ATLAS. This additional layer, called IBL (Insertable B-Layer), will include newly...
Steffen Staerz
(Inst. fuer Kern- und Teilchenphysik (IKTP)-Technische Universita)
23/09/2010, 11:00
A new readout driver (ROD) is being developed as a central part of the signal processing of the ATLAS liquid-argon calorimeters for operation at the sLHC. In the architecture of the upgraded readout system, the ROD modules will have several challenging tasks: receiving of up to 1.4 Tb/s of data per board from the detector front-end on multiple high-speed serial links, low-latency data...
Olivier Bourrion
(Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (LPSC)-Univ)
23/09/2010, 11:00
The electromagnetic calorimeter (EMCAL) of ALICE is a large acceptance calorimeter that will enhance the capabilities for jet measurement. Based on the previous development made for the Photon Spectrometer (PHOS) level-0 trigger, a specific electronic upgrade was designed in order to allow a fast triggering on high energy jets (level-1). This development was made possible by the use of the...
Steffen Lothar Muschter
(Stockholm University)
23/09/2010, 11:25
The GigaBit Transceiver (GBT) has been developed to provide data transmission and to replace the Timing , Trigger and Control (TTC) system between on-detector and off-detector components in future sLHC detectors. A VHDL version of the GBT-SERDES, designed for FPGAs, has been released in March 2010 as a GBT-FPGA Starter Kit for future GBT users and for off-detector GBT implementation. This code...
Juraj Bracinik
(University of Birmingham, UK)
23/09/2010, 11:25
The ATLAS first-level calorimeter trigger is a hardware-based system designed to identify high-pT jets, electron/photon and tau candidates and to measure total and missing ET in the ATLAS calorimeters. After more than two years of commissioning in situ with calibration data and cosmic rays, the system has now been extensively used to select the most interesting proton-proton collision events....
Nick Ryder
23/09/2010, 11:50
The Versatile Link project is a joint effort between CERN and several experiments to develop a high-speed optical link for use in the LHC upgrades. Of concern to the project is the fact that optical fibres experience higher levels of attenuation at low temperatures for the same integrated dose. This paper describes a CO2 cooling system which was used in a radiation environment for exposures of...
Sergio Diez Cornell
(Instituto de Microelectronica de Barcelona - Centro Nacional de Microelectronica IMB-CNM (CSIC))
23/09/2010, 12:15
This work presents radiation hardness studies performed on LDMOS devices of SGB25VGOD technology from IHP Microelectronics. These devices would constitute the power switches of the buck converters on the DC-to-DC powering scheme for the ATLAS Upgrade silicon tracker. Devices were irradiated with neutrons up to the target fluences expected inside ATLAS Upgrade. They exhibited very good...
Robert Richter
(Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik)
23/09/2010, 12:15
The upgrade of the LHC towards luminosity beyond the design value requires improved L1 trigger selectivity in order to keep the maximum total trigger rate at 100 kHz. In the ATLAS L1 muon trigger system this necessitates an increase of the pT threshold for single muons. Due to the limited spatial resolution of the trigger chambers, however, the selectivity for tracks above ~20 GeV/c is...
Jinlong Zhang
(Argonne National Laboratory (ANL))
23/09/2010, 12:40
The existing three-level ATLAS trigger system is deployed to reduce the event rate from the bunch crossing rate of 40 MHz to ~200 Hz for permanent storage at the LHC design luminosity of 10^34 cm^-2 s^-1. When the LHC reaches beyond the design luminosity, the load on the Level-2 trigger system will significantly increase due to both the need for more sophisticated algorithms to suppress...
K.K. Gan
(The Ohio State University)
23/09/2010, 15:10
Eisse Mensink
(Bruco Integrated Circuits B.V.)
23/09/2010, 16:00
Pixel chips generate a large amount of data. In the foreseen application, the data has to be transported off chip via a micro twisted-pair cable. Because of the low bandwidth of the cable, equalization is needed. Pulse-width modulation turns out to be the best equalization method at the transmitter side. However, at 10Gb/s the eye-opening at the receiver side is very sensitive to the exact...
Tiankuan Liu
(Department of Physics-Southern Methodist University (SMU))
23/09/2010, 16:00
An LC phase locked loop ASIC, fabricated in a commercial 0.25-µm Silicon-on-Sapphire CMOS technology, has been characterized in lab. Random jitter and deterministic jitter are less than 2.5 ps and 10 ps, respectively. The power consumption at 4.9 GHz is 218 mW. The measured tuning range, from 4.7 to 5.0 GHz, is narrower than the simulated values of from 3.8 to 5.0 GHz. The narrow tuning range...
Sander Heuvelmans
(Bruco Integrated Circuits B.V.)
23/09/2010, 16:00
Increasing luminosity in high energy physics experiments leads to new challenges in the design of data acquisition systems for pixel detectors. With the upgrade of the LHCb experiment, the data processing will also be changed; all hit data will be transported off the pixel chip, without any trigger selection. A read-out architecture is proposed which is able to obtain low hit data loss on...
Patrick Pangaud
(Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM))
23/09/2010, 16:00
Hybrid pixels detectors featuring high spatial resolution, very good signal to noise ratio and radiation hardness are currently used in vertex detectors for High Energy Physic experiments. As technology shrinking reaches some limitations, a way to face challenges of ATLAS/SLHC future hybrid pixel vertex detectors is to use the emerging 3-D technologies. This talk presents the design and test...
Daniel Paer Erik Eriksson
(Department of Physics-Stockholm University)
23/09/2010, 16:00
The ATLAS TileCalorimeter contains some 2000 digitizer boards with 2 TileDMU ASICs on each board. Although we have the agreed number of spares this paper discusses a backup version of the digitizer to be used in case more units are required. The TileDMU has been replaced with a cheap and readily available FPGA (Spartan 6) and we have replaced some components to protect against obsolescence....
Alan Prosser
23/09/2010, 16:00
A collaboration between Fermilab and the Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP), Beijing has developed a test beam telescope for the IHEP test beam facility. This telescope is based on 5 stations of silicon strips detectors with a pitch of 60 microns. The total active area of the detector is about 12cm x 10cm. Readout of the strips is provided through the use of VA1' ASICs mounted on custom...
Matteo Beretta
(Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare (INFN) - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati)
23/09/2010, 16:00
We describe a VLSI processor for pattern recognition based on Content Addressable Memory (CAM) architecture, optimized for on-line track finding in high-energy physics experiments. A large CAM bank stores all trajectories of interest and extracts the ones compatible with a given event. This task is naturally parallelized by a CAM architecture able to output identified trajectories, recognized...
Alessandro Gabrielli
(Dipartimento di Fisica)
23/09/2010, 16:00
An additional inner layer for the existing ATLAS pixel detector, called insertable B-layer (IBL), is under design and it will be installed by LHC-PHASE1. New front-end readout ASICs have already been fabricated and will replace the previous chips in this layer. The new system features higher readout speed - 160Mbit/s per ASIC - and simplified control. The current data acquisition chains are...
Petra Haefner
(MPI Munich)
23/09/2010, 16:00
The SemiConductor Tracker (SCT), made up from silicon micro-strip detectors is the key precision tracking device in ATLAS, one of the experiments at CERN LHC.
The completed SCT is in very good shape: 99.3% of the SCT strips are operational, noise occupancy and hit efficiency exceed the design specifications.
In the talk the current status of the SCT will be reviewed. We will report on the...
Charge Sensitive Amplifier (CSA) in cold gas of Liquid Argon (LAr) Time Projection Chamber (TPC)
Herve Mathez
(Institut de Physique Nucleaire de Lyon (IPNL)-Universite Claude)
23/09/2010, 16:00
The common channel of this 8-channel chip is made of a Low noise Charge Sensitive Amplifier (CSA) with respectively 250fF and 4MΩ feedback capacitance and resistance. The CSA is followed by a bandpass filter centred at 1µs and a buffer line driver. An ‘i2c-like’ protocol serial link allows slow control of registers, giving multiple configuration features to the circuit. The input referred...
Jennifer Merz
(RWTH Aachen University)
23/09/2010, 16:00
For a new CMS tracker at SLHC cooling of the silicon sensors and their electronics is a crucial issue. An evaporative CO2 system is currently under investigation, which could provide more cooling power at a lower mass than the current mono-phase liquid system. Additionally CO2 could allow lower operating temperatures, which is beneficial for the sensor performance and lifetime.
Kathrin Becker
(Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal, Germany)
23/09/2010, 16:00
Upgrades of the LHC and the ATLAS experiment will include a new pixel detector. To operate a future pixel detector a completely new detector control system (DCS) is needed, that is embedded in the pixel electronic systems. Next to high reliabilty the requirements for the detector control system are low mass, less usage of material and cable and radiation hardness to always guarantee a save...
Design and characterization of an SEU-robust register in 130nm CMOS for application in HEP ASICs
Sandro Bonacini
23/09/2010, 16:00
A new SEU-robust D-flip-flop register structure was designed in 130 nm CMOS for utilization in a rad-tolerant library. The register was tested in a heavy ion beam facility and showed a cross section lower than 1e-10 cm²/bit in the LET range (1.2 – 62.0 MeVcm²/mg) representing an improvement of 1000 times over previously studied standard library cells. No errors were observed at LETs under 30 MeVcm²/mg.
Francesco Fiori
(INFN Sezione di Pisa (INFN))
23/09/2010, 16:00
Experience at high luminosity hadrons collider experiments shows that tracking
information enhances the trigger rejection capabilities while retaining high efficiency for interesting physics events. The design of a tracking based trigger for Super LHC (S-LHC), the already envisaged high luminosity upgrade of the LHC collider, is an extremely challenging task, and requires the identification...
annie xiang
(Southern Methodist University)
23/09/2010, 16:00
This paper presents a Bit Error Rate (BER) Tester implemented in an Altera Stratix II GX signal integrity development kit. Architecture of the tester is described. Experimental and simulation results are discussed.
A parallel to serial PRBS generator and a bit/link status error detector are deployed to characterize serial data link performance. The auto-correlation pattern enables receiver...
(Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert CURIEN,France; Northwestern Polytechnical University, China)
23/09/2010, 16:00
This paper presents an on-chip low dropout (LDO) regulator which provides the clamping voltage in monolithic active pixel sensors (MAPS) for STAR experiment. By utilizing a buffer and a serial RC network, the regulator can achieve good stability, low power and low noise. Its output voltage is programmable by using a digital-controlled resistor. The proposed LDO regulator has been implemented...
Osamu Sasaki
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
23/09/2010, 16:00
The present muon Level-1 trigger of the ATLAS is given by dedicated detectors for the trigger; RPC and TGC chambers in barrel and endcap regions, respectively. The monitored drift tube (MDT) chambers and the CSC are used for precision measurements of muon tracks. The performance of the muon Level-1 trigger is limited by the momentum resolution of the trigger chambers. In order to improve the...
Takashi Hayakawa
(Department of Physics-Kobe University-Unknown)
23/09/2010, 16:00
In 2009 the first beam collision was occurred at LHC and the ATLAS detector has started data taking with beam collision at 7TeV since May 2010.
Thanks to the eagerest commissioning works with test pulses, cosmic rays and single beams, the Level-1 endcap muon trigger system can successfully provide trigger signals on proper timing for the ATLAS detector. The phase adjustment of the gate...
Tim Martin
(University of Birmingham, UK)
23/09/2010, 16:00
The design of minimum bias triggers should allow for a highly efficient selection on pp-collisions, while minimising any possible bias in the event selection. In ATLAS two main minimum bias triggers have been developed using complementary technologies. A hardware based first level trigger, consisting of 32 plastic scintillators, has proven to efficienctly select pp-interactions. In particular...
Ricardo Marco Hernandez
(Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC)-Universitat de Valencia-U)
23/09/2010, 16:00
A telescope for a beam test have been developed and it is described. This system is intended to carry out both analogue charge collection and spatial resolution measurements with different types of microstrip or pixel silicon detectors in a beam test environment.
The telescope has four XY measurement as well as trigger planes (XYT board) and it can accommodate up to twelve devices under test...
Sebastian Manz
(Heidelberg University)
23/09/2010, 16:00
Since 2007 we design and develop a ROC (read-out controller) for FAIR's data-acquisition. While our first implementation solely focused on the nXYTER, today we are also designing and implementing readout logic for the GET4 which is supposed to be part of the ToF detector and the CBM-XYTER which is supposed to be used in various other detectors like the STS or the TRD detectors. Furthermore we...
Tullio Grassi
(FNAL / Univ. of MD)
23/09/2010, 16:00
We present an upgrade plan for the CMS HCAL front-end electronics. The HCAL upgrade is required for the increased luminosity of SLHC Phase I which is targeted for 2015. A key aspect of the HCAL upgrade is to add detector segmentation. The increased segmentation is achieved by replacing the hybrid photodiodes (HPDs) with silicon PMTs (SiPMs). We plan to instrument each fiber of the calorimeter...
(Laboratoire de l Accélérateur Linéaire)
23/09/2010, 16:00
PARISROC is the front-end ASIC designed to read 16 photomultiplier (PM) tubes for neutrino experiments. It’s able to shape, discriminate, convert and readout data in an autonomous and channel-independent mode. The tests made on PARISROC1 have shown some limitations on time measurements and on hit rate capability. In order to correct these points, the digital part of PARISROC2 has been...
Christian Irmler
(HEPHY Vienna)
23/09/2010, 16:00
A major upgrade of the KEK-B factory (Tsukuba, Japan), aiming a peak luminosity of 8 x 10^35 / (cm^2s), which is 40 times the present value, is foreseen until 2013. Consequently an upgrade of the Belle detector and in particular its Silicon Vertex Detector (SVD) is required. We will introduce the concept and prototypes of the full readout chain of the Belle II SVD. Its APV25 based front-end...
Paul Rubinov
23/09/2010, 16:00
This report describes a system designed to simplify the use of SiPM in small scale projects, with 1 to 100 SiPMs. The system consists of 4ch digitizer boards (called TB4), and Windows software. Each TB4 contains 4 channels of electronics with gain appropriate for use with SiPMs, and four 14bit, 250MSPS digitizers. Each TB4 also has a Cockroft Walton voltage multiplier to generate the necessary...
Benjamin Lemouzy
(Conseil Europeen Recherche Nucl. (CERN))
23/09/2010, 16:00
The goal of the LHCb readout upgrade is to speed up the DAQ to 40 MHz. Such a DAQ system will certainly employ 10 Gigabit or similar technologies and might also need new networking protocols such as a customized, light-weight TCP or more specialised protocols. A test module is being implemented, which integrates in the existing LHCb infrastructure. It is a multiple 10-Gigabit traffic...
Robert Schnell
(HISKP, University Bonn)
23/09/2010, 16:00
This work presents an FPGA-based readout system for double-sided silicon strip sensors based on the APV25 Frontend-Chip. The system consists of an ADC-card and a digital readout board containing an FPGA. Data extraction algorithms implemented in the FPGA allow baseline and pedestal correction, hit detection and event-building. These algorithms provide an efficient data reduction tool and high...
Alan Prosser
23/09/2010, 16:00
Particle physics detectors utilize readout data links requiring a complicated network of copper wires or optical fibers. These links are both massive and costly. Upgrades to such detectors may require additional bandwidth to be provisioned with limited space available to route new cables or fibers. In contrast, free-space optical interconnects will offer cableless readout, thereby resulting in...
Andrej Seljak
(Jožef Stefan institute, Ljubljana Slovenia)
23/09/2010, 16:00
For the upgrade of the Belle detector (Belle-II) at the KEK collider, we are developing a proximity focusing ring imaging Cherenkov detector using aerogel as radiator, which will allow efficient separation of kaons from pions in the wide range of particle momenta up to 4Gev/c. One of the photon detector candidates (which has to operate in a strong magnetic field of 1.5T) is a HAPD of proximity...
Fernando Arteche
(Instituto Tecnologico de Aragon)
23/09/2010, 16:00
The characterization of the noise emissions of DC-DC converters and their impact at the system level is critical to optimize the design of the detector and define rules for the integration strategy. This paper presents the effects of the circuitry impedance of the tracker power distribution network on the noise emissions of DC-DC converters. It allows to quantify the real noise emitted by the...
Andrea Salamon
(INFN Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata)
23/09/2010, 16:00
We present test results and characterization of a data transmission system based on a last generation FPGA and a commercial QSFP+ module.
QSFP+ standard defines a hot-pluggable transceiver available in copper or optical cable assemblies for an aggregated bandwidth of up to 40 Gbps.
We implemented a complete testbench based on a commercial development card mounting an Altera Stratix IV FPGA...
Daniel Tapia Takaki
(University of Birmingham / at CERN)
23/09/2010, 16:00
In the ALICE experiment, the Low-Voltage Differential Signalling (LVDS) format is used for the transmission of trigger inputs from the detectors to the Central Trigger Processor (CTP), the L0 trigger outputs from Local Trigger Units (LTU) boards back to the detectors and the BUSY inputs from the sub-detectors to the CTP. ALICE has designed a developed set-up, called the LVDS transmission...
Sylvie BLIN
(LAL Orsay - IN2P3)
23/09/2010, 16:00
The MAROC ASICs family is dedicated to the readout of 64-channel Multi Anode PMT and similar detectors.
Its main roles are to correct the gain spread of MAPMT channels thanks to an individual variable gain preamplifier and to discriminate the input signals (from 50fC i.e 1/3 photo-electron) in order to produce 64 trigger outputs.
A multiplexed analog charge output is also available with a...
Tobias Flick
(Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal)
23/09/2010, 16:00
Future high energy physics experiments will operate at energies much higher than the present ones. To read out even the innermost detectors electronics and optical components must be developed to survive the harsh conditions during the lifetime of the experiments. It has been found that for VCSEL the irradiation hardness is connected to the temperature behavior of the device and that an...
Thomas Würschig
(HISKP, Uni Bonn)
23/09/2010, 16:00
The Micro-Vertex-Detector is the innermost detector of the PANDA experiment using silicon pixel detectors in the inner and double-sided microstrip detectors in the outer parts.
The ongoing hardware development, the implementation of the cooling system and the detector integration will be highlighted. This includes a summary of measurements with test systems, the machining of support...
Gisèle Martin-Chassard
(OMEGA, Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire, LAL, Université Paris-Sud, CNRS/IN2P3)
23/09/2010, 16:00
MICRO MEsh GAseous Structure (MICROMEGAS) and Gas Electron Multipliers (GEM) detectors are two candidates for the active part of a Digital Hadronic CALorimeter (DHCAL) as part of a high energy physics experiment at the International Linear Collider. Physics requirements lead to a highly granular hadronic calorimeter with up to thirty million channels with probably only hit information (digital...
Spyridon Georgakakis
23/09/2010, 16:00
High Level Synthesis takes an abstract behavioural or algorithmic description of a digital system and creates a register transfer level structure that realises the described behaviour. Various methodologies have been developed to perform such synthesis tasks. Much research has lead to the development of electronic design automation tools capable of HLS that are now being accepted by industry....
Alan Prosser
23/09/2010, 16:00
This paper describes the assessment of commercially available and prototype parallel optics modules for possible use as back end components for the Versatile Link common project. The assessment covers SNAP12 transmitter and receiver modules as well as optical engine technologies in dense packaging options. Tests were performed using vendor evaluation boards (SNAP12) as well as custom...
Sergio Silva
(INESC Porto, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto)
23/09/2010, 16:00
In an optical transceiver, the power consumption related to the operation of the laser device takes a significant parcel of the total consumed power. The reduction of it is an important issue when a large number of transceiver devices are interconnected in an optical network, such as the one that supports the data transmission in particle physics experiments. An analysis and simulation results...
Brad Weber
(Max Planck Institute For Physics - Munich)
23/09/2010, 16:00
We present the performance of a newly developed analogue chip for readout of the ATLAS muon drift-tube (MDT) chambers, using the IBM 130 nm CMOS 8RF-DM technology. The 4-channel Amplifier-Shaper-Discriminator (ASD) chip of 2.1 * 2.1 mm2 size was designed to match the analogue performance of the presently used device in 0.5 um Agilent technology, which is now obsolete. The aim of this first...
Ringo Schmidt
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY))
23/09/2010, 16:00
The Beam Conditions and Radiation Monitoring System, BRM, is implemented in CMS to protect the detector and provide an interface to the LHC. Seven sub-systems monitor beam conditions and the radiation level on different time scales. They detect adverse beam conditions, facilitate beam tuning close to CMS, and measure the doses accumulated in different detector components. Data are taken and...
Eric Wanlin
(Institut de physique nucleaire d’Orsay – CNRS-IN2P3/Universite Paris 11)
23/09/2010, 16:00
The next generation of proton decay and neutrino experiments, the post-SuperKamiokande detectors as those that will take place in megaton size water tanks, will require very large surfaces of photodetection and a large volume of data. Even with large hemispherical photomultiplier tubes (PMT), the expected number of channels should reach hundreds of thousands. An french ANR funded R&D program...
G. Spiazzi
(Universita di Padova, Italy)
23/09/2010, 16:00
This paper investigates the use of switching converters for the power supply distribution network in the ATLAS experiment when the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be upgraded beyond the nominal luminosity. Due to the highly hostile environment the converters must operate in, all the main aspects are considered in the investigation, from the selection of the switching converter topologies to...
Chonghan Liu
(Southern Methodist University)
23/09/2010, 16:00
A number of critical active and passive components of optical links are successfully tested at 77 K or lower, demonstrating a potential to develop optical links operating inside the Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) detector cryostat. Ring oscillators, individual MOSFETs, and a 16:1 5-Gbs serializer fabricated in a commercial 0.25-um Silicon-on-Sapphire (SoS) CMOS technology...
Jan Sammet
(RWTH Aachen University)
23/09/2010, 16:00
A new powering scheme is considered to be mandatory for the CMS tracker at SLHC. The baseline solution of CMS foresees the use of DC-DC converters, allowing to provide larger currents while reducing losses. An important component of most converters are inductors, which, however, tend to radiate the switching noise generated by the converter. The radiated emissions of several converters have...
Alan Prosser
23/09/2010, 16:00
The upgrades of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) introduce a significant challenge to the power distribution of the detectors. DC-DC conversion is the preferred powering scheme proposed to be integrated for the CMS tracker to deliver high input voltage levels and performing a step-down conversion nearby the detector modules. In this work, we investigate the integrity of power distribution and...
Michael King
(Vanderbilt University)
23/09/2010, 16:00
The radiation response of a commercial 0.25 μm silicon-on-sapphire CMOS technology was characterized at the transistor and circuit levels utilizing standard or enclosed layout devices. Device-level characterization showed ΔVT of less than 170 mV and ΔILEAKAGE of less than 1 nA for nMOSFET and pMOSFET devices at a total dose of 100 krad(SiO2). The increase in power supply current at the circuit...
Salleh Ahmad
(LAL,Orsay - IN2P3)
23/09/2010, 16:00
SPACIROC is designed for the JEM-EUSO observatory onboard of the International Space Station (ISS). This 64 channels readout ASIC offers photon counting capability and includes a charge to time (Q-to-T) converter. The main requirement for the photon counting is to obtain a 100% trigger efficiency starting from 1/3 p.e. with a 10 ns double pulse resolution. As for the Q-to-T converter, the chip...
Timo Tick
(CERN – PH department, 1211 Geneva 23 Switzerland, On behalf of all the members of the Medipix HPD team)
23/09/2010, 16:00
This paper describes the design of a high-speed, single-photon counting, hybrid photon detector. The detector consists of a vacuum tube, containing a micro channel plate and 4 CMOS pixel read out chips, sealed with a transparent optical input window with a photocathode.
The described design utilizes currently available technologies, specifically the Timepix read out chips, and the Photonis...
Pablo Fernandez Carmona
23/09/2010, 16:00
To reach a sufficient luminosity, the transverse beam sizes and emittances in future linear particle accelerators should be reduced to the nanometer level. Mechanical stabilization of the quadrupole magnets is of the utmost importance for this. The piezo actuators used for this purpose can also be used to make fast incremental orientation adjustments with a nanometer resolution.
The main...
Sebastien Drouet
(Institut de physique nucleaire d’Orsay – CNRS-IN2P3/Universite Paris 11)
23/09/2010, 16:00
PARISROC_V2 is a complete read out chip, in AMS SiGe 0.35µm technology, for photomultipliers array. It allows triggerless acquisition for next generation neutrino experiments and its belongs to an R&D program funded by the French national agency for research (ANR) called PMm²: “Innovative Electronics for photodetectors array used in High Energy Physics and Astroparticles”. The ASIC integrates...
Markus Friedl
(HEPHY Vienna)
23/09/2010, 16:00
The pixel detector of the CMS experiment at the LHC is read out by analog optical links, sending the data to 9U VME Front-End Driver (FED) boards located in the electronics cavern. There are plans for the phase 1 upgrade of the pixel detector (~2015) to add one more layer, while significantly cutting down the overall material budget. At the same time, the optical data transmission will be...
Saverio Minutoli
(INFN - Genova)
23/09/2010, 16:00
The TOTEM Read-Out Card (ROC) is the main component of the T1 forward telescope front-end electronic system. It is mounted in the “Local Detector region” of the T1 detector structure between the “On Detector Region” represented by the front-end hybrids and the “Counting Room”. The ROC main objectives are to acquire tracking data and trigger information from the T1 Cathode Strip Chamber (CSC)...
Mikhail Matveev
(Rice University)
23/09/2010, 16:00
The present Muon Port Card (MPC) provides sorting of incoming
Level 1 Trigger primitives and optical transmission of three best ones to the Track Finder within the Cathode Strip Chamber CSC)sub-detector at the CMS experiment at CERN.
The transmission system comprises 180 1.6Gbps links; it has been in operation since 2008. The proposed Super-LHC upgrade implies higher data volume to be...
Andrei Khomich
(Kirchhoff-Institut fuer Physik, Heidelberg University)
23/09/2010, 16:00
The ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger is a hardware-based pipelined system designed to identify high-pT objects in the ATLAS calorimeters within a fixed latency of 2.5us. It consists of three subsystems: the PreProcessor which conditions and digitizes analogue signals and two digital processors. The majority of the PreProcessor's tasks are performed on a dense Multi-Chip Module(MCM)consisting...
Markus Fras
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik)
23/09/2010, 16:00
The Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) technology allows protection of the functionality of FPGAs against single event upsets (SEUs). Each logic block is implemented three times with a 2-out-of-3 voter at the output. Thus, the correct logical value is available even if there is an upset bit in one location. We applied TMR to the configuration code of a Virtex-II-2000 FPGA, which serves as the...
Gianluca Aglieri Rinella
24/09/2010, 09:00
ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is a general purpose heavy-ion detector at the CERN LHC, addressing the physics of strongly interacting matter and the quark-gluon plasma in nucleus-nucleus collisions.
ALICE has been recording physics data since the first proton-proton collisions at LHC as reference for the heavy-ion programme and to address physics topics for which it is complementary...
Anders Ryd
(Cornell University)
24/09/2010, 09:40
The performance of the CMS detector during the first operation with beam from the LHC is reviewed. The talk will discuss the overall performance of the CMS detector with some emphasis on operational aspects related to electronics
Karol Hennessy
(Department of Physics-Oliver Lodge Laboratory-University of Live)
24/09/2010, 10:00
The LHC 7TeV Physics programme started at the end of March 2010. This talk highlights the experiences of running the LHCb detector with early pp-collisions from the LHC. An overview of the operation of the detector with the first 100nb^-1 will be given, and the challenge of running the detector smoothly in the initial data taking stages. Focus will be given to the performance of the hardware...
Jonathan Z Efron
(University of Wisconsin)
24/09/2010, 11:10
We report on the first operations of the CMS Regional Calorimeter Trigger (RCT) with collisions. Many first physics analyses at CMS have used calorimeter triggers. The RCT receives 8 bit energies and a data quality bit from the HCAL and ECAL Trigger Primitive Generators (TPGs) and sends it to the Global Calorimeter Trigger (GCT) after processing. The RCT hardware consists of 1 clock...
Dominick Olivito
(University of Pennsylvania)
24/09/2010, 11:35
The ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) is the outermost of the three sub-systems of the ATLAS Inner Detector containing close to 350,000 thin-wall drift tubes (straws) operated with a Xenon-based gas mixture. The characteristics of the TRT data acquisition are exemplified by the front end electronics. These consist of separate analog and digital ASICS, the ASDBLR and DTMROC. The...
Federico Alessio
24/09/2010, 12:00
The acquisition board is used as a readout board for the LHCb beam pickups in order to continuously monitor the bunch intensities and the phase of the bunches of protons with respect to the LHC bunch clock, and as a high-speed and high-sensitivity readout system for a scintillator background monitor which records fast beam losses with time information.
In this paper we will describe its...
24/09/2010, 14:00
24/09/2010, 15:45
Optoelectronics and Links