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Gauge/Gravity Duality 2021

ZOOM only (CERN)

ZOOM only


Alexander Zhiboedov (CERN), Julian Sonner (Universite de Geneve (CH))

 Gauge/Gravity Duality has established itself as a significant link between gravitation and quantum field theory. It provides a major tool for describing strongly coupled quantum systems. It relates concepts of information of black hole physics and quantum information theory. Moreover, it creates significant new links between quantum field theory and string theory. Previous conferences in this series have been held in Würzburg (2018), Florence (2015) and Munich (2013).

The aim of the conference is to explore all aspects of gauge/gravity duality, both applied and theoretical, and to generate an extensive exchange of ideas. 

At the conference, the topics to be discussed include gauge/gravity duality in the context of:

• Quantum information, 
• Applications to condensed matter physics, 
• Applications to particle physics and to cosmology, 
• Supergravity, integrability and the conformal bootstrap.


Jinbeom Bae, Luca Delacretaz, Mario Flory, Veronika Hubeny, Andreas Karch, Igor Klebanov, Baur Mukhametzhanov, Natalia Pinzani-Fokeeva, Ronnie Rodgers, Gabor Sarosi, Wilke van der Schee, Junggi Yoon


Johanna Erdmenger, Nick Evans, Jerome Gauntlett, Keun-Young Kim, Nakwoo Kim, Amit Sever, Sang-Jin Sin, Julian Sonner, Sasha Zhiboedov

This event is partly supported by the CERN-Korea theory collaboration program as well as the NCCR SwissMAP “The mathematics of physics”.


This year the conference will be online via zoom, see on the side menu for more details
  • Aayush Verma
  • Abantika Ghosh
  • Abdelhamid Haddad
  • abishek khatri
  • Adithya Suresh
  • Adrian Sanchez Garrido
  • Aimilios Pagouropoulos
  • Alberto Ricardo Cavallar Oriol
  • Alessandro Armando Vigliano
  • Alex Buchel
  • Alexander Patrushev
  • Alexandre Serantes
  • Alexandros Kanargias
  • Amey Yeole
  • Amogh Desai
  • Andreas Nyffeler
  • Andrei Parnachev
  • Andrew O'Bannon
  • Anna Karlsson
  • Anna-Lena Weigel
  • Anton Rebhan
  • Arindam Lala
  • Arpit Das
  • Arunabha Saha
  • Arutkeerthi N
  • Bak Sang-Eon
  • Bastian Hess
  • Behrad Taghavi
  • Behrouz Mirza
  • Benjamin Strittmatter
  • Biggs William
  • Blaise Goutéraux
  • Bo-Xuan Ge
  • Budhaditya Bhattacharjee
  • Byoungjoon Ahn
  • can yürekli
  • Carlos Hoyos
  • Carmen Jorge-Diaz
  • Casey Cartwright
  • Charles Sinkus
  • Christiana Pantelidou
  • Christopher Rosen
  • Christos Karapoulitidis
  • Claudia Rella
  • Cristián Erices
  • Daniel Elinjikkal
  • David Mateos
  • David Rodriguez
  • David Rodriguez
  • Davide Billo
  • De Fazio Fulvia
  • Debajyoti Sarkar
  • Deepan Jayakumar
  • Delaram Mirfendereski
  • Dhaval Chande
  • Dimitrios Katsinis
  • Dimitrios Zoakos
  • Dmitry Ageev
  • Elias Kiritsis
  • Enrico Parisini
  • Fabrizio Rippa
  • Fareeha Almas
  • Farnaz Kazi
  • Federico Ambrosino
  • Federico Galli
  • Felix Haehl
  • Florian Hechenberger
  • Floris Balm
  • Francesco Bigazzi
  • Fry Jacob
  • Georgios Goulas
  • Gian Andrea Inkof
  • Giuseppe Di Giulio
  • Gordon Semenoff
  • Gu Pingyuan
  • Hamish Garratt
  • Hao-Ran Zhang
  • Haoyu Sun
  • Hesam Soltanpanahi
  • Himanshu Raj
  • Hongbao Zhang
  • Hou Defu
  • Hugo Camargo
  • Igal Arav
  • Ignacio Salazar Landea
  • Ioannis Matthaiakakis
  • Ioannis Papadimitriou
  • Iraklis Chatzinikolaou
  • Irina Aref'eva
  • Isha Mehta
  • Jakob Hollweck
  • Jan Zaanen
  • Jani Kastikainen
  • Javier Martin-Garcia
  • Javier Mas
  • Javier Subils
  • Jaydeep Kandekar
  • Jaydeep Kandekar
  • Jaydeep Kandekar
  • Jaydeep Kumar Basak
  • Jayesh Jain
  • Jerome Gauntlett
  • Jewel Ghosh
  • Jhony Herrera
  • Jia-Rui Sun
  • Jiaming Shi
  • Jie Gu
  • Johanna Erdmenger
  • Jonathan Karl
  • Jordan François
  • Joris Raeymaekers
  • Juan Santos Suárez
  • Junggi Yoon
  • Kai Shi
  • Kanak Sharma
  • Kara Farnsworth
  • Katha Ganguly
  • Kazem ‌Bitaghsir Fadafan
  • Kelly Stelle
  • Keun-Young Kim
  • Kevin Grosvenor
  • Kevin Loo
  • Konstantin Weisenberger
  • Konstantinos Georgakopoulos
  • Kyoung Bum Huh
  • Kyungsun Lee
  • Lai Tengzhou
  • Lara Kamal
  • Lei Yin
  • lisa randall
  • Lorenzo Bartolini
  • Maciej Matuszewski
  • Mahdis Ghodrati
  • Makoto Natsuume
  • Manahil Mohammed Yousif Abdalla
  • Manus Visser
  • Mariana Carrillo Gonzalez
  • Marika Taylor
  • Mario Flory
  • Marius Gerbershagen
  • Markus Amano
  • Martijn Janse
  • Martin Ammon
  • Martin Sasieta
  • matteo baggioli
  • Matthew Cheung
  • Matthew Lippert
  • Matthew Roberts
  • Matthias Kaminski
  • Matti Jarvinen
  • Mattia Cesaro
  • Megha Arya
  • Michael Florian Wondrak
  • Michele Frigerio
  • michele umassi
  • Mitsuhiro Nishida
  • Moritz Dorband
  • Moshe Rozali
  • Nakwoo Kim
  • Navid Abbasi
  • Nicola Losacco
  • Nicolas Chagnet
  • Niko Jokela
  • Nikolaos Tetradis
  • Nitya Tyagi
  • Northe Christian
  • Nosratollah Jafari Sonbolabadi
  • Olga Papadoulaki
  • Ondrej Hulik
  • Pablo Basteiro
  • Pablo Bueno
  • Padmashree Khandelwal
  • Panos Betzios
  • Paolo Glorioso
  • Pavel Kovtun
  • Pavel Slepov
  • Pawel Caputa
  • Peter Morgan
  • Pietro Pelliconi
  • Piyabut Burikham
  • Piyush Kalambkar
  • Pranjal Nayak
  • Prateek Jain
  • Priyadarshini Pandit
  • Quan-feng WU
  • Rahel Baumgartner
  • Rajeev Singh
  • Rakshit Gharat
  • Rathindra Nath Das
  • Rene Meyer
  • Reynaldi Gilang
  • Rezaie Asghar
  • Richard Davison
  • Rigers Aliaj
  • Robinson Brandon
  • Ronnie Rodgers
  • Rosalina Hutahaean
  • Sagar Kumar Maity
  • Salvatore Mancani
  • Samireh Jokar
  • Samuel Kong
  • Sanchioni Marco
  • Sang-Jin Sin
  • Saptarshi Mandal
  • Saptarshi Mandal
  • Sara Motalebi
  • Saswato Sen
  • Sayantan Choudhury
  • Sebastian Grieninger
  • Sera Cremonini
  • Sergey Vernov
  • Shabeeb Alalawi
  • Shobhit Giri
  • Simon Pekar
  • Sitthichai Pinkanjanarod
  • Skenderis Kostas
  • Sohyun Park
  • Somdatta Bhattacharya
  • Souvik Banerjee
  • Sowmya Nandimandalam
  • Srinivas Namani
  • Srishti Agarwal
  • Takaaki Ishii
  • Thanasis Karakasis
  • Till Bargheer
  • Tiwari Laxmi Kant
  • Tobias Hössel
  • Tuna Demircik
  • Ulf Gran
  • Vaibhav Garg
  • Vaios Ziogas
  • Vaishnavi Kawale
  • Vasileios Vergioglou
  • Veronica Pasquarella
  • Vidhi Patidar
  • Viktor Jahnke
  • Vito Pellizzani
  • Vivek Singh
  • Vladimir Ohanesjan
  • Wang Jinzhao
  • Wei Guo
  • Werner Porod
  • Wu Jun-Bao
  • Xianming Liu
  • Yahya younesizadeh
  • Yang Liu
  • Yanick Thurn
  • Yanyan Bu
  • Yassine Sekhmani
  • Yi Wang
  • Yongjun Ahn
  • younes younesizadeh
  • Yu-Ting Zhou
  • yuan chen
  • Yunseok Seo
  • Yuqi Li
  • Zahra Raissi
  • Zhengwen Liu
  • Zhuo-Yu Xian
Gauge/Gravity Duality 2021
Zoom Meeting ID
Elena Gianolio
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    • 1
      Hydrodynamisation and entanglement entropy in expanding spacetimes

      This talk will be about hydrodynamisation in an FRW universe and entanglement entropy in empty 4-dimensional de Sitter spacetime of a non-conformal QFT [1]. I will first briefly describe the set-up and show how a hydrodynamic plasma dilutes and falls out of equilibrium due to expansion towards empty de Sitter spacetime. Interestingly, in the empty setting we can show that extremal surfaces in the holographic dual of spherical entangling regions on the boundary QFT probe beyond the dual event horizon if and only if the entangling region is larger than the cosmological horizon. Finally, I will show new results on hydrodynamisation when including dynamical gravity on the boundary.

      [1] Jorge Casalderrey-Solana, Christian Ecker, David Mateos and WS, Strong-coupling dynamics and entanglement in de Sitter space, 2011.08194

      Speaker: Wilke Van Der Schee (CERN)
    • 2
      D3-brane solitons and black holes

      Four dimensional N=4 SYM with gauge group SU(N) admits spherically symmetric, dyonically charged solitons holographically dual to certain probe D3-brane configurations in AdS5 x S5. A peculiar feature of these solitons, that their masses and charges scale linearly with radius, have lead to the suggestion that they may in some sense provide a QFT analogue of extremal black holes. I will describe work investigating two particular black hole-like properties of these solitons: their quasinormal modes and their entropy.

      Speaker: Ronald Rodgers (University of Southampton)
    • 3
      Remarks on Color Confinement
      Speaker: Igor Klebanov (Princeton University)
    • 4
      Branes, Islands, and Massive Gravitons

      Recent developments have led to a breakthrough in our understanding of the evaporation of black holes in very special systems: gravity in a box, coupled to an external bath. To what extend these considerations apply to generic black holes is a point of debate. In this talk we will demonstrate that one of the main ingredients in these calculations, the appearance of entanglement islands, generally leads to a clash with basic ideas of entanglement wedge reconstruction and Gauss' law. This clash is resolved in the existing examples by one very special feature of gravity in a box, coupled to a bath: the graviton is massive in these systems. This crucial importance of the graviton mass in the existing constructions makes generalizations of current thinking to realistic black holes challenging.

      Speaker: Andreas Karch (UT Austin)
    • 5
      TTbar deformed fermionic theories revisited

      In this talk, I will discuss the TTbar deformation of fermionic theories. First, I briefly review the TTbar deformation of two-dimensional QFTs. And, I demonstrate the Hamiltonian analysis of the TTbar deformation of free fermion, and I show how this reproduces the deformed spectrum. Then, I explain how negative norm states could appear in the TTbar deformed fermionic theories depending on the energy-momentum tensor. Finally, I shortly summarize our results on the TTbar deformation of N=(1,1) SUSY theory.

      Speaker: Junggi Yoon (APCTP)
    • 6
      Towards a Classification of Fermionic Rational Conformal Field Theories
      Speaker: Jinbeom Bae (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
    • 7
      The volume of the black hole interior at late times

      The volume of the interior of a two-sided eternal black hole classically grows forever. I will show that in JT gravity, summing the non-perturbative contribution of higher topologies leads to a saturation of the volume of the interior at times exponential in the entropy of the black hole. I will explain that this is evidence for the conjecture that the size of the interior is related to the complexity of the holographically dual quantum state.

      Speaker: Gabor Sarosi (CERN)
    • 8
      Complexity and Conformal Transformations

      In this talk I will (mainly) present my recent work on complexity, especially how conformal transformations in AdS_3/CFT_2 can provide useful information to check holographic complexity proposals, as well as considerations of complexity of conformal transformations on the field theory side.

      Speaker: Mario Flory (Jagiellonian University)
    • 9
      Enstrophy from symmetry and holography

      Enstrophy is an approximately conserved quantity in 2+1 dimensional fluid flows that has dramatic consequences for the phenomenology of turbulence: it implies an inverse energy cascade in 2+1 dimensions.
      In this talk, I will illustrate an algorithm to construct an enstrophy current for fluid flows with various degrees of symmetry, including, but not limited to, the well-known case of non-relativistic (Galilean) fluid flows.
      Moreover, I will identify the accidental symmetry associated with enstrophy conservation in a recently realized effective action for hydrodynamics.
      Finally, I will show how horizon symmetries of 3+1 dimensional black holes with Anti-de Sitter asymptotics also lead to enstrophy conservation.

      Speaker: Natalia Pinzani Fokeeva
    • 10
      Half-wormhole in SYK with one time point
      Speaker: Baur Mukhametzhanov (IAS (Princeton))
    • 11
      Thermalization of 2d Quantum Field Theories

      I will show that (1+1)d QFTs typically thermalize more slowly than the expected "Planckian" equilibration time 1/T. This arises due to causality, which imposes strong constraints on the emergence of hydrodynamic sound in low dimensions. Subluminality of sound further allows one to define a thermodynamic analogue of Zamolodchikov's C-function, and constrain the sign of the TT-bar term in the low energy limit of any 2d QFT.

      Speaker: Delacrétaz Luca (University of Chicago)
    • 12
      Holographic Entropy Cone from Marginal Independence

      This talk will explain recent puzzling revelations in the ongoing efforts to obtain a useful characterization of entanglement structure of geometric states in a holographic CFT, via the so-called holographic entropy cone (HEC). The relations between subsystem entanglement entropies which delimit this cone are known explicitly for only a rather coarse subdivision of the system (specified by N spatial regions, for up to N = 5). We argue that, subject to a certain graph theoretic conjecture, the task of finding the HEC for arbitrary N can be recast in terms of a much simpler combinatorial one which effectively reduces to the connectivity of entanglement wedges. More specifically, the N-party HEC can be reconstructed by solving the holographic marginal independence problem (HMIP) for a finer subdivision N′ ≥ N, which technically amounts to identifying which extreme rays of this subadditivity cone are realizable holographically. Curiously, despite the fact that subadditivity is a universal property which states that total correlation cannot be negative, the non-trivial facets of the HEC constructed therefrom nevertheless cannot be recast as correlation measures.

      Speaker: Veronika Hubeny (UC-Davis)