Elliptics and Beyond
Scattering amplitudes are the building blocks that allow us to compute predictions for high-energy experiments like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. Despite their importance, the computation of scattering amplitudes is a very complex task. As the number of particles and/or the precision of the prediction increases, one faces an exponential growth in complexity and computations quickly become intractable. At the same time, the mathematical theory of the functions describing generic scattering amplitudes needed for high precision is insufficiently developed. Novel and powerful techniques are required in order to make precise predictions for collider experiments.
While there was a lot of progress over the last couple of years in understanding the mathematics of the functions that appear in scattering amplitude computations, it is known that new classes of functions show up that are poorly understood even from the mathematical side. In the simplest case, these new functions involve integrals over an elliptic curve, which is a one-dimensional Calabi-Yau manifold; i.e. they are elliptic functions. In more complicated cases, also integrals over higher-dimensional Calabi-Yau manifolds occur. These new functions are currently an active area of research not only in collider physics, but also in seemingly disconnected areas like string theory and pure mathematics.
The aim of the conference is to bring together particle physicists, string theorists and mathematicians working on elliptic functions and functions involving Calabi-Yau manifolds, with the grand goal of advancing our understanding of the functions required to make precise predictions for future particle physics experiments.
The conference is hosted by CERN TH-Department, the Niels Bohr Institute (Copenhagen) and the MITP (Mainz). It replaces the MITP workshop "Elliptic integrals in fundamental physics", which is postponed to 2021 due to the pandemic.
Confirmed speakers:
- Lara Anderson
- Ruth Britto
- David Broadhurst
- Eric D'Hoker
- Chuck Doran
- Martijn Hidding
- Harald Ita
- André Kaderli
- Albrecht Klemm
- Roman Lee
- Robin Marzucca
- Sebastian Mizera
- Narayan Rana
- Matija Tapuskovic
- Piotr Tourkine
- Matthias Volk
- Stefan Weinzierl
- Karen Yeats
- Federico Zerbini
Local organising committee:
- Jacob Bourjaily (Penn State)
- Johannes Broedel (HU Berlin)
- Ekta Chaubey (Durham)
- Claude Duhr (CERN)
- Matt von Hippel (NBI)
- Andrew McLeod (NBI)
- Matthias Wilhelm (NBI)
Previous editions of the conference series:
- ajay sharma
- Alessandro Vicini
- Alex Chaparro
- Alexander T. Kristensson
- Alfred Mishi
- Alicia Astorga
- Amlan Chakraborty
- Amodio Carleo
- Anastasia Volovich
- Anders Schreiber
- Andreas von Manteuffel
- Andrew McLeod
- André Kaderli
- Andy Liu
- Axel Kleinschmidt
- Ayan Mukhopadhyay
- Bakul Agarwal
- Behzad Salmassian
- Ben Page
- Bernhard Mistlberger
- Bram Verbeek
- Calum Milloy
- Cameron Langer
- Carlos Mafra
- Carlos Rodriguez
- Chaitra Kalmahalli Guruswamy (K G)
- Chaos Tang
- Charles Doran
- Chi Zhang
- Christian Schubert
- Christoph Dlapa
- Christoph Nega
- Claude Duhr
- Congkao Wen
- Cristian Vergu
- Daniele Dorigoni
- David Broadhurst
- David Kosower
- David McGady
- David Sabonis
- Deepak Kamlesh
- Deidre Koch
- Eduardo Casali
- Einan Gardi
- Ekta Chaubey
- ELIANA garcia
- Eric D'Hoker
- Erik Panzer
- Federico Gasparotto
- Federico Zerbini
- Florian Herren
- Florian Loebbert
- Francesco Moriello
- Francesco Sarandrea
- Francis Brown
- Gherardo Vita
- Giulio Falcioni
- Giulio Salvatori
- Hantian Zhang
- Harald Ita
- Herbert Gangl
- Hjalte Frellesvig
- Ina Hönemann
- Jacob Bourjaily
- James Carter
- Johann Usovitsch
- Johannes Broedel
- Johannes Schlenk
- Joseph Bullock
- Julian Miczajka
- Kaiwen Sun
- Kanak Sharma
- Kanishka Palihakkara
- Karen Yeats
- Kaustav Das
- Kiran Adhikari
- Kirtimaan Mohan
- Kokkimidis Patatoukos
- Konstantin Leyde
- Lance Dixon
- Lara Anderson
- Lionel Mason
- Lorenzo Tancredi
- Ma Luo
- Marcus Spradlin
- Marianne Leitner
- Marko Berghoff
- Martijn Hidding
- Mathieu Giroux
- Matija Tapuskovic
- Matteo Becchetti
- Matthew von Hippel
- Matthias Volk
- Matthias Wilhelm
- Maximilian Klinkert
- Maximilian Mühlbauer
- Mayukh Saha
- Melih Ozcelik
- Michael Green
- Michael Ruf
- Mikhail Barabanov
- Moritz Walden
- Narayan Rana
- Nicklas Ramberg
- Nikhil Kalyanapuram
- Nils Matthes
- Oliver Schlotterer
- Parishmita Dutta
- Percy Cáceres
- Philipp Alexander Kreer
- Pierpaolo Mastrolia
- Pierre Vanhove
- Piotr Tourkine
- Pranav Sistla
- Prashanth Raman
- Rahmat Rahmat
- Rajiv Gupta
- Riccardo Gonzo
- Rob Klabbers
- Robert Moerman
- Robert Runkel
- Robert Schabinger
- Robin Marzucca
- Roger J. Hernandez-Pinto
- Roman Lee
- Ruth Britto
- Ryan Moodie
- Saboura sadat Zamani
- Sagar Kumar Maity
- Samuel Abreu
- Sascha Kromin
- Sebastian Mizera
- Sebastian Poegel
- Simon Badger
- Stefan Weinzierl
- Stefano Laporta
- Stephen Jones
- Steven Charlton
- Taushif Ahmed
- Vasily Sotnikov
- vittorio del duca
- William Bevington
- William J. Torres Bobadilla
- Wladimir Tschernow
- yihong wang
- Zhengwen Liu
- Zoltán Szőr
- Ömer Gürdoğan