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XXVII Cracow EPIPHANY Conference on Future of particle physics

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Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN), 152 Radzikowskiego Street, Cracow, Poland

General Information

The Cracow Epiphany Conference has had a different topic every year. The series started in 1995. By bringing in new subjects and inviting new participants every year the meetings offer a general forum to discuss the frontiers of physics. The number of participants is about one hundred and there are up to thirty invited talks.

For more information please see the conference webpage.

To learn more about IFJ PAN see Leaflet 1 and Leaflet 2.


Meeting ID: 894 7646 3785
Passcode: 127101


  • Abdul Rahman Alfarasyi
  • Abednego Kargwak
  • Abhijit Kumar Saha
  • Abhinav Choudhury
  • Adam Matyja
  • Adam Trzupek
  • Adriano Cherchiglia
  • Agnieszka Ewa Ogrodnik
  • Agnieszka Luszczak
  • Alain Blondel
  • Aleksander Kusina
  • Alfred Mishi
  • Ambra Lattanzi
  • Ami Patel
  • Andreas van Hameren
  • Andrzej Bożek
  • Andrzej Olszewski
  • Andrzej Rybicki
  • Andrzej Siodmok
  • Anja Novosel
  • Anna Kaczmarska
  • Anubhav Mahapatra
  • Apoorva Bhatt
  • Arpan Das
  • Arvind Khuntia
  • Arvind Kumar
  • Athar Ahmad
  • Ayres Freitas
  • Barbara Clerbaux
  • Barbara Wosiek
  • Bartlomiej Żabiński
  • Bartosz Dziewit
  • Bartosz Piotr Malecki
  • Bhavna Yadav
  • Bogdan Fornal
  • Brunella D'Anzi
  • Carmine Elvezio Pagliarone
  • Clement Helsens
  • Cristina Benso
  • Danish Farooq Meer
  • Danuta Kisielewska
  • Dariusz Bocian
  • David Alvarez-Castillo
  • David d'Enterria
  • Dhimiter Canko
  • Divya Srinivasan
  • Dominik Karol Derendarz
  • Edward Shields
  • Emmanuel Joel Holmes
  • Enrique Kajomovitz Must
  • Ethan Lewis Simpson
  • Etienne Blanco
  • Ewa Stanecka
  • Ferhat OZTURK
  • Francisco Campos Oliden
  • Frans Klinkhamer
  • Gabriel Soares Rocha
  • Gabriel Sophys
  • Gianluca Bianco
  • Gino Isidori
  • Gopal Bhatta
  • Grzegorz Ziarko
  • HADDAD Abdelhamid
  • Henryk Wilczyński
  • Himanshu Sharma
  • Hyeonja Jhang
  • Ilias Tsaklidis
  • Imtiyaz Ahmad Najar
  • Iwona Grabowska-Bold
  • Jacek Biernat
  • Jacek Swierblewski
  • JADACH Stanisław
  • Jakub Malczewski
  • James Yeck
  • Jan Kalinowski
  • Jan Kisiel
  • Janina Anna Krzysiak
  • Janusz Chwastowski
  • Janusz Gluza
  • Jaroslaw Polinski
  • Jeremy Andrea
  • Jianchun Wang
  • Jihyun Bhom
  • Jolanta Brodzicka
  • Jorgen D'Hondt
  • Juliana Carrasco
  • Józef Borsuk
  • Karol Adamczyk
  • Karolina Domijan
  • Katharina Dort
  • Klaudia Maj
  • Konstantinos Papadopoulos
  • Krzysztof Golec-Biernat
  • Krzysztof Kutak
  • Krzysztof Wieslaw Wozniak
  • Leszek Motyka
  • Lidia Goerlich
  • Luca Franco
  • Maciej Chorowski
  • Maciej Dudek
  • Maciej Piotr Lewicki
  • Maciej Skrzypek
  • Maciej Trzebinski
  • Marcin Chrzaszcz
  • Marcin Wolter
  • Marco Drewes
  • Marek Jezabek
  • Maria Giovanna Foti
  • Mariola Kłusek-Gawenda
  • Mariusz Przybycien
  • Mariusz Witek
  • Markus Klute
  • Marta Łuszczak
  • Martin Rohrmoser
  • marzieh Bahmani
  • Mateusz Dyndal
  • Mateusz Gaczynski
  • Mateusz Kaleta
  • Matt LeBlanc
  • Matthew David Needham
  • Mehmet Demirci
  • Mehran Dehpour
  • Michael De Nuccio
  • Michael Roney
  • Michal Bluj
  • Monika Juzek
  • Muhammad Fauzi Mustamin
  • Nada Ali
  • Nadine Hammoud
  • Naila Islam
  • Nico Gubernari
  • Nikolaos Davis
  • Nikolaos Syrrakos
  • Olga Werbycka
  • Pawel Bruckman de Renstrom
  • Paweł Malecki
  • Percy Alexander Caceres
  • Petr Baroň
  • Pheiroijam Suranjoy Singh
  • Philippe Simonis
  • piotr biochnacki
  • Piotr Korcyl
  • Piotr Lebiedowicz
  • Piotr Malecki
  • pragati patel
  • Rachik Soualah
  • Radosław Kycia
  • Rafał Staszewski
  • Rahmat Rahmat
  • Rajeev Singh
  • Ramya Srinivasan
  • Rebeca Gonzalez Suarez
  • Richard Ruiz
  • Robert Gębarowski
  • Robert Kaminski
  • Sabin Hashmi
  • Sahar Safari
  • Sam Cunliffe
  • Sebastian Sapeta
  • Seweryn Kowalski
  • Shubhalaxmi Rath
  • Siavash Neshatpour
  • Sneha Bhosale
  • Sonal Dhingra
  • Stefano Moneta
  • Subhojit Roy
  • Sudip Jana
  • Tadeusz Lesiak
  • Tania Robens
  • Tatiana Ovsiannikova
  • Thibault Guillemin
  • Thomas Madlener
  • Tomasz Matulewicz
  • Tomasz Stebel
  • Tomasz Wojtoń
  • Tomoki Goda
  • Tristan Fillinger
  • Varvara Batozskaya
  • Vladimir Pastushenko
  • Wiesław Płaczek
  • Wojciech Broniowski
  • yahya mekaoui
  • Yannis Semertzidis
  • Yu-Chen Chen
  • Zafer Acar
  • Zbigniew Was
  • Zuzanna Katarzyna Zak
    • Introductions
      Convener: Sebastian Sapeta (IFJ PAN)
      • 1
        Welcome from DG
        Speaker: Tadeusz Lesiak (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
      • 2
        Strategies and plans for particle physics in Europe
        Speaker: Jorgen D'Hondt (Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE))
    • 10:35
      Coffee break
    • Overview
      Convener: Marcin Chrzaszcz (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
    • Lunch
    • LHC
      Convener: Andrzej Konrad Siodmok (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
      • 5
        Run2 highlights from the ATLAS experiment
        Speaker: Thibault Guillemin (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
      • 6
        Overview of CMS results
        Speaker: Barbara Clerbaux (Universite Libre de Bruxelles (BE))
    • Coffee break
    • Flavour
      Convener: Andrzej Bozek (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
      • 7
        B-physics anomalies: lessons and open issues
        Speaker: Gino Isidori (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))
      • 8
        The Belle II Experiment: First Results, Status, and Prospects
        Speaker: Sam Cunliffe (DESY)
    • Long Living Particles
      Convener: Anna Kaczmarska (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
      • 9
        The Search for Right-Handed Neutrinos
        Speaker: Marco Drewes (Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE))
      • 10
        Long-lived particles at future colliders
        Speaker: Rebeca Gonzalez Suarez (Uppsala University (SE))
      • 11
        The FASER Experiment
        Speaker: Enrique Kajomovitz Must (Technion, Israel Institute of Technology)
    • Coffee break
    • Higgs Physics
      Convener: Pawel Bruckman De Renstrom (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
    • Lunch
    • Electroweak physics
      Conveners: Janusz Gluza (U. Silesia), Janusz Gluza (University of Silesia (PL))
      • 15
        A storage ring proton EDM experimental method with a hybrid and highly symmetric electric ring lattice
        Speaker: Prof. Yannis Semertzidis (IBS/CAPP and KAIST in Republic of Korea (South Korea))
      • 16
        On the role of the precision Monte Carlo generators in future electron colliders
        Speaker: Staszek Jadach (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
      • 17
        Theory needs for future e+e- colliders
        Speaker: Ayres Freitas (University of Pittsburgh)
    • Polish FCC day (the agenda available at:
      Convener: Marcin Chrzaszcz (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
      • 18
        Polish FCC day

        The agenda is available:

    • Lunch
    • Hadronic and others
      Convener: Krzysztof Kutak (Instytut Fizyki Jadrowej Polskiej Akademii Nauk)
    • Coffee break
    • Flavour
      Convener: Jihyun Bhom (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
      • 22
        LHCb: Overview of Run2 results
        Speakers: Matthew David Needham (The University of Edinburgh (GB)), Matthew David Needham (The University of Edinburgh (GB))
      • 23
        Non-local matrix elements in b-> s ll
        Speaker: Dr Nico Gubernari (Universität Siegen)
    • ttbar production
      Convener: Andreas van Hameren (IFJ PAN)
    • Coffee break
    • Computing
      Convener: Antoni Szczurek (Institute of Nuclear Physics)
    • Lunch
    • PhD student session
      Convener: Marcin Chrzaszcz (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
    • Coffee break
    • PhD student session
      Convener: Andrzej Konrad Siodmok (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
      • 34
        Comparison of Machine Learning Approach to other Commonly Used Unfolding Methods
        Speaker: Petr Baron (Palacky University (CZ))
      • 35
        Evolution of spin polarization in the Gubser flow background
        Speaker: Mr Rajeev Singh (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences)
      • 36
        A method for the measurement of J/psi cross section in hadronic matter using femtoscopy.
        Speaker: Marzieh Bahmani (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
      • 37
        Terrestrial keV Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter Searches: Alive and Kicking
        Speaker: Ms Cristina Benso (Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg)
      • 38
        Angular observables in the B0→K∗0 μ+μ− decay at LHCb.
        Speaker: Jozef Tomasz Borsuk (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
      • 39
        Spectroscopy in beauty decays at the LHCb experiment
        Speaker: Tatiana Ovsiannikova (NRC "Kurchatov Institute" (ITEP) (RU))
    • Coffee break
    • PhD student session
      Convener: Sebastian Sapeta (IFJ PAN)
      • 40
        Searches for 𝑊 ′ and 𝑍′ in leptonic final states using 139 𝑓𝑏−1 of 𝑝𝑝 collision data collected at √𝑠 = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
        Speaker: Michael William O'Keefe (University of Liverpool (GB))
      • 41
        Measurement of the Higgs Simplified Template Cross Sections using H → yy decays with the ATLAS experiment
        Speaker: Luca Franco (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
      • 42
        Sector Decomposition Scheme for N^3LO Beam Function.
        Speaker: Tomoki Goda (IFJ PAN)
      • 43
        Analytic representation of all planar two-loop five-point Master Integrals with one off-shell leg
        Speaker: Nikolaos Syrrakos (NCSR DEMOKRITOS)
      • 44
        Simplified Differential Equations for Master Integrals @ N3LO
        Speaker: Dhimiter Canko (NSCR "Demokritos")
      • 45
        Exclusive dilepton production in ultraperipheral lead-lead collisions in the ATLAS experiment
        Speaker: Agnieszka Ewa Ogrodnik (AGH University of Science and Technology (PL))