Neutrino–Nucleus Interactions in the Standard Model and Beyond

Zoom only (CERN)

Zoom only


Jaehoon Yu, Joachim Kopp (CERN), Noemi Rocco (Fermilab), Vedran Brdar (Northwestern U and Fermilab)

Near-future long-baseline neutrino experiments like DUNE and T2HK will carry out key precision measurements that will answer fundamental questions about the Standard Model and play a key role in the searches for physics beyond. Accurate predictions of neutrino–nucleus cross sections are essential to this ambitious program.

The goal of this workshop, hosted by CERN's Theoretical Physics Department and the Neutrino Platform, is to discuss recent advances in the theory of neutrino-nucleus interactions and their phenomenological consequences, in particular

  • impact of neutrino cross-section uncertainties on the determination of neutrino oscillation parameters
  • relevance of cross-section measurements for BSM searches
  • interplay between particle and nuclear physics in the low energy region

The overarching goal is to connect experts on neutrino-nucleus interactions with their "user" community in oscillation physics, BSM physics, etc.

Please note that, due to the current Covid situation in Switzerland and France (see for further details), the workshop will have to be held fully online, contrary to our original plans.

We will use Zoom for the workshop sessions, for coffee breaks and informal chats, and Mattermost for written communication. The relevant links will be shared with registered participants via email shortly before the workshop.

Registration is closed now. In case you would still like to attend the online sessions, please contact the organizers.
