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Italian High-School Students Internship Programme 2022



Pierluigi Paolucci (Universita e INFN of Napoli (IT)), Antonella Del Rosso (CERN), Francesca Cavallari (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT)), Kristina Fortunova (Palacky University (CZ)), Margherita Boselli (CERN)

The Italian High-School Students Internship Programme 2022 will take place from 22 May to 4 June 2022. This programme is a unique opportunity for 24 high-school students (aged 16-19) from CERN Member States to be introduced to CERN, its technologies and physics, as well as to learn through workshops and by shadowing, observing, and working with a member of personnel. 

The cost is fully supported by CERN.


L'Italian High-School Students Internship Programme 2022 si terrà dal 22 maggio al 4 giugno 2022.

Il programma offre ad un gruppo di 24 studenti liceali italiani, scelti tra circa 500 candidati, l'opportunità unica di visitare il CERN e di venire in contatto con la fisica e le tecnologie usate nei laboratori.

I costi del corso sono interamente pagati dal CERN. 

National Coordinators:
Pierluigi Paolucci
Antonella Del Rosso
Francesca Cavallari

High-School Students Internship Programme Manager:
Margherita Boselli
HSSIP Administrative Support:
Kristina Fortunova 

Administrative Support: