Hadron Spectroscopy with Strangeness

from Wednesday 3 April 2024 (10:00) to Friday 5 April 2024 (17:00)
University of Glasgow (Main building, Room 253)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
3 Apr 2024
4 Apr 2024
5 Apr 2024
10:30 --- Arrival and Coffee ---
Session 1 (until 12:30) (Main building, Room 253)
11:00 Welcome - Peter Hurck (University of Glasgow (GB))   (Main building, Room 253)
11:30 Strange meson spectroscopy – from COMPASS to AMBER - Stefan Wallner (Max Planck Institute for Physics)   (Main building, Room 253)
12:00 Strangeonium at BESIII - Marco Maggiora (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))   (Main building, Room 253)
Session 4 (until 10:30) (Main building, Room 253)
09:30 Constraining the $\pi\Sigma - \bar{K}N$ models with the $\pi\Sigma$ photoproduction data - Ales Cieply (Nuclear Physics Institute, Rez, Czechia)   (Main building, Room 253)
10:00 New insights into the nature of the Λ(1380) and Λ(1405) resonances away from the SU(3) limit - Dr Yuki Kamiya (Bonn University)   (Main building, Room 253)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Session 5 (until 12:00) (Main building, Room 253)
11:00 The pole nature of the $\Lambda(1405)$: A lattice QCD calculation - Barbara Alexandra Cid Mora   (Main building, Room 253)
11:30 The $\Xi(1820)$ resonance, one or two poles? - Raquel Molina Peralta   (Main building, Room 253)
Session 8 (until 10:30) (Main building, Room 253)
09:30 Correlation functions for the $N^*(1535)$ and the inverse problem: the role of the K Lambda, K Sigma and eta p coupled channels - Eulogio Oset   (Main building, Room 253)
10:00 Strangeness spectroscopy with Photoproduction Experiments - Annika Thiel (University of Bonn (DE))   (Main building, Room 253)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Session 9 (until 12:00) (Main building, Room 253)
11:00 Production of (strange) resonances - Adam Szczepaniak (Indiana University)   (Main building, Room 253)
11:30 J-- meson resonances in QCD - Prof. Jozef Dudek   (Main building, Room 253)
12:30 --- Lunch break ---
Session 2 (until 15:00) (Main building, Room 253)
13:30 Measurement of Hyperon Polarization at GlueX - Hao Li   (Main building, Room 253)
14:00 Results and future prospects from LHCb - Dr Mark Peter Whitehead (University of Glasgow (GB))   (Main building, Room 253)
14:30 Belle results on hyperon spectroscopy and future prospects at Belle II - Kiyoshi Tanida   (Main building, Room 253)
15:00 --- Coffee Break ---
Session 3 (until 17:00) (Main building, Room 253)
15:30 Hadron spectroscopy from lattice QCD - Christopher Thomas (University of Cambridge)   (Main building, Room 253)
16:00 Status and Plans at GSI/FAIR - Inti Lehmann   (Main building, Room 253)
16:30 Discussion: An experimentalist's wishlist - Peter Hurck (University of Glasgow (GB))   (Main building, Room 253)
12:00 --- Lunch ---
13:00 --- Guided Tour of the University ---
Session 6 (until 15:00) (Main building, Room 253)
14:00 Studies of exotic baryon structure via strangeness photoproduction at BGOOD - Dr Thomas Jude (The University of Bonn)   (Main building, Room 253)
14:30 Overview of Hyperon Physics in Photoproduction at GlueX - Jesse Hernandez (Florida State University)   (Main building, Room 253)
15:00 --- Coffee Break ---
Session 7 (until 17:00) (Main building, Room 253)
15:30 Hyperon Spectroscopy at J-PARC - Kiyoshi Tanida   (Main building, Room 253)
16:00 Strangeness Analyses with CLAS12 at Jefferson Lab - Dr Stuart Fegan (University of York)   (Main building, Room 253)
16:30 Discussion: A theorist's wishlist - Peter Hurck (University of Glasgow (GB))   (Main building, Room 253)
12:00 --- Lunch ---
Session 10 (until 14:00) (Main building, Room 253)
13:00 Baryon Spectroscopy at J-PARC - Megumi Naruki   (Main building, Room 253)
13:30 The KLong Facility in Hall D at Jefferson Lab - Stuart Fegan (University of York)   (Main building, Room 253)
Close out (until 14:15) (Main building, Room 253)
14:15 --- Coffee ---