Hadron Spectroscopy with Strangeness

Main building, Room 253 (University of Glasgow)

Main building, Room 253

University of Glasgow

Glasgow G12 8QQ Scotland
Peter Hurck (University of Glasgow (GB))


In this workshop we want to bring together theory, phenomenology and experiment to discuss recent progress as well as challenges in hadron spectroscopy with strange quarks.

Topics include:

  • excited kaons
  • strangeonia
  • hyperon resonances
  • the nature of Lambda(1405)


We also want to hear about new facilities and experiments that will contribute to this field in the future.

  • Adam Szczepaniak
  • Ales Cieply
  • Annika Thiel
  • Asli Acar
  • Bryan McKinnon
  • Christopher Thomas
  • Daniel Winney
  • David Ireland
  • Derek Glazier
  • Eulogio Oset
  • Gary Penman
  • Hao Li
  • Inti Lehmann
  • Jesse Hernandez
  • Jozef Dudek
  • Ken Livingston
  • Kerr Miller
  • Kiyoshi Tanida
  • Marco Maggiora
  • Mark Whitehead
  • Megumi Naruki
  • Peter Hurck
  • Rachel Montgomery
  • Raquel Molina Peralta
  • Ryan Ferguson
  • Stefan Wallner
  • Stuart Fegan
  • Thomas Jude
  • +7