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HEASA 2024

from Tuesday 1 October 2024 (18:30) to Saturday 5 October 2024 (09:00)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
1 Oct 2024
2 Oct 2024
3 Oct 2024
4 Oct 2024
5 Oct 2024
07:00 --- Breakfast ---
Opening - Andrew Chen (until 09:30) ()
08:30 Welcome, Introduction - Andrew Chen   ()
08:40 Technical Introduction on behalf of WRF   ()
08:50 Welcome by SA-GAMMA - Markus Boettcher   ()
09:00 Welcome by the Department of Science and Innovation - Dr Takalani Nemaungani (DSI)   ()
Transients - Andrew Chen (until 10:15) ()
09:30 Implications of Joint Spectral Analysis from Fermi(GBM, LAT, and LLE) on Phenomenological GRBs Correlations - Tamador Aldowma (Johannesburg University, Omdurman Islamic University)   ()
09:45 Compton polarization signatures in gamma-ray burst models - Pieter Vd Merwe   ()
10:00 Dissecting the Radiative Puzzle of VHE GRBs: Insights from Multi-Wavelength Modeling - Dr ankur ghosh (University of Johannesburg)   ()
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
AGN I - Markus Boettcher (until 12:30) ()
11:00 Emission models for extreme blazars - Andreas Zech (Observatoire de Paris)   ()
11:30 An angle- and polarization-dependent synchrotron and synchrotron self-Compton blazar model - Motseothata Tisang   ()
11:45 Decoding Blazar Polarization - Ms Lenté Dreyer (North-West University)   ()
12:00 Searching for Signatures of Internal Gamma-ray Absorption in High-redshift Blazars - Anton Dmytriiev (North-West University)   ()
12:15 Optical spectroscopy and imaging of blazars for the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory - Eli Kasai (University of Namibia)   ()
Breakfast (until 08:30) ()
Multimessenger Astrophysics and Astroparticle Physics - Eli Kasai (University of Namibia) (until 09:45) ()
08:30 Recent results from KM3NeT and ANTARES and Introduction to the ACME project - Antoine David Kouchner (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   ()
09:00 Astrophysical Insights into Pseudo-Dirac Neutrinos with IceCube Observations - Dr Khushboo Dixit (Centre for Astro-Particle Physics, University of Johannesburg)   ()
09:15 Axions in the galactic centre - Geoff Beck   ()
09:30 Dark matter or "dark matter"? - Dr Konstantin Zloshchastiev (Durban University of Technology)   ()
Group Photo (until 10:15) ()
Excursion to Kruger (until 18:30) ()
Breakfast (until 08:30) ()
Instrumentation - Geoff Beck (until 09:30) ()
08:30 System Agnostic Data Reductions for Astronomy - Sphesihle Makhathini (University of the Witwatersrand)   ()
09:00 The Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory - Markus Boettcher   ()
09:15 The reflecting panels for the Large Size Telescopes at the southern site of the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) - Cornelia Hanna Esther Arcaro   ()
AGN III - Geoff Beck (until 10:30) ()
09:30 Multi-wavelength Study of Extreme High-energy Peaked BL Lac (EHBL) Source 1ES 0229+200 Using multi-waveband Observations - Rukaiya Khatoon   ()
09:45 Deciphering Blazar Emission Zones through Polarisation and Spectral Energy Distribution Studies - Hester Schutte   ()
10:00 Locating the gamma-ray emission regions in the relativistic jet of 3C 279. - Mr Tekano Mbonani (University of the Free State)   ()
10:15 Comparing the optical variability characteristics of different subclasses of AGN - Hartmut Winkler   ()
Coffee Break (until 11:00) ()
X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Binaries - Anton Dmytriiev (North-West University) (until 12:00) ()
11:00 A spectral and timing study of MAXI J1820+070 during it's outburst - Kyle Solomons (University of Cape Town, South African Astronomical Observatory)   ()
11:15 Multi-wavelength Monitoring of Two Gamma-ray Binaries: 1FGLJ1018.6-5856 and LMC P3 - Masekaisha Andries Mathiba (University of Cape Town)   ()
11:30 A record-breaking energetic dwarf nova outburst hosting a massive white dwarf - Yusuke Tampo (South African Astronomical Observatory)   ()
11:45 The Modelling of Accretion Driven Plasma Instabilities in the Accretion Columns of Polars Using PLUTO - John-Paul Khumalo (University of the Free State)   ()
Breakfast (until 08:00) ()
Check out (until 09:00) ()
Welcome Function (until 21:00) ()
Lunch Break (until 13:30) ()
Pulsars and Pulsar Wind Nebulae - Hartmut Winkler (until 14:45) ()
13:30 Pulsar Wind Nebulae as Galactic PeVatron candidates - Elena Amato (INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri)   ()
14:00 The possible detection of γ-ray pulsations from J1912-4410 and EUVE J0317-855 using Fermi-LAT observations. - Lurgasho Minnie (University of the Free State)   ()
14:15 Towards Modelling AR Sco: Convergence to Aristotelian Electrodynamics and First Results - Louis du Plessis   ()
14:30 Pulsed Gamma-Ray Emission from AR Scorpii and AE Aquarii using Fermi LAT Data - Mr Spencer Tendai Madzime (University of the Free State)   ()
AGN II - Hartmut Winkler (until 15:30) ()
14:45 The Radiative Origins of Radio Emission in Galaxies - Dr Sthabile Kolwa (University of Johannesburg)   ()
15:00 Characterisation of various §\gamma§-ray activity states of a sample of §\gamma§-NLS1 galaxies - Dr Anna Luashvili (North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa)   ()
15:15 UHF OBSERVATIONS OF THE TAIL-LIKE REGION OF HYDRA A - Mr Sibongakonke Zondo (University of the Witwatersrand)   ()
Coffee Break (until 16:00) ()
Poster Session (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Relativistic Dynamics and Structure Formation in a Friedmann Universe - Kennedy Konga (Meru University of Science and Technology, Africa Pulsar timing)   ()
16:20 Refinement of the Proposed Gamma-Ray Burst Time Delay Model - Mr Godson ABBEY (Copperbelt University Zambia)   ()
16:40 MIGHTEE: The radio luminosity and star-formation rate relation for galaxies in the COSMOS field - Thando Mothogoane   ()
17:00 The evolution of the 98 GHz ACT source population since z = 4.5 - Obakeng Phiri (Student)   ()
17:20 The study of extended radio galaxies in MERGHERS fields - Banele Mthembu (University of KwaZulu-Natal (National Astrophysics & Space Science Programme))   ()
17:40 Studying the southerly eclipsing millisecond pulsar J1748−2446A using MeerKAT - Senate Lekomola Senate Lekomola   ()
Dinner (until 19:30) ()
Dinner (until 20:00) ()
Lunch Break (until 13:30) ()
AGN IV - Sthabile Kolwa (university of johannesburg) (until 14:30) ()
13:30 Study of the hadronic synchrotron mirror model for orphan flares in blazars - Application to 3C279 - Laenita Lorraine Oberholzer   ()
13:45 H.E.S.S. detection and multiwavelength study of the z ∼ 1 blazar PKS 0346-27 - Ogochukwu Chibueze (NORTH WEST UNIVERSITY, POTCHEFSTROOM, SOUTH AFRICA)   ()
14:00 H.E.S.S. observations of composite Seyfert–starburst galaxies - Andrew Chen   ()
Coffee Break (until 16:00) ()
Poster Session/ SA-GAMMA Executive Committee Meeting - Markus Boettcher (until 18:00) ()
Conference Dinner (until 19:30) ()
Stargazing (until 22:30) ()