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- Indico Weeks View
Lattice Quantum Field Theory (LQFT) is a unique approach to control non perturbative physics. Driven by algorithmic and computational improvements, search for new physics with the support of LQFT methods is becoming possible. Namely with LQFT simulations including dynamical quarks at ever finer lattice spacings and larger physical box sizes per mille precision of standard model observables at the low energy regime can be reached.
The workshop is embedded within the Next-Generation-Triggers (NGT) grant, which pushes the intensity frontier of this endeavor by improving systematics, by utilizing novel algorithms, like machine learning techniques, and by optimizing software for novel computing architecture.
The kick-off workshop will highlight these challenges with the focus on lattice QCD calculations. Topics are techniques for variance reduction, like multi-level sampling, and gauge evolutions, like sampling algorithms to avoid topological freezing and the challenge of how to adapt to novel architectures, for example scientific computing in the era of large scale AI.
The aim of the workshop is to bring leading researchers in lattice QCD and computing experts from NGT working groups together. We plan 4-6 talks per day for three days.
Ryan Abbott (MIT)
Simone Bacchio (Cyprus)
Lorenzo Barca (DESY)
Peter Boyle (BNL)
Claudio Bonanno (Madrid)
Timo Eichhorn (Wuppertal)
Jacob Finkenrath (CERN)
Roman Gruber (ETH)
Tim Harris (ETH)
Alessandro Lupo (Marseille)
Sofia Vallecorsa (CERN)
Michael Wagman (Fermilab)
Evan Weinberg (Nvidia)
Urs Wenger (Bern)
Yukari Yamauchi (University of Washington)
J. Tobias Tsang