Gavin Phillip Salam(CERN), Michelangelo Mangano(CERN), Peter Skands(CERN), Stefano Frixione(CERN)
In the first week the TH Institute will focus on theoretical aspects of SM physics at the LHC. Attendance to this part of the programme is limited and by invitation only.
The second week is open, and will feature plenary meetings of the LHC working groups related to SM physics (EW WG and Top WG) and of PDF4LHC. The Institute participants are invited to attend this event as well.
During the first week, we plan to have just a few short talks during a one-hour session each day, to stimulate discussions on the following topics:
NLO Automated calculations, in the context of fully automated MC generators.
existing tools
review of suitability of LH interfaces
needs and required further progress/developments
BSM NLO corrections: benefits vs costs
cancellation of singularities: analytical, semi-analytical, local, and implications on numerical stability;
extent to which current approaches are parton-level generators (ie, capable of predicting simultaneously observables with arbitrary cuts);
will the results be suitable for PDF fits? If not, what does it take to get there?
EW corrections
assessment of existing results
EW showers in the MCs
finite-width effects and treatment of unstable particles
interplay with degree of inclusiveness of observables.
MCs and resummation
matching at NLO
merging multiplicities with NLO+PS
theory systematics: ME and shower hard and soft scale dependencies, matching-method uncertainties
beyond LL showers
The agenda of the second week will appear on the indico pages of the WGs and will be linked from here.