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==================================The newly founded international Thorium Energy Committee, iThEC, ( is organizing, in partnership with iThEO (, the next international Thorium Energy Conference, ThEC13, at CERN, in Geneva Switzerland, from October 27 to 31, 2013. The Conference will take place in the CERN Globe of Science and Innovation: The purpose of ThEC13 is to review and update the status of thorium energy technologies, from R&D to industrial developments. It will cover front-end and back-end of the thorium fuel cycle, the use of thorium in critical reactors and in Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS), with particular emphasis on accelerator developments and the destruction of nuclear waste. Following the success of the previous ThEC10 (UK), ThEC11 (USA) and ThEC12 (China), iThEC would like to bring together all regional actors in the development of thorium energy systems in order to promote scientific exchange and cooperation among specialists. The Conference will cover more specifically the following subjects: – National and international cooperative programmes on thorium technologies, covering industrial perspectives and economic considerations, and intended as a forum for national delegate leaders. – New conceptual aspects of thorium power reactors, covering MSR, HTR, Lead- and LBE-cooled reactors. – Neutron physics of thorium reactors, covering neutron spectrum (fast/thermal), moderation, reactivity coefficients, criticality, reactor dynamics and control, blanket, breeding gain, transmutation rates, status of nuclear data and simulation codes. – Thorium fuel cycle and elimination of nuclear waste, covering material inventories, manufacturing and reprocessing, transmutation rates of TRU and LLFP, fuel cycle schemes and economic considerations, breeding of U233 and use of U235 or Pu239 during start-up phase. Information on past experience from reprocessing of thorium fuel would be appreciated. – Materials technology, covering material properties, behaviour under radiation, compatibility and corrosion. Opportunities for long-term testing would be of interest. – Thorium accelerator driven systems (ADS), covering accelerator technology, beam properties, spallation target technology, neutronic analyses, systems reliability and material exposure to strong irradiation sources. – Non-proliferation, safety and safety regulations of thorium systems, addressing possible/potential proliferation risks of the Th-fuelled systems, reactor control, emergency situations, back-up systems, development of safety analysis tools like failure tree analysis, etc. An International Scientific Advisory Committee among regional actors in the development of thorium energy systems has been set up in order to advise on topics and potential speakers. Following their suggestions speakers will be invited, and a detailed programme will be defined. The registration for the conference is now open. We encourage you to register following the instructions after clicking "Registration" in the conference web page. |
Reception at Hotel President Wilson – Distribution of participant kit including CERN access pass 47, quai Wilson, Geneva
Registration for those who could not register at the reception on Sunday evening
Conference banquet talk delivered by M. Pascal Couchepin Former President of the Swiss Confederation
Round Table Discussion