4th International Workshop on Mechanisms of Vacuum Arcs (MeVArc 2013)

Hotel Les Aiglons

Hotel Les Aiglons

270 Avenue de Courmayeur 74400 Chamonix-Mont-Blanc
Alexia Augier (CERN), Flyura Djurabekova (University of Helsinki), Matthew Hopkins (Sandia National Laboratories), Sergio Calatroni (CERN), Walter Wuensch (CERN)

Vacuum arcs are a concern in nearly every vacuum electronic device, consequently are present in a very wide range of applications. Sometimes they form the basis for device operation, but all too often they are the primary failure mode.
Understanding the physical processes of an arc requires the expertise from many disciplines – material science, surface physics, plasma physics, high-voltage systems and radio frequency to name a few.
The purpose of this workshop series is to bring together scientists and engineers from many different applications and disciplines to discuss the latest efforts to understanding of vacuum arcs. We cover theory, simulation and experiments.
The multidisciplinary nature of vacuum arcs and vacuum devices provides a rich environment for finding physics of shared interest from multiple sources.

Some specific topics include:
  • High electric field gradient devices (e.g., high-gradient accelerators)
  • Modelling and simulation
  • Specialized experiments
  • Diagnostic methods
We welcome new areas of investigation in addition to the above. The link "Previous Workshops" can help you better understand the character of our workshop.

The workshop will run from Tuesday morning, 5 November to mid-day Thursday 7 November at the Hotel Les Aiglons in Chamonix. On Thursday afternoon there will be free time for exploring Chamonix or informal discussions.

Scientific program

The scientific (and social) program can be seen in the link above "Timetable."

Registered participants are now invited to make proposals for presentations and posters. Please send a title and a brief, two to four line, abstract to Walter Wuensch specifying oral or poster. We are targeting 30 minute (although this may change) oral presentations including discussion, maximum one per participant. The poster session will be held on Wednesday afternoon.

Please note that the program will evolve so please check periodically for the latest information.

Mini-School: Introduction to Radio Frequency Acceleration

The workshop will be preceded by a "Mini-School: Introduction to Radio Frequency Acceleration" on Monday 4 November 2013, also at the Hotel Les Aiglons. The objective of the mini-school is to provide non-accelerator CLIC collaborators more background on high-gradient acceleration. Everyone is welcome to participate.

The program for the mini-school is available via the link "Timetable."

Please contact Walter Wuensch for further information about this event.

Visit to CERN

A visit to the CERN will held on Friday 8 November 2013, after the workshop. Tours of various facilities, especially high-gradient test areas, will occur in the morning and early afternoon. Conference rooms for collaboration meetings or further discussion can be arranged.

Transportation from Chamonix to CERN late Thursday afternoon will be provided. Participants in this event can stay at the CERN hostel on Thursday night and are encouraged to make their reservation as soon as possible.

Please contact Sergio Calatroni for further information about this event.


Registration is opened. There is NO registration fee (Coffee breaks and lunches are included in the workshop).

Participants are requested to pay their room directly with the hotel (see Accommodation and Registration menus for more details)

  • Alberto Degiovanni
  • Alexej Grudiev
  • Alexey Dubrovskiy
  • Alexia Augier
  • Alvo Aabloo
  • Ana Teresa Perez Fontenla
  • Anders Korsback
  • Aniket deshpande
  • Antonio De Lorenzi
  • Benjamin Baum
  • Benjamin Woolley
  • Bruno Spataro
  • Chaohai Zhang
  • Christophe BOURAT
  • Dmitry Shmelev
  • Faya Wang
  • Flyura Djurabekova
  • Gert Jan Coelingh
  • Girish Magre
  • Grupesh Tapiawala
  • Hans Schellekens
  • Hugo Day
  • Iaroslava Profatilova
  • Jiaru Shi
  • Kai Nordlund
  • kashif yaqub
  • Kyrre Sjobak
  • Lotta Mether
  • Luc Sermeus
  • Mahesh Vaze
  • Markus Aicheler
  • Mateusz Bednarek
  • Matthew Hopkins
  • Michael Barnes
  • Michael Keidar
  • Mikhail Tsventoukh
  • Mrunal Parekh
  • Nicholas Shipman
  • Nicola Pilan
  • Ofer Yuli
  • Pascal PONARD
  • Paul Crozier
  • Sachin Umbarkar
  • Sergio Calatroni
  • Simon Vigonski
  • srinivas rao rayudu
  • Stefan Lagotzky
  • Stefan Parviainen
  • Susumu KATO
  • Thomas Kramer
  • Vahur Zadin
  • Valery Dolgashev
  • Ville Jansson
  • Walter Wuensch
  • Wilfrid Farabolini
  • yinon ashkenazy
  • Yong Jiang
  • Yosi Basson
  • Zhenxing Wang
  • Zhiyuan Liu