9:00 AM
Welcome address
9:10 AM
Session 1: Femtoscopy for widely varying systems & Session 5: Perspective facilities and detectors
(until 1:10 PM)
9:10 AM
Femtoscopic aspects of FSI, resonances and bound states
R Lednicky
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia)
9:40 AM
Femtoscopy for widely varying systems
H. Zbroszczyk
(Warsaw University of Technology, Poland)
10:05 AM
Cluster states and correlations in light nuclei
M. Freer
(University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)
10:35 AM
Particle-Fragment correlations at intermediate energies
A. Chbihi
(GANIL, France)
11:00 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
11:30 AM
Source functions in heavy-ion collisions and p-Lambda scattering lengths
Y. Sinyukov
(Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Ukraine)
12:00 PM
Coulomb chronometry to probe the decay mechanism of hot nuclei
D. Gruyer
(GANIL France)
12:25 PM
Effects on dynamics and thermo-dynamics in nuclear reactions on the symmetry energy
E. De Filippo
(INFN Sezione di Catania, Italy)
12:45 PM
The SPES project
G. De Angelis
(INFN-LNF, Italy)
8:45 AM
Session 4: Spectroscopy or Femtoscopy? Primordial versus final-state correlations
(until 11:20 AM)
8:45 AM
Correspondence between femtoscopy and resonance emission
M.A. Lisa
(Ohio State University)
9:10 AM
Contribution of FSI formation of narrow resonances to femtoscopic measurements
P. Chaloupka
(Czech Technical University in Prague)
9:35 AM
Hadronic resonances in heavy ion collisions
Christina Markert
(University of Texas)
10:05 AM
Hadronic resonances in ALICE
A. Badalà
(INFN - Sezione di Catania)
10:30 AM
Inclusive J/psi production in Pb-Pb collisions with the ALICE at the LHC
L. Bianchi
(INFN - Sezione di Torino & CERN)
10:50 AM
--- coffee break ---
11:20 AM
Session 1: Femtoscopy for widely varying systems
(until 1:10 PM)
11:20 AM
wo-particle correlations at small relative momenta in collisions of Al+Al and Ni+Ni at 1.9A GeV
V. Charviakova
(University of Warsaw)
11:45 AM
Measuring two-particle correlations with HADES
O. Arnold
(Excellence Cluster Universe)
12:10 PM
Flow and femtoscopy at RHIC Beam Energy Scan in a viscous hydro+cascade model
I. Karpenko
(Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)
12:30 PM
Source imaging in RHIC 200 GeV Au+Au collisions
R. Vertesi
(Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
12:50 PM
Pion-kaon femtoscopy for Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 39GeV from Beam Energy Scan program at STAR
K. Poniatowska
(Warsaw University of Technology)
9:00 AM
Session 4: Spectroscopy or Femtoscopy? Primordial versus final-state correlations & Session 5 : Perspective detectors and facilities
(until 11:15 AM)
9:00 AM
Hoyle state de-excitation studied by using particle correlation methods
B. Borderie
(Institut de Physique Nucléaire)
9:30 AM
Clustering and Low Density Nuclear Matter
K. Hagel
(Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University,)
9:55 AM
Search for alpha-cluster gas state in medium heavy nuclei
H. Akimune
(Department of Physics, Konan University)
10:20 AM
Freeze-out configuration properties in the Au + Au reaction at 23 AMeV
R. Planeta
(Jagiellonian University)
10:30 AM
Status of the NICA facility
R. Lednicky
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
10:40 AM
Preparation and characterization of single-crystal diamond for improved particle detectors
O. Lysenko
(National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)
10:50 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
11:15 AM
Session 2: Balance functions, charge correlations, isospin separation and diffusion
(until 4:00 PM)
11:15 AM
Balance Functions at RHIC
G. Westfall
(Michigan State University)
11:45 AM
Angular correlation studies in Pb--Pb and p--Pb with ALICE
P. Christakoglou
12:10 PM
Viewing the Chemistry of the QGP with Charge Balance Functions
S. Pratt
(Michigan State University)
12:40 PM
Charge dependent correlations in p-Pb at sqrt(s_{NN})=5.02 TeV and Pb-Pb at √s_NN = 2.76 TeV
A. Rodriguez Manso
1:00 PM
--- Lunch break ---
2:20 PM
Effects of equation of state on hydrodynamic expansion, spectrum and flow Harmonics
D. Dudek
2:30 PM
Imprints of cross-section fluctuations in nuclear collisions
M. Rybczynski
(Jan Kochanowski University)
2:40 PM
Strange Freezeout
S. Chatterjee
(Centre for High Energy Physics, Indian Institute of Science)
2:50 PM
Transport coefficients of the QGP - models and analytics for heat/electric conductivity
M. Greif
(Goethe University Frankfurt am Main)
3:00 PM
Azimuthally sensitive correlations induced by a small perturbation
T. Lilienkamp,
(University of Bielefeld)
3:10 PM
Statistical proporties of small systems
(Jan Kochanowski University)
3:20 PM
Hydrodynamics and the quantum stress-energy and spin tensors
L. Tinti
(Institute of Physics UJK)
3:30 PM
--- Coffee break and free time ---
8:50 AM
Session 3: Entrance channel effects on final-state anisotropy
(until 10:55 AM)
8:50 AM
Azimuthal angle dependence of HBT radii with respect to the event plane in Au+Au collisions at PHENIX
T. Niida
(Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan)
9:15 AM
HBT interferometry relative to the triangular flow plane in heavy-ion collisions
C. Plumberg
(Ohio State University, USA)
9:40 AM
Azimuthally sensitive pion femtoscopy in Pb-Pb collisions at 2.76 TeV with ALICE
V. Loggins
(Wayne State University, USA)
10:05 AM
The influence of initial conditions on the final observables for heavy-ion collisions at RHIC energies
R. Marty
(Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Germany)
10:25 AM
Heavy flavour elliptic flow and azimuthal angular correlations with ALICE
S. Bjelogrlic
(Utrecht University, Netherlands)
10:45 AM
Multipole solutions of relativistic hydrodynamics
T. Csörgő
M. Csanad
(Eötvös University, Hungary)
10:55 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
11:25 AM
Section 2 : Balance functions, charge correlations, isospin separation and diffusion & Session 5 : Perspective detectors and facilities
(until 1:10 PM)
11:25 AM
Isospin diffusion in heavy-ion collisions
M.B. Tsang
(Michigan State University, USA)
11:55 AM
Constraints on the high density dependence of the symmetry energy from heavy-ion collisions
Mircea Dan Cozma
(IFIN-HH, Romania)
12:20 PM
Surprisingly Close Tsallis Fits to High Transverse Momentum Hadrons Produced at LHC
G. Wilk
(National Centre for Nuclear Research, Department of Fundamental Research, Poland)
12:40 PM
ALICE Upgrades and Future Femtoscopic Measurements
J. Salzwedel
(Ohio State University, USA)
1:00 PM
Initial conditions in 5 TeV p-Pb collisions within the PHSD transport approach
V. Konchakovski,
(Institute for Theoretical Physics, Giessen University, Germany)
1:10 PM
--- Lunch break ---
2:40 PM
Session 3: Entrance channel effects on final-state anisotropy
(until 7:15 PM)
2:40 PM
Anisotropic flow: past, present and future
R. Snellings
(Utrecht University, Netherlands)
3:10 PM
Measurements of the event shapes and underlying event in pp collisions at 7 TeV
R. Astalos
(Comenius University, Slovakia)
3:40 PM
The elliptic flow and the shear viscosity of the QGP within a kinetic approach
S. Plumari
(University of Catania, Italy)
4:05 PM
Dihadron correlations and azimuthal anisotropy harmonics in pPb and PbPb at CMS
S.S. Padula
(UNESP - Instituto de Fisica Teorica, Brazil)
4:30 PM
Inclusive hadron production in pp and p-Pb collisions from CMS
S. M. Dogra
(UNESP - Instituto de Fisica Teorica, Brazil))
4:50 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
5:20 PM
Imaging the internal structure of protons with diffraction at LHC
T. Csörgő
(Wigner RCP, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary)
5:50 PM
Density correlations in the Glauber model
W. Broniowski
(Jan Kochanowski University, Poland)
6:15 PM
Measurements of flow in PbPb collisions at CMS
Q. Wang
(University of Kansas, USA)
6:35 PM
Directed flow of charged particles at mid-rapidity relative to the spectator plane measured by ALICE
I. Selyuzhenkov
(EMMI/GSI, Germany)
6:55 PM
STAR's measurement of directed flow in the Beam Energy Scan at RHIC
M.A. Lisa
(Ohio State University)
1:10 PM
--- Lunch Break ---
2:40 PM
Session 4 : Spectroscopy or Femtoscopy? Primordial versus final-state correlations
(until 5:10 PM)
2:40 PM
Correlations at the limits of nuclear existence
M. Marques
3:10 PM
The nuclear break-up: a tool to probe correlations in nuclei
M. Assie
(Institut de Physique Nucléaire)
3:35 PM
High resolution continuum spectroscopy of light nuclei
L. Sobotka
(Washington University)
4:00 PM
nvariant mass spectroscopy of light neutron-unbound systems
G. Randisi
(IKS KU Leuven)
4:20 PM
Imaging two-proton dynamical sources at intermediate energies
T. Minniti,
(Univeristy of Catania)
4:40 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
5:10 PM
Session 1 : Femtoscopy for widely varying systems & Session 4 : Spectroscopy or Femtoscopy? Primordial versus final-state correlations
(until 7:15 PM)
5:10 PM
System size and energy dependence of multiplicity fluctuations in AA and pp collisions
G. Stefanek
(Jan Kochanowski University)
5:40 PM
A simple model for pi-pi, K0s-K0s, and Kch-Kch femtoscopy in 7 TeV p-p collisions
T. Humanic
(Ohio State University)
6:05 PM
Proton femtoscopy in the STAR experiment
H. Zbroszczyk
(Warsaw University of Technology)
6:25 PM
Correlation femtoscopy of kaons in the SELEX experiment
G. Nigmatkulov
(National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI")
6:45 PM
Kaon femtoscopy in Au-Au collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 200GeV in STAR
M. Girard
(Warsaw University of Technology)
6:55 PM
Dissipative corrections to anisotropic flow and multiparticle correlations
C. Lang
(University of Bielefeld)
7:05 PM
Study of anisotropic Quark-gluon plasma (aQGP) through Photon Interferometry.
P. Mohanty
(Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics)
8:15 PM
--- Social Dinner ---
5:00 PM
--- Social visit ---
1:10 PM
--- Lunch Break ---
2:45 PM
Session 1: Femtoscopy for widely varying systems & Session 4: Spectroscopy or Femtoscopy: Primordial versus final-state correlations
(until 5:20 PM)
2:45 PM
Chaoticity Measurements in Pb-Pb Collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 2.76 TeV with ALICE
D. Gangadharan
3:15 PM
Two-pion femtoscopy in small systems with ALICE
L. Graczykowski
(Warsaw University of Technology)
3:40 PM
A Monte Carlo Study of Chaoticity in Pb-Pb Collisions at LHC Energies
R. Gupta
(University of Jammu)
4:00 PM
Minijet effects in femtoscopic and angular correlations
M.A. Janik
(Warsaw University of Technology,)
4:25 PM
Residual correlations in baryon femtoscopy
M.P. Szymanski
(Warsaw University of Technology)
4:50 PM
--- Coffee break ---
5:20 PM
Session 3: Entrance channel effects on final-state anisotropy
(until 7:10 PM)
5:20 PM
Locally anisotropic momentum distributions of hadrons at freeze-out in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
W. Florkowski,
(Jan Kochanowski University)
5:45 PM
Anisotropic flow of identified particles in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt(s_{NN}) = 2.76 TeV measured with ALICE at the LHC
F. Noferini
(Enrico Fermi Centre (Rome) and INFN Sezione di Bologna)
6:10 PM
Investigation of Mach cones and the corresponding two-particle correlations in a microscopic transport model
I. Bouras
(University of Frankfurt a.M,)
6:30 PM
On the origin of the centrality dependence of the ridge structure
Y. Hama
(University of São Paulo)
6:50 PM
On the onset of the ridge structure in AA,pA and pp collisions
C. Pajares
(University of Santiago de Compostela)
7:10 PM
--- Conclusions and Announcement for WPCF-2014 ---