WPCF 2013 - IX Workshop on Particle Correlations and Femtoscopy
Acireale (Catania), Italy
Acireale (Catania), Italy
San Biagio Resort, Via Guido Gozzano, 2 - 95024 Acireale (CT), Italy
WPCF 2013 – IX Workshop on Particle Correlations and Femtoscopy
We are pleased to announce the upcoming IX Workshop on Particle Correlations and Femtoscopy, WPCF 2013. The workshop will be held in the Sicilian town of Acireale (Italy), near Catania, on Nov 5-8, 2013. The meeting is organized by the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Sezione di Catania and Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (LNS) and by the Dipartimento di Fisica ed Astronomia of the University of Catania.
Scientific information and topics
This event follows the tradition of previous editions by bringing together experts and other interested researchers in the field of particle-particle correlations and “femtoscopy” in nuclear and particle physics. The topics covered by the WPCF workshop concern dynamical and thermo-dynamical properties of emitting sources produced in heavy-ion collisions, including links to phase transitions and equation of state properties. Moreover, two- and multi-particle correlation measurements provide tools to reveal the existence of new resonances (both at high and at low energies) and phenomena such as nuclear clusters and molecules and spectroscopic properties of unbound states.
The scope of the meeting will include correlation and femtoscopy research at RHIC/LHC energies and at low and intermediate energies as well.
Sessions and conveners:
The meeting will be held at the San Biagio Resort, located in the baroque town of Acireale, near the Etna volcano and the city of Catania (Italy). Acireale is located on the coastline of Catania (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acireale). Acireale can be easily reached by train or by bus from downtown Catania. Catania airport is well connected to all main Italian and European hubs. Transportation and accommodation details will be provided on the second circular and on the conference website. A number of single rooms (80 Euros per night including breakfast) and double rooms (90 Euros per night hosting two guests and including breakfast) are available at the same location of the conference sessions (San Biagio Resort Hotel). These rooms may already be booked on the conference web site using the hotel reservation link.
Organizing committees
International Advisory Committee (IAC): M. Bleicher (ITP & FIAS Un. of Frankfurt, Germany), W. Broniowski (IFJ PAN and UJK, Poland), P. Christakoglou (NIKHEF, Netherlands), T. Csorgo (Budapest, Hungary), P. Danielewicz (MSU, USA), W. Florkowski (IFJ PAN and UJK, Poland), Y. Foka (CERN, Switzerland), M. Freer (Birmingham, UK), T. Humanic (OSU, USA), A. Kisiel (WUT, Poland), R. A. Lacey (Stony Brook, USA), R. Lednicky (Dubna, Russia), M. A. Lisa (OSU, USA), D. Miskowiec (GSI, Germany), R. Nania (INFN-Bologna), S. S. Padula (UNESP, Brazil), J. Pluta (WUT-Krakow, Poland), A. Pagano (INFN-Catania, Italy), S. Pratt (MSU, USA), Y. Sinyukov (BTPI-NAS, Ukraine), R. Snellings (Utrecht Univ., Netherlands), M. Sumbera (ASCR, Czech Rep.), G. Verde (INFN-Catania Italy), S. Voloshin (WSU, USA), B. Zajc (Columbia Univ., USA)
Chair: G. Verde (INFN-Sez. di Catania)
Local Committee: C. Agodi (INFN-LNS), E. De Filippo (INFN-Sez. di Catania), L. Francalanza (Univ. of Catania, INFN-LNS), V. Greco (Univ. of Catania, INFN-LNS), T. Minniti (Univ. of Catania), E.V. Pagano (Univ. of Catania, INFN-LNS), S. Pirrone (INFN-Catania), P. Russotto (INFN-Catania)
Registration and abstract submission
The registration fee of 220 Euros will cover coffee breaks, lunches, the social dinnerdinner and expenses for administration, conference hall and presentation equipment. The fee will be reduced to 140 Euros for students.
Important dates:
- June 15, 2013: Abstract submission and registration open
- September 30, 2013: Deadline for registration and abstract submission
Contacts and information
More information about the WPCF-2013 can be found on the following
web site: http://www.ct.infn.it/wpcf2013.
For further questions and information please contact the organizing committee by email at
We look forward to meeting you in Acireale!
We are pleased to announce the upcoming IX Workshop on Particle Correlations and Femtoscopy, WPCF 2013. The workshop will be held in the Sicilian town of Acireale (Italy), near Catania, on Nov 5-8, 2013. The meeting is organized by the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Sezione di Catania and Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (LNS) and by the Dipartimento di Fisica ed Astronomia of the University of Catania.
Scientific information and topics
This event follows the tradition of previous editions by bringing together experts and other interested researchers in the field of particle-particle correlations and “femtoscopy” in nuclear and particle physics. The topics covered by the WPCF workshop concern dynamical and thermo-dynamical properties of emitting sources produced in heavy-ion collisions, including links to phase transitions and equation of state properties. Moreover, two- and multi-particle correlation measurements provide tools to reveal the existence of new resonances (both at high and at low energies) and phenomena such as nuclear clusters and molecules and spectroscopic properties of unbound states.
The scope of the meeting will include correlation and femtoscopy research at RHIC/LHC energies and at low and intermediate energies as well.
- Femtoscopy at RHIC and LHC: links to QGP physics
- Femtoscopy in A+A, p+p , p+A and e+-e- collisions at relativistic energies
- Femtoscopy at intermediate energies: links to the EoS of asymmetry nuclear matter
- Charge fluctuations and correlations
- Fluctuation in initial conditions
- Collective flow and correlations
- Resonance decays at RHIC and LHC
- Resonance decay spectroscopy in low and intermediate energy reactions
- Correlations, cluster states, nuclear molecules and production of boson condensates in nuclei
- New methods and facilities
Sessions and conveners:
- Femtoscopy for widely varying systems A. Chbihi (GANIL, France), A. Kisiel (WUT, Poland), S. S. Padula (UNESP, Brazil), E. Sarkisyan-Grinbaum(UTA, USA/CERN, Switzerland)
- Balance functions, charge correlations, isospin separation and diffusion P. Danielewicz (MSU, USA), S. Pratt (MSU, USA), S. Yennello (TAMU, USA)
- Entrance channel effects on final-state anisotropies E. Greco (Un. Of Catania/INFN-LNS, Italy), B.A. Li (TAMU Commerce, USA), R. Snellings (Utrecht Univ., Netherlands)
- Spectroscopy or Femtoscopy? Primordial versus final-state correlations M. Freer (Univ. of Birmingham, M.A. Lisa (OSU, USA), R. Nania (INFN-BO), M. Sumbera (ASCR, Czech Rep.)
- Perspective facilities and detectors M. Bleicher (FIAS, Germany), D. Miskowiec (GSI, Germany), A. Pagano (INFN-CT)
The meeting will be held at the San Biagio Resort, located in the baroque town of Acireale, near the Etna volcano and the city of Catania (Italy). Acireale is located on the coastline of Catania (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acireale). Acireale can be easily reached by train or by bus from downtown Catania. Catania airport is well connected to all main Italian and European hubs. Transportation and accommodation details will be provided on the second circular and on the conference website. A number of single rooms (80 Euros per night including breakfast) and double rooms (90 Euros per night hosting two guests and including breakfast) are available at the same location of the conference sessions (San Biagio Resort Hotel). These rooms may already be booked on the conference web site using the hotel reservation link.
Organizing committees
International Advisory Committee (IAC): M. Bleicher (ITP & FIAS Un. of Frankfurt, Germany), W. Broniowski (IFJ PAN and UJK, Poland), P. Christakoglou (NIKHEF, Netherlands), T. Csorgo (Budapest, Hungary), P. Danielewicz (MSU, USA), W. Florkowski (IFJ PAN and UJK, Poland), Y. Foka (CERN, Switzerland), M. Freer (Birmingham, UK), T. Humanic (OSU, USA), A. Kisiel (WUT, Poland), R. A. Lacey (Stony Brook, USA), R. Lednicky (Dubna, Russia), M. A. Lisa (OSU, USA), D. Miskowiec (GSI, Germany), R. Nania (INFN-Bologna), S. S. Padula (UNESP, Brazil), J. Pluta (WUT-Krakow, Poland), A. Pagano (INFN-Catania, Italy), S. Pratt (MSU, USA), Y. Sinyukov (BTPI-NAS, Ukraine), R. Snellings (Utrecht Univ., Netherlands), M. Sumbera (ASCR, Czech Rep.), G. Verde (INFN-Catania Italy), S. Voloshin (WSU, USA), B. Zajc (Columbia Univ., USA)
Chair: G. Verde (INFN-Sez. di Catania)
Local Committee: C. Agodi (INFN-LNS), E. De Filippo (INFN-Sez. di Catania), L. Francalanza (Univ. of Catania, INFN-LNS), V. Greco (Univ. of Catania, INFN-LNS), T. Minniti (Univ. of Catania), E.V. Pagano (Univ. of Catania, INFN-LNS), S. Pirrone (INFN-Catania), P. Russotto (INFN-Catania)
Registration and abstract submission
The registration fee of 220 Euros will cover coffee breaks, lunches, the social dinnerdinner and expenses for administration, conference hall and presentation equipment. The fee will be reduced to 140 Euros for students.
Important dates:
- June 15, 2013: Abstract submission and registration open
- September 30, 2013: Deadline for registration and abstract submission
Contacts and information
More information about the WPCF-2013 can be found on the following
web site: http://www.ct.infn.it/wpcf2013.
For further questions and information please contact the organizing committee by email at
We look forward to meeting you in Acireale!
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