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2nd Summer School on INtelligent signal processing for FrontIEr Research and Industry

BioPark Auditorium and Physics Department, Building Condorcet (University Paris-Diderot, Paris, France)

BioPark Auditorium and Physics Department, Building Condorcet

University Paris-Diderot, Paris, France

The focus of the School is on the most advanced technologies in the fields of semiconductors, very deep submicron and 3D technologies, nanotechnology, advanced packaging and interconnects, telecommunications, real-time signal processing, filtering and massively parallel computing and on the Physics motivations that require confronting these technogical challenges for building the needed new instruments. These Physics motivations are reviewed both in dedicated lectures as well as in all the more technology-based lectures. The school will provide lectures and Lab work in a variety of cross-disciplinary example applications drawn from the exploration of distant Universe, through Medical imaging of the human body, to exploration of the elementary particle world. Lectures on technical developments and science overviews will be given by experts from Academia and Industry, alongside with hands-on Lab sessions with demonstrators and subject specific master-classes on science & technology. Two Public Lectures are scheduled that will take place in different locations in Paris. The morning sessions from 9 am to 1pm will be dedicated to the lectures held in the BioPark main auditorium The afternoon sessions will be devoted to the Lab sessions from 2 to 5pm held in the Physics Department, Building Condorcet. From 5 to 6.30 pm there will be science overview lectures (BioPark Auditorium). All the days (except Sunday July 20) will follow this basic schedule (see present timetable). The school will be held from July 15 to Friday 25 (end of the afternoon), with a break on Sunday where people will enjoy a day free in Paris or surroundings as they like. The program of the Computing and Practical Labs can be find in a booklett format here attached as paper.pdf file. The paper.pdf file includes the tittle of the Labs, the authors'names and an abstract describing them.
    • 1
      Registration Building FACe, University Paris-Diderot

      Building FACe, University Paris-Diderot

      The registration will be opened from 5 to 8pm.
    • 2
      Introduction to the Paris-Diderot University, UnivESarth LabEx and APC Lab: Present and future Educational and Research Objectives BioPark Auditorium

      BioPark Auditorium

      Campus in the City: Pierre Binetruy, former Director of the APC Laboratory and instrumental to its creation and development over these last 10 years, is currently co-director of the UnivEarthS LabEx and coordinator of the french participation in the LISA gravitational waves project.
      Speaker: Prof. Pierre Binetruy (APC-University Paris-Diderot)
    • 3
      About a few challenges for signal processing in emission and transmission tomography BioPark Auditorium

      BioPark Auditorium

      Speaker: Prof. Christian Morel (University of Aix-Marseille/ imXGam-CPPM/CNRS (FR))
    • 11:00
      Coffee Break BioPark Coffee Break Area

      BioPark Coffee Break Area

    • 4
      New Challenges for Signal Processing for High Energy Physics experiments BioPark Auditorium

      BioPark Auditorium

      Speaker: Prof. Geoffrey Hall (Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB))
    • 13:00
      LUNCH BioPark Restaurant

      BioPark Restaurant

    • 5
      First Lab session BioPark Auditorium

      BioPark Auditorium

      The first session on July 15 will be devoted to the presentation of all the 10 Computing Labs and 10 Practical Labs by their authors. This will be a plenary session held in the BioPark Auditorium as the other plenary sessions. The participants will have to choose the “Menu of Labs” they want to perform. Students must choose sessions that do not correspond to their expertise and/or current work. The organizers will prepare accordingly the overall work plan and schedule for the whole duration of the school. The first parallel sessions will thus start on July 16,
      • a) Introduction
        The first afternoon from 2 to 5pm is dedicated to the presentation of the Computing and Practical Labs that have been prepared for this School. There ia a total of 10 Computing and 10 Practical Labs. The aim of this Lab is to provide hands on on most of the topics that are covered by the School and in addition several of them include an introduction to several experiments and projects that complete those presented in the School.
        Speaker: Aurore Savoy Navarro (APC Paris-Diderot/CNRS & INFN-Pisa)
      • b) CL1 - P. Kestener (CEA-Saclay, FR)
      • c) CL2 - G. Cotter and A. Pollack (Oxford, UK)
      • d) CL3 - P. Pittet. F. Calmon, R. Cellier and L. Quiquerez (INL-CNRS, FR)
      • e) CL4 - R. Patti (Tezzaron Semiconductor, USA)
      • f) CL5/CL6 - R.Iope (SPRACE-UNESP, BR)
      • g) CL7 - V. Saveliev and N. D'Ascenzo (NRNU-Moscow, RU)
      • h) CL8 - J. Girard, J. Bobin and F. Lanusse (CEA Saclay, FR)
      • i) CL9 - C.S. Moon (APC-Paris Diderot/CNRS, FR)
      • j) CL10 - E. Plagnol, A Petiteau and H. Inchauspe (APC, Paris-Diderot/CNRS, FR)
      • k) Lab1/Lab2 - C. Mattone and R. Santoro (Universita degli Studi dell'Insubria, IT)
      • l) Lab3 - G. Cotter and A. De Franco (Oxford, UK)
      • m) Lab4/Lab5 - E. Schioppa, A. Pellegrino and J. Visser (NIKHEF, NL)
      • n) Lab6/Lab7 - S. Daguspa (Bristol University, UK)
      • o) Lab8 - P.Laurent, Y.Dolgorousky and M. Khalil (CEA-AIM and APC-Paris Diderot/CNRS, FR)
      • p) Lab9 - C. Buy and H. Hallouin (APC, Paris-Diderot/CNRS, FR)
      • q) Lab10 - M. Jones (Purdue University & FNAL, USA)
    • 16:45
      Coffee Break BioPark Coffee Break Area

      BioPark Coffee Break Area

    • 6
      Overview of Cosmology with SKA, the Square Kilometer Array BioPark Auditorium

      BioPark Auditorium

      Speaker: Prof. Francoise Combes (Observatoire de Paris & LERMA (FR))
    • 18:30
      Welcome Cocktail BioPark Auditorium, Coffee break Place (University Paris-Diderot)

      BioPark Auditorium, Coffee break Place

      University Paris-Diderot

    • Second Morning Session BioPark Auditorium

      BioPark Auditorium

      This session is dedicated to a series of lectures on Very Deep SubMicron CMOS Technologies, 3D technologies and New Packaging Technologies

      • 7
        Introduction to Very Deep Sub Micron CMOS technologies: the 65nm CMOS process for mixed mode analog-digital circuits
        Speaker: Prof. Valerio Re (INFN and University of Bergamo (IT))
      • 8
        Introduction to Very Deep SubMicron CMOS Technologies: FD-SOI technology for digital systems
        Speaker: Dr Claire Fenouillet-Beranger (CEA-LETI (FR))
      • 11:00
        Coffee break BioPark Auditorium

        BioPark Auditorium

      • 9
        3D and Novel Packaging technologies
        Speaker: Dr Robert Patti (Tezzaron Semiconductor (USA))
      • 10
        3D technologies: new era for packaging and IC development
        Speaker: Dr Yann Lamy (CEA-LETI (FR))
    • 13:00
      LUNCH BioPark restaurant

      BioPark restaurant

    • Labs session Physics Department, Building Condorcet, Universite Paris-Diderot

      Physics Department, Building Condorcet, Universite Paris-Diderot

      The parallel sessions from 2 to 4h45 are divided into three categories: i) the computing Labs, ii) the Practical Labs and iii) the dedicated master-classes.
      These sessions will be held from July 16 to 25 (included).
      The participants will follow the programme of parallel sessions of their choice (see introductory session on July 15 and the booklett of Computing and Practical Labs posted as "paper" in this INDICO page).
      The dedicated master-classes will allow a Q&A session with the lecturers of the day as a third option.
      The location of rooms and Labs all located in the Physics Department, Building Condorcet, will be specified on July 15.

    • 16:45
      Coffee Break BioPark Coffee Break Area

      BioPark Coffee Break Area

    • 11
      New Challenges in Signal Processing in Astrophysics: the SKA case BioPark Auditorium

      BioPark Auditorium

      This talk completes the introductory lectures given on the first day concerning the challenges of the overall Signal in the Astrophysics case; this lecture could not be scheduled on Monday July 15.
      Speaker: Dr Andrew Faulkner (Cambridge (UK))
    • Third Morning Session BioPark Auditorium

      BioPark Auditorium

      This session will be dedicated to a series of lectures on the Front End Signal Processing for the calorimeters (for both Astrophysics experiments and upgrades at LHC for High Luminosity). It will include the Very Front End signal processing, the on-detector real time selection and Level 1 triggering as well as the various overall trigger strategies.

      • 12
        The Veloce Emulator and its Use for Verification and System Integration of Complex Multi-node SOC Computing Systems (ie. the Next Generation Veloce Emulator)
        Note that the lecture on "New Physics requirements and Technological challenges to be confronted by the Calorimetry in Particle Physics" is postponed to July 21st and will be given by Dr. Francesca Cavallari from Roma 1 University.
        Speaker: Laurent Vuillemin (MENTOR GRAPHICS)
      • 13
        New calorimeters for Space experiments: Physics requirements and technological challenges
        This lecture presented by P. Marrocchesi will include his material and the one provided by O. Adriani (Universita di Firenze) with whom P. Marrochessi is also collaborating.
        Speaker: Prof. Pier Simone Marrocchesi (Universita di Siena and INFN-Pisa (IT))
      • 11:00
        Coffee Break BioPark Coffee Break area

        BioPark Coffee Break area

    • 13:00
      LUNCH BioPark Restaurant

      BioPark Restaurant

    • Labs session Physics Department, Building Condorcet, Universite Paris-Diderot

      Physics Department, Building Condorcet, Universite Paris-Diderot

      The parallel sessions from 2 to 4h45 are divided into three categories: i) the computing Labs, ii) the Practical Labs and iii) the dedicated master-classes.
      These sessions will be held from July 16 to 25 (included).
      The participants will follow the programme of parallel sessions of their choice (see introductory session on July 15 and the booklett of Computing and Practical Labs posted as "paper" in this INDICO page).
      The dedicated master-classes will allow a Q&A session with the lecturers of the day as a third option.
      The location of rooms and Labs all located in the Physics Department, Building Condorcet, will be specified on July 15.

    • 16:45
      Coffee Break BioPark Coffee Break Area

      BioPark Coffee Break Area

    • 15
      Towards the New Generation of Neutrino Observatory: Physics and Technological Challenges BioPark Auditorium

      BioPark Auditorium

      Speaker: Prof. Thomas Patzak (APC-CNRS and University Paris-Diderot)
    • 16
      Public Lecture 1: The Higgs Boson and the Two Infinities -- Le Boson de Higgs et les Deux Infinis University PARIS-DIDEROT, Paris 13eme (Amphitheater BUFFON)

      University PARIS-DIDEROT, Paris 13eme

      Amphitheater BUFFON

      This Public Event will be given in english by Michel SPIRO, Physicist, Conseiller Scientifique au Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Former President of CERN Council as well as Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique. The Public lecture will be given in the Amphitheater BUFFON in the University PARIS DIDEROT Campus (Paris 13) and will be film recorded. Cette Presentation Grand Public sera donne par Michel SPIRO, Physicien, Conseiller Scientifique au Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, precedent President du Conseil du CERN et Professeur a l'Ecole Polytechnique. Michel Spiro est auteur de plusieurs ouvrages scientifiques accessibles a un large public et a donne de nombreuses conferences ces dernieres annees pour differents publics y inclus large audience.
      Speaker: Prof. Michel Spiro (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))
    • Fourth Morning Session BioPark Auditorium

      BioPark Auditorium

      This session will be dedicated to a series of lectures on the intelligent front signal processing of the tracking devices. This will include tracking devices based on Silicon strip detectors and Scintillating Fibers read out by SiPMs as developed for example for High Energy Astrophysics and LHC experiments (for the High Luminosity upgrades) and Astrophysics High Energy experiments.

      • 17
        On-detector Signal Processing for Large area tracking system based on Silicon strips
        Speaker: Dr Stefano Mersi (CERN (CH))
      • 18
        Real time (Level-1) Track Triggering: Technological challenges
        Speaker: Dr Stefano Mersi (CERN (CH))
      • 11:15
        Coffee Break BioPark Coffee Break Area

        BioPark Coffee Break Area

      • 19
        Large Area tracking systems based on Scintillating Fibers read out by SiPM's
        This session will cover both the LHCb case in High Energy Physics and the Astrophysics High Energy application.
        Speaker: Dr Christian Joram (CERN (CH))
    • 13:00
      LUNCH BioPark Restaurant

      BioPark Restaurant

    • Labs session Physics Department, Building Condorcet, University Paris-Diderot

      Physics Department, Building Condorcet, University Paris-Diderot

      The parallel sessions from 2 to 4h45 are divided into three categories: i) the computing Labs, ii) the Practical Labs and iii) the dedicated master-classes.
      These sessions will be held from July 16 to 25 (included).
      The participants will follow the programme of parallel sessions of their choice (see introductory session on July 15 and the booklett of Computing and Practical Labs posted as "paper" in this INDICO page).
      The dedicated master-classes will allow a Q&A session with the lecturers of the day as a third option.
      The location of rooms and Labs all located in the Physics Department, Building Condorcet, will be specified on July 15.

    • 16:45
      Coffee Break BioPark Coffee Break Area

      BioPark Coffee Break Area

    • 20
      Physics Motivations for Level-1 track triggering at LHC and future HEP experiments BioPark Auditorium

      BioPark Auditorium

      Speaker: Dr Oliver Buchmueller (Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB))
    • Fifth Morning Session BioPark Auditorium

      BioPark Auditorium

      This session will be dedicated to the Intelligent Pixels based tracking devices. The way novel semi-conductor technologies and advanced microelectronics allow a high-level of signal processing in pixel based devices both for fundamental research and applied developments will be shown

      • 21
        How & why pixels are becoming more & more intelligent (FE & readout electronics): lecture 1
        Speaker: Prof. Norbert Wermes (Universitaet Bonn (DE))
      • 22
        How & Why Pixels are becoming more & more intelligent (FE & readout electronics): lecture 2
        Speaker: Prof. Norbert Wermes (Universitaet Bonn (DE))
      • 11:00
        Coffee Break BioPark Coffee Break Area

        BioPark Coffee Break Area

      • 23
        How and Why Pixels are becoming more and more intelligent (sensors-part1): lecture 3
        Speaker: Prof. Daniela Bortoletto (Purdue University (USA) and Oxford (UK))
      • 24
        Why and How Pixels are becoming more and more intelligent (sensors-Part2): lecture 4
        Speaker: Prof. Gian-Franco Dalla Betta (INFN and University of Trento (IT))
    • 13:00
      LUNCH BioPark Restaurant

      BioPark Restaurant

    • Labs session Physics Department, Building Condorcet, University Paris-Diderot

      Physics Department, Building Condorcet, University Paris-Diderot

      The parallel sessions from 2 to 4h45 are divided into three categories: i) the computing Labs, ii) the Practical Labs and iii) the dedicated master-classes.
      These sessions will be held from July 16 to 25 (included).
      The participants will follow the programme of parallel sessions of their choice (see introductory session on July 15 and the booklett of Computing and Practical Labs posted as "paper" in this INDICO page).
      The dedicated master-classes will allow a Q&A session with the lecturers of the day as a third option.
      The location of rooms and Labs all located in the Physics Department, Building Condorcet, will be specified on July 15.

    • 16:45
      Coffee Break BioPark Coffee Break Area

      BioPark Coffee Break Area

    • 25
      Intelligent Pixels: The SOIPiX R&D programme and applications
      Speaker: Prof. Eduardo Cortina Gil (Université catholique de Louvain (BE))
    • FREE DAY Paris or surroundings

      Paris or surroundings

    • Sixth Morning Session BioPark Auditorium

      BioPark Auditorium

      This session will be dedicated to the new technologies for data transmission available or in development in the Industrial Telecom World and of special interest for Fundamental and Applied research

      • 26
        Silicon Photonics: Optical Modulation and Detection (part1)
        Speaker: Dr Laurent Vivien (Si-Photonics Lab (Paris-Sud University/CNRS) FR)
      • 27
        Silicon Photonics: Optical Modulation and Detection (Part 2)
        Speaker: Dr Laurent Vivien (Si Photonics Lab (Paris-Sud University/CNRS) FR)
      • 11:00
        coffee break BioPark Coffee Break Area

        BioPark Coffee Break Area

      • 28
        Data transmission needs and challenges for Frontier Particle Physics: The versatile link Project for LHC applications
        Speaker: Prof. Anthony Weidberg (University of Oxford (GB))
      • 29
        Data transmission Needs and Challenges for Frontier Particle Physics: Radiation Hardness and Longetivity
        Speaker: Prof. Suen Hou (Academia Sinica (TW))
    • 13:00
      LUNCH BioPark Restaurant

      BioPark Restaurant

    • Labs session Physics Department, Building Condorcet, University Paris-Diderot

      Physics Department, Building Condorcet, University Paris-Diderot

      The parallel sessions from 2 to 4h45 are divided into three categories: i) the computing Labs, ii) the Practical Labs and iii) the dedicated master-classes.
      These sessions will be held from July 16 to 25 (included).
      The participants will follow the programme of parallel sessions of their choice (see introductory session on July 15 and the booklett of Computing and Practical Labs posted as "paper" in this INDICO page).
      The dedicated master-classes will allow a Q&A session with the lecturers of the day as a third option.
      The location of rooms and Labs all located in the Physics Department, Building Condorcet, will be specified on July 15.

    • 16:45
      Coffee Break BioPark Coffee Break Area

      BioPark Coffee Break Area

    • 30
      New Physics requirements and Technological challenges to be confronted by the Calorimetry in Particle Physics BioPark Auditorium

      BioPark Auditorium

      Speaker: Dr Francesca Cavallari (Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))
    • Second Public Lecture on "Arts, Research and High Tech: the interconnected XXIst century New World" Auditorium of the Institute Mutualiste Montsouris, IMM, Paris 14, See here below "slides" for the details of this Auditorium

      Auditorium of the Institute Mutualiste Montsouris, IMM, Paris 14, See here below "slides" for the details of this Auditorium

      Performance gathering representatives from Arts, Fundamental and Applied research and High tech Firms.

    • Seventh Morning Session BioPark Auditorium

      BioPark Auditorium

      This session will be dedicated to some specific application of the modern data transmission technologies to the SKA case, the high luminosity LHC upgrades (ATLAS, CMS and LHCb) and the Novel Medical Imaging developments.

      • 32
        Novel Data Transmission wireless based technology for Frontier Applications
        Speaker: Prof. Richard Brenner (Uppsala University (SE))
      • 11:15
        Coffee break BioPark Coffee Break area

        BioPark Coffee Break area

      • 33
        Data Transmission Challenges and Needs for Frontier AstroPhysics: the SKA case
        Speaker: Dr Roshene McCool (SKA Organisation, UK)
    • 13:00
      LUNCH BioPark Restaurant

      BioPark Restaurant

    • Labs session Physics Department, Building Condorcet, University Paris-Diderot

      Physics Department, Building Condorcet, University Paris-Diderot

      The parallel sessions from 2 to 4h45 are divided into three categories: i) the computing Labs, ii) the Practical Labs and iii) the dedicated master-classes.
      These sessions will be held from July 16 to 25 (included).
      The participants will follow the programme of parallel sessions of their choice (see introductory session on July 15 and the booklett of Computing and Practical Labs posted as "paper" in this INDICO page).
      The dedicated master-classes will allow a Q&A session with the lecturers of the day as a third option.
      The location of rooms and Labs all located in the Physics Department, Building Condorcet, will be specified on July 15.

    • 16:45
      COFFEE BREAK BioPark Coffee Break Area

      BioPark Coffee Break Area

    • 34
      Real time Signal Processing, Data Filtering and High-Degree on-device data processing in Medical Imaging BioPark Auditorium

      BioPark Auditorium

      Speaker: Dr Pedro Guerra (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (SP))
    • SCHOOL BANQUET The school banquet will take place in a boat that will be cruising along the Canal St Martin from Bastille till the Bassin de La Villette

      The school banquet will take place in a boat that will be cruising along the Canal St Martin from Bastille till the Bassin de La Villette

    • Eighth Morning Session BioPark Auditorium

      BioPark Auditorium

      This session will be dedicated to the Introduction to the most modern Massive Parallel Computing Tools, on both the hardware (Novel Processor Units and related technology challenges) and the software (modelling complex architecture, real time algorithms, optimization software tools etc.)

      • 35
        Front-End Multiplexing
        Speaker: Dr Damien Prele (APC Laboratory/CNRS)
      • 11:00
        Coffee Break BioPark Coffee Break Area

        BioPark Coffee Break Area

      • 36
        Radio Aperture synthesis as a practical example of sparse signal reconstruction
        Speaker: Dr Julien Girard (CEA-Cosmostat)
    • 13:00
      LUNCH BioPark Restaurant

      BioPark Restaurant

    • Labs session Physics Department, Building Condorcet, University Paris-Diderot

      Physics Department, Building Condorcet, University Paris-Diderot

      The parallel sessions from 2 to 4h45 are divided into three categories: i) the computing Labs, ii) the Practical Labs and iii) the dedicated master-classes.
      These sessions will be held from July 16 to 25 (included).
      The participants will follow the programme of parallel sessions of their choice (see introductory session on July 15 and the booklett of Computing and Practical Labs posted as "paper" in this INDICO page).
      The dedicated master-classes will allow a Q&A session with the lecturers of the day as a third option.
      The location of rooms and Labs all located in the Physics Department, Building Condorcet, will be specified on July 15.

    • 16:45
      COFFEE BREAK BioPark Coffee Break Area

      BioPark Coffee Break Area

    • 37
      Massive Parallel Computing: The exascale Challenges BioPark Auditorium

      BioPark Auditorium

      Speaker: Dr Marie Christine Sawley (Exascale Lab Center -INTEL)

      PARC MONTSOURIS in Paris

      The "traditional INFIERI School race" took place in Parc Montsouris starting at 8pm, with twelve participants among whom 4 women and several friends that came to support the runners and share the snacks and refresments at the end. The temperature was 30 degrees C, no wind, at the end of a sunny and hot afternoon.
      Davide Cieri is the winner in distance with 5 turns, i.e. about 7.5 kms and Konstantin Androsov is the winner in speed on 4 turns (about 6kms).
      Special message for Radio-Oxford: this year no one got lost in the meadows...

    • Ninth Morning Session BioPark Auditorium

      BioPark Auditorium

      This session will be dedicated to lectures on the needs and challenging applications of Massive Parallel Computing tools with some specific examples in Astrophysics, Particle Physics and Medical Imaging

      • 38
        Massive Parallel Computing Needs and Challenges in Astrophysics: the SKA case
        Speaker: Chris Broekema (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy, ASTRON)
      • 39
        MPC needs and challenges in Particle Physics: The High Luminosity LHC case
        Speaker: Dr Paul Lujan (Princeton University (US))
      • 11:00
        Coffee Break BioPark Coffee Break Area

        BioPark Coffee Break Area

      • 40
        Massive Parallel Computing based on GPU: introductory lecture
        Speaker: Dr Pierre Kestener (CEA/Maison de la Simulation, FR)
    • 13:00
      LUNCH BioPark Restaurant

      BioPark Restaurant

    • Labs session Physics Department, Building Condorcet, University Paris-Diderot

      Physics Department, Building Condorcet, University Paris-Diderot

      The parallel sessions from 2 to 4h45 are divided into three categories: i) the computing Labs, ii) the Practical Labs and iii) the dedicated master-classes.
      These sessions will be held from July 16 to 25 (included).
      The participants will follow the programme of parallel sessions of their choice (see introductory session on July 15 and the booklett of Computing and Practical Labs posted as "paper" in this INDICO page).
      The dedicated master-classes will allow a Q&A session with the lecturers of the day as a third option.
      The location of rooms and Labs all located in the Physics Department, Building Condorcet, will be specified on July 15.

    • 16:45
      COFFEE BREAK BioPark Coffee Break Area

      BioPark Coffee Break Area

    • POSTER SESSION Entrance Hall (Building Condorcet, Physics Department)

      Entrance Hall

      Building Condorcet, Physics Department

      This plenary session was dedicated to the presentation by the students of their posters. It gave them the opportunity to show their work. It also allows discussing interesting Physics topics and Experiments or new developments not covered in the School but of course closely related to its programme.
      Indeed the sample of posters provided by attendants nicely reflect the diversity in topics, geographical spread and interdisciplinary aspect represented in the School.
      Were represented: Medical Physics (3 topics from: Philips, Nikhef and UC3M), Astrophysics (JEM-EUSO at APC-CNRS, MUSO at Caltech and AMS2 at INFN-Pisa), Particle Physics with new projects (CLIC future e+e- collider project, at ETHZurich with the Pixel microvertex development, SHip project at University of Zurich/CERN related to FCC new machine and Physics beyond standard model with displaced vertices), LHC upgrades (LHCb VeloB at Bristol, Optical Wireless Communication for CMS tracking at SSSA-Pisa), New Pixel technology R&D (INL/CNRS, Lyon), XFEL in DESY.

      • 41
        Poster 1 Entrance Hall

        Entrance Hall

        Building Condorcet, Physics Department

        Speaker: Thomas Dey (Philips Research)
      • 42
        Poster 2 Entrance Hall

        Entrance Hall

        Building Condorcet, Physics Department

        Speaker: Aera Jung (APC, University Paris Diderot)
      • 43
        Poster 3 Entrance Hall

        Entrance Hall

        Building Condorcet, Physics Department

        Speaker: Niloufar Alipour Tehrani (Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))
      • 44
        Poster 4
        Speaker: Elena Graverini (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))
      • 45
        Poster 5 Entrance Hall

        Entrance Hall

        Building Condorcet, Physics Department

        Speaker: Georgios Konstantinou (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
      • 46
        Poster 6 Entrance Hall

        Entrance Hall

        Building Condorcet, Physics Department

        Speaker: Luca Morescalchi (INFN-Pisa)
      • 47
        Poster 7 Entrance Hall

        Entrance Hall

        Building Condorcet, Physics Department

        Speaker: Michele Doni (NIKHEF (NL))
      • 48
        Poster 8 Entrance Hall

        Entrance Hall

        Building Condorcet, Physics Department

        Speaker: Sophie Elizabeth Richards (University of Bristol (GB))
      • 49
        Poster 9 Entrance Hall

        Entrance Hall

        Building Condorcet, Physics Department

        Speaker: Seth Siegel (CALTECH)
      • 50
        Poster 10 Entrance Hall

        Entrance Hall

        Building Condorcet, Physics Department

        Speaker: Matia Donati (XFEL-DESY)
      • 51
        Poster 11 Entrance Hall

        Entrance Hall

        Building Condorcet, Physics Department

        Speaker: Wahajat Ali (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa)
      • 52
        Poster 12 Entrance Hall

        Entrance Hall

        Building Condorcet, Physics Department

        Speaker: Matteo Vignetti (Institut de Nanotechnologie, INL, CNRS, Lyon)
    • Tenth Morning Session BioPark Auditorium

      BioPark Auditorium

      This session will be dedicated to the specifics and new test bench and evaluation/characterization tools allowing to test the performances of the developed prototypes or instruments in Astrophysics, Medical Physics and Particle Physics.

      • 53
        New Test Infrastructures for Future Particle Physics Experiments and Upgrades
        Speaker: Prof. Matthew Timothy Jones (Purdue University (USA))
      • 54
        Digital Detector Emulator Overview
        Speaker: Mohammed Gharbi (CAEN)
      • 11:00
        COFFEE BREAK BioPark Coffee Break Area

        BioPark Coffee Break Area

      • 55
        EMBRACE an Ultra Wide Field of View Prototype for the Square Kilometer Array
        Speaker: Dr Steve Torchinsky (Observatoire de Paris and Nancay (FR))
    • 13:00
      LUNCH BioPark restaurant

      BioPark restaurant

    • Labs session Physics Department, Building Condorcet, University Paris-Diderot

      Physics Department, Building Condorcet, University Paris-Diderot

      The parallel sessions from 2 to 4h45 are divided into three categories: i) the computing Labs, ii) the Practical Labs and iii) the dedicated master-classes.
      These sessions will be held from July 16 to 25 (included).
      The participants will follow the programme of parallel sessions of their choice (see introductory session on July 15 and the booklett of Computing and Practical Labs posted as "paper" in this INDICO page).
      The dedicated master-classes will allow a Q&A session with the lecturers of the day as a third option.
      The location of rooms and Labs all located in the Physics Department, Building Condorcet, will be specified on July 15.

    • 16:45
      Coffee Break BioPark Coffee Break Area

      BioPark Coffee Break Area

    • Concluding School Session BioPark Auditorium

      BioPark Auditorium

      Concluding lecture and Poster Awards