Exploring the Physics Frontier with Circular Colliders

Aspen Center for Physics
Daniel Whiteson (University of California Irvine (US)), Frank Zimmermann (CERN), LianTao Wang (University of Chicago), Shufang Su (University of Arizona), Timothy Cohen (SLAC)

The principal goal of particle physics is to uncover the fundamental building blocks of matter and the structure of their interactions.   The most important tools at our disposal are indirect low-energy probes and direct probes at the energy frontier.   The end of the first run of the LHC and the beginning of the higher-energy run is the right moment to consider the next phase of the high-energy collider physics program. The community has already begun planning, including initiatives  at CERN and at IHEP in China to study the physics case and technological challenges of building the next generation machine.  Complementary supporting activities have begun in the US.   The conference will describe the physics potential of the upcoming LHC program, followed by an exploration of all aspects of the next generation circular machine. 
