The presentation summarizes the tasked I worked on during my internship in Dubna. It is divided in two parts.
Its first part revolves around Therminator2 software setup. It contains brief explanation of what Therminator2 software is and what it depends on. Moreover it explains what why automated set up is desired. Next solution of encountered problems is described.
The second part concerns...
Radon is a noble gas, therefore after recoil from the lattice, in which radium 226Ra was embedded, relatively easy moves in the fissures and cracks. The half-life of radon is long enough (3.83 days) to enable its movement. In confined spaces such as caves, underground mines or dwellings radon concentrations may sometimes reach high level.
A 8-day dataset from an air soil samples of Radon-222...
Abstract -- Large detectors like ALICE in CERN are often equipped with additional cosmic ray detectors. These detectors are used to obtain information about which tracks inside the detector came from the passage of a particle coming from an atmospheric cascade (eg: muons), and are not as a product of an internal collision. They are also very useful for calibrating detectors such as TOF or TPC....
Fire extinguishing system development for the Slow Control System. (about Firesi FRS-RACK)
2) Prototype system for temperature measuruments into the ToF-MPD. (about pt100 sensors and National Instruments stuff)
3) Smart relay control (about Lumel devices)
The goal of this paper is to present development of the Intelligent Distribution System (IDS), which connects a number of devices to a three-phase network and balance loading of this network. The main challenge in the IDS project was to meet the requirements for strictly limited dimensions of the device and simultaneously to provide all necessary functionalities, e.g. remote control. The...
The presentation covers description of Inerface of Gas System Control of TOF Detector (Time Of Flight) being a part of multidetector MPD (Multi-Purpose Detector) - a crucial component of NICA Project (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility). The basic functions and capabilities of the interface will be presented, as well as possible future improvements and extensions.
Development of the mixer module software for the gas system
of the TOF/MPD detector
Development of analysis module software for the gas system of the TOF/MPD detector
In order for the ToF detector to function properly it requires a gas mixture, which is constantly supplied to the system. Due to the gas’ mixture components, more specifically the Tetrafluoroethane, it cannot be released into the atmosphere. Due to its hazardous impact on the environment, the system needs to be closed, allowing the gas circulation.
The returning gas pressure needs to be...
Laser sensor is part of the scalable magnetic field scanner project that
will be use to measure the homogeneity of field inside main magnet of BM@N detector.
The presentation will show haw sensor works and what are pros and coins of this solutions.
Project was part of TOF-MPD's Slow Control System. The main goal was to develop software and improve algorithms monitor temperature and control the wear of fans used at cooling system the RACK.
Final program is easy scalable and user friendly.
Every electronic device generates heat. If a large number of devices work on limited space, overheating might occur. As detectors can produce inaccurate data, CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) thermal simulation might be used to prevent overheating. We can also use CFD method to simulate the flow of gas inside TOF-MPD (Time of Flight – Multi Purpose Detector) so we can choose the best variant...
MPD - (Multi Purpose Detector) jest wielozadaniowym detektorem przeznaczonym do rejestracji cząstek emitowanych w zderzeniach ciężkich jonów. MPD jest elementem składowym eksperymentalnego kompleksu NICA (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility) budowanego obecnie w Zjednoczonym Instytucie Badań Jądrowych (ZIBJ) w Dubnej. W pracach tych uczestniczy grupa z Wydziału Fizyki PW.
MPD jest...
Reporting the topic of student internship (summer 2018)
Master Thesis, Bachelor Thesis, Engineering Work, Summer Students, Slow Control System, TeFeNica.
Project: NICA-MPD (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility-Multi-Purpose Detector)
Cluster Name: Robots in great physical experiments.
Senior Leader: prof. dr hab. Jan Pluta,
Leader: prof. dr hab. inż. Adam...
BM@N online monitoring development
Large detectors like ALICE in CERN are often equipped with additional cosmic ray detectors. These detectors are used to obtain information about which tracks inside the detector came from the passage of a particle coming from an atmospheric cascade (eg: muons), and are not as a product of an internal collision. They are also very useful for calibrating detectors such as TOF or TPC. The...
Large detectors like ALICE in CERN are often equipped with additional cosmic ray detectors. These
detectors are used to obtain information about which tracks inside the detector came from the passage
of a particle coming from an atmospheric cascade (eg: muons), and are not as a product of an
internal collision. They are also very useful for calibrating detectors such as TOF or TPC. The...
Development and implementation of algorithms for BM@N GEM detector realistic simulation.
BM@N - Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron is a fixed target experiment that is part of NICA (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility). This experiment is dedicated to study ion collisions to study properties of the equation-of state (EoS) of dense nuclear matters. This EoS plays crucial role for understanding nature of neutron stars and collapses of supernovae.
First technical run of BM@N took place...
BM@N - Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron is a fixed target experiment that is part of NICA (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility). This experiment is dedicated to study ion collisions to study properties of the equation-of state (EoS) of dense nuclear matters. This EoS plays crucial role for understanding nature of neutron stars and collapses of supernovae.
Event display is an application for...
BM@N - Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron is a fixed target experiment that is part of NICA (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility). This experiment is dedicated to study ion collisions to study properties of the equation-of state (EoS) of dense nuclear matters. This EoS plays crutial role for understanding nature of neutron stars and collapses of supernovae.
One of crucial observables for studying...
Nuclear reactors type III and III + dominate on the world, currently. Safety considerations, as well as the increasing requirements, are reason on intensive research on type IV reactors. An example of it, is the subcritical nuclear reactor controlled by a beam from the accelerator "ADS". The key issue in the design of such reactors is the knowledge of the neutron flux density values...
- Motivation
MPD - (Multi Purpose Detector) has been designed to record particles emitted during the heavy ions collisions. MPD is a component of the experimental NICA complex (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility) currently being under construction at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna.
MPD is a multi-detector, which includes many subdetectors, including TOF (Time...
- Motivation
It is believed that up to a few milliseconds after the Big Bang, the Universe was in the state called Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). Moreover, this unique state should be available in the cores of neutron stars.
What is QGP really? The matter that exists everywhere is built with quarks and gluons. In the ordinary matter quarks are confined in hadrons (baryons (example: protons),...
Zgłoszenie tematu pracy dyplomowej na studiach 1-go stopnia (inżynierskiej)
w roku akademickim 2018/2019 (semestr dyplomowy – zimowy 2018/2019)
Temat: Laboratoryjny model elektrowni jądrowej z reaktorem typu PWR Pressurized Water Reactor
Opiekun naukowy:
mgr inż. Marek Peryt, Wydział Fizyki Politechniki Warszawskiej, JINR Dubna,,
Kierujący pracą dyplomową pracownik...
In the nuclear processes main interest is the level of energy production. The key issue in the design of nuclear reactors is knowledge of the value of energy released, both of safety reasons and energy efficiency of the system. One of the methods of determining this value is a multi-point measurement of temperature change. The goal of this project is to design a measuring system that...
Przygotowanie oprogramowania sterującego modułem miksera systemu gazowego detektora TOF/MPD.
Zgłoszenie tematu pracy dyplomowej na studiach 1-go stopnia w roku akademickim 2017/2018 (semestr dyplomowy – zimowy 2018/2019)
Temat: Przygotowanie w środowisku LabVIEW oprogramowania sterującego modułem analizatora zanieczyszczeń w Systemie Gazowym detektora TOF/MPD w kompleksie eksperymentalnym NICA
Promotor - mgr inż. Daniel Dąbrowski
Kierujący pracą pracownik WF PW - prof. nzw. dr hab....
Zgłoszenie tematu pracy dyplomowej na studiach 1-go stopnia w roku akademickim 2017/2018 (semestr dyplomowy – zimowy 2018/2019)
Temat: Przygotowanie w środowisku LabVIEW oprogramowania sterującego modułem miksera Systemu Gazowego detektora TOF/MPD w kompleksie eksperymentalnym NICA.
Promotor - mgr inż. Daniel Dąbrowski
Kierujący pracą pracownik WF PW - prof. nzw. dr hab. inż. Adam...
MPD (Multi-Purpose Detector) is and future experiment in NICA (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility). MPD is collider experiment dedicated to study heavy ion collisions at energies from 4 up to 11 GeV per nucleon in center of mass frame. Such studies allows exploration of new areas of phase diagram of strongly interacting matter.
A scientific and engineering internship at JINR in Dubna 2018.
'GPE Collider' robot is an versatile measurement rover.
Rover will acquire complex data for physical experiments such as: magnetic field, radiation, and data from close environment.
Vehicle, controlled with easily understandable interface should let user to wirelessly ride on various surfaces closed to horizontal.
Największym akceleratorem cząstek jest Wielki Zderzacz Hadronów (LHC), który znajduje się na granicy szwajcarsko-francuskiej, w okolicach Genewy. Europejska Organizacja Badań Jądrowych (CERN) zbudowała LHC w tunelu o długości 27 km. LHC jest synchrotronem przyspieszającym dwie wiązki cząstek w przeciwnych kierunkach znajdujących się w oddzielnych rurach. Ma on na celu przyspieszenie protonów i...
Reporting the topic of student internship (summer 2018)
Master Thesis, Bachelor Thesis, Engineering Work, Summer Students, Slow Control System, TeFeNica.
Project: NICA-MPD (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility-Multi-Purpose Detector)
Cluster Name: Robots in great physical experiments.
Senior Leader: prof. dr hab. Jan Pluta,
Leader: prof. dr hab. inż. Adam...
Heat transfer is widely taught in secondary Earth science and physics. Researchers have identified many misconceptions related to heat and temperature.1These misconceptions primarily stem from hunches developed in everyday life (though the confusions in terminology often worsen them). Interactive computer simulations that visualize thermal energy, temperature distribution, and heat transfer...
Reporting the topic of student internship (summer 2018)
Programs: Summer Students, Slow Control System, TeFeNica.
Project: NICA-MPD (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility-Multi-Purpose Detector)
Cluster Name: Sensors and Interfaces in Great Physical Experiments.
Senior Leader: prof. dr hab. Jan Pluta,
Leader: prof. dr hab. inż. Adam Kisiel,...
Reporting the topic of student internship (summer 2018)
Programs:Summer Students, Slow Control System, TeFeNica.
Project: NICA-MPD (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility-Multi-Purpose Detector)
Cluster Name: Sensors and Interfaces in Great Physical Experiments.
Senior Leader: prof. dr hab. Jan Pluta, Leader
prof. dr hab. inż. Adam Kisiel,
Supervisor: mgr...
Reporting the topic of student internship (summer 2018)
Programs: Summer Students, Slow Control System, TeFeNica.
Project: NICA-MPD (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility-Multi-Purpose Detector)
Cluster Name: Sensors and Interfaces in Great Physical Experiments.
Senior Leader: prof. dr hab. Jan Pluta,
Leader: prof. dr hab. inż. Adam Kisiel,
Reporting the topic of student internship (summer 2018)
Programs: Summer Students, Slow Control System, TeFeNica.
Project: NICA-MPD (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility-Multi-Purpose Detector)
Cluster Name: Sensors and Interfaces in Great Physical Experiments.
Senior Leader: prof. dr hab. Jan Pluta,
Leader: prof. dr hab. inż. Adam Kisiel,
Reporting the topic of student internship (summer 2018)
Programs: Summer Students, Slow Control System, TeFeNica.
Project: NICA-MPD (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility-Multi-Purpose Detector)
Cluster Name: Sensors and Interfaces in Great Physical Experiments.
Senior Leader: prof. dr hab. Jan Pluta,
Leader: prof. dr hab. inż. Adam Kisiel,
Reporting the topic of student internship (summer 2018)
Programs: Summer Students, Slow Control System, TeFeNica.
Project: NICA-MPD (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility-Multi-Purpose Detector)
Cluster Name: Sensors and Interfaces in Great Physical Experiments.
Senior Leader: prof. dr hab. Jan Pluta,
Leader: prof. dr hab. inż. Adam Kisiel,
Reporting the topic of student internship (summer 2018)
Programs: Summer Students, Slow Control System, TeFeNica.
Project: NICA-MPD (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility-Multi-Purpose Detector)
Cluster Name: Sensors and Interfaces in Great Physical Experiments.
Senior Leader: prof. dr hab. Jan Pluta,
Leader: prof. dr hab. inż. Adam Kisiel,
Reporting the topic of student internship (summer 2018)
Programs: Summer Students, Slow Control System, TeFeNica.
Project: NICA-MPD (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility-Multi-Purpose Detector)
Cluster Name: Sensors and Interfaces in Great Physical Experiments.
Senior Leader: prof. dr hab. Jan Pluta,
Leader: prof. dr hab. inż. Adam Kisiel,
Reporting the topic of student internship (summer 2018)
Programs: Summer Students, Slow Control System, TeFeNica.
Project: NICA-MPD (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility-Multi-Purpose Detector)
Cluster Name: Sensors and Interfaces in Great Physical Experiments.
Senior Leader: prof. dr hab. Jan Pluta,
Leader: prof. dr hab. inż. Adam Kisiel,
Reporting the topic of student internship (summer 2018)
Programs: Summer Students, Slow Control System, TeFeNica.
Project: NICA-MPD (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility-Multi-Purpose Detector)
Cluster Name: Sensors and Interfaces in Great Physical Experiments.
Senior Leader: prof. dr hab. Jan Pluta,
Leader: prof. dr hab. inż. Adam Kisiel,
Reporting the topic of student internship (summer 2018)
Programs: Summer Students, Slow Control System, TeFeNica.
Project: NICA-MPD (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility-Multi-Purpose Detector)
Cluster Name: Sensors and Interfaces in Great Physical Experiments.
Senior Leader: prof. dr hab. Jan Pluta,
Leader: prof. dr hab. inż. Adam Kisiel,
Reporting the topic of student internship (summer 2018)
Programs: Summer Students, Slow Control System, TeFeNica.
Project: NICA-MPD (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility-Multi-Purpose Detector)
Cluster Name: Sensors and Interfaces in Great Physical Experiments.
Senior Leader: prof. dr hab. Jan Pluta,
Leader: prof. dr hab. inż. Adam Kisiel,
Reporting the topic of student internship (summer 2018)
Programs: Summer Students, Slow Control System, TeFeNica.
Project: NICA-MPD (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility-Multi-Purpose Detector)
Cluster Name: Sensors and Interfaces in Great Physical Experiments.
Senior Leader: prof. dr hab. Jan Pluta,
Leader: prof. dr hab. inż. Adam Kisiel,
Reporting the topic of student internship (summer 2018)
Programs: Summer Students, Slow Control System, TeFeNica.
Project: NICA-MPD (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility-Multi-Purpose Detector)
Cluster Name: Sensors and Interfaces in Great Physical Experiments.
Senior Leader: prof. dr hab. Jan Pluta,
Leader: prof. dr hab. inż. Adam Kisiel,
Reporting the topic of student internship (summer 2018)
Programs: Summer Students, Slow Control System, TeFeNica.
Project: NICA-MPD (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility-Multi-Purpose Detector)
Cluster Name: Sensors and Interfaces in Great Physical Experiments.
Senior Leader: prof. dr hab. Jan Pluta,
Leader: prof. dr hab. inż. Adam Kisiel,
MPD - (Multi Purpose Detector) jest wielozadaniowym detektorem przeznaczonym do rejestracji cząstek emitowanych w zderzeniach ciężkich jonów. MPD jest elementem składowym eksperymentalnego kompleksu NICA (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility) budowanego obecnie w Zjednoczonym Instytucie Badań Jądrowych (ZIBJ) w Dubnej. W pracach tych uczestniczy grupa z Wydziału Fizyki PW.
MPD jest...
The interface for the Fluke TiS20 thermal imaging camera.
Krystian Rosłon (
- Motivation
An interface is a shared boundary across which two or more separate components of a computer system exchange information. The exchange can be between software, computer hardware, peripheral devices, humans and combinations of these. Some computer hardware devices, such as a touchscreen,...
Układ stabilizacji ciśnienia gazu powrotnego w detektorze ToF
Układ stabilizacji ciśnienia gazu powrotnego, w detektorze ToF z wykorzystaniem pompy na łożyskach magnetycznych.