Scattering from the lattice: applications to phenomenology and beyond
Synge Lecture Theatre
Hamilton Mathematics Institute, TCD
Lattice QCD has seen great success in computing ground-state quantities, and several groups have shown that energy levels describing excited hadrons can be extracted. Extending a theoretical framework originally derived by Lüscher, these energy levels have been shown to map out the infinite-volume scattering amplitudes to compare to experiment. In recent years, we have seen rapid progress in the applications of these techniques to resonant scattering processes including meson-meson, meson-baryon and baryon-baryon interactions. Future applications of these methods, at higher energies and lighter pion masses, require an extension of the formalism to three-body scattering channels. Significant steps in this direction have been made. However practical applications are still in their infancy.
This workshop will combine introductory lectures and progress reports on recent developments by lattice practitioners working on problems with relevance for phenomenology. The idea of the volume dependence of the energy spectrum has recently been successfully applied to the scattering of the worldsheet theory of flux tube dynamics at low energies. One of the invited speakers will discuss the bridge between the lattice scattering techniques and the theory of relativistic strings with integrable dynamics on the worldsheet.
Invited speakers:
Zohreh Davoudi (UMD)
Sergey Dubovskiy (NYU)
Jo Dudek (W&M, JLab)
Maxwell T. Hansen (CERN)
Harvey Meyer (Mainz U., PRISMA)
Sasa Prelovsek (Ljubljana U.)
Maxwell T. Hansen (CERN)
Marina Krstic Marinkovic (TCD)
Mike Peardon (TCD)
Sinead Ryan (TCD)
Stefan Sint (TCD)
Christopher Thomas (Cambridge)
David Wilson (TCD)
The workshop is supported by HMI, Simons Foundation, and SFI.
Alberto Ramos Martinez
Andrew Hanlon
Andrew Jackura
Argia Rubeo
Bartosz Kostrzewa
Bipasha Chakraborty
Chris Culver
Christian Walther Andersen
Christopher Thomas
Cian O'Hara
David Wilson
Dmitri Grigoriev
Fabian Joswig
Gavin Cheung
Harvey Meyer
James Richings
Jozef Dudek
Kenneth Granahan
Marina Krstic Marinkovic
Martin Ueding
Mike Peardon
Padmanath Madanagopalan
Riccardo Gonzo
Ruairí Brett
Sasa Prelovsek
Sergei Dubovsky
Simon Kuberski
Sinead Ryan
Srijit Paul
Stefan Sint
Zohreh Davoudi