46th SLAC Summer Institute
Kavli Auditorium
The SLAC Summer Institute (SSI) is an annual event held at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in the summer. The Institute is a two-week-long Summer School. Lectures are given Monday through Friday each morning. The afternoons contain a mixture of special lectures, topical conference talks, discussion sessions, student projects and tours. In the evenings, there are social activities and student poster sessions. The attendance is typically a mixture from graduate students to postdocs, as well as senior researchers.
The 2018 SLAC Summer Institute celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Standard Model with a broad overview of the multiple successes and the various challenges that the SM still faces. In addition to a survey of the historical development of the different components of the SM, the contemporary theoretical and experimental framework of the SM will be reviewed with prospects of new horizon beyond it.
All lectures and Topical Conference sessions will be held in the Kavli Auditorium. For other locations of events, please check the Indico Time Table room assignment.