Multi-Boson Interactions 2019
The annual Multi-Boson Interactions (MBI 2019) workshop will be hosted by the ATLAS group of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki from August 26 to August 28, 2019. It will bring experimentalists and theorists together in order to discuss multi-boson interactions within the contexts of the gauge sector of the Standard Model and New Physics.
The registration deadline is July 26, 2019. The registration fee is 150 EUR and includes coffee breaks, lunches and the conference dinner. Late registration fee (from July 1st - July 26) 170 EUR.
Topics of discussion include:
• Diboson production
• Triboson production
• Higgs production
• Vector boson scattering and vector boson fusion
• Precision calculation and measurement of multiboson production
• New physics in multiboson production
• Monte Carlo generators
• LHC Run 2 results and beyond
Program Committee:
John Campbell (FNAL), Christoph Grojean (DESY), Tao Han (U. of Pittsburgh), Matthew Herndon (U. of Wisconsin, Madison), Barbara Jaeger (U. Tuebingen), Michael Kobel (TU Dresden), Sabine Lammers (U. of Indiana), Ian Lewis (U. of Kansas), Juri Maravin (Kansas State U.), Marc-Andre Pleier (BNL), Juergen Reuter (DESY), Junjie Zhu (U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
Local Organization Committee:
Chariclia Petridou, Kostas Kordas, Dimos Sampsonidis, Spiros Tzamarias
Session chairs:
Marc-Andre Pleier (Monday morning), Juergen Reuter (Monday afternoon)
Michael Kobel (Tuesday morning) , Joany Manjarres (Tuesday afternoon)
Simon Plaetzer (Wednesday morning), Kostas Kordas (Wednesday afternoon)
Previous MBI workshops:
2018 Michigan, USA
2017 Karlsruhe, Germany
2016 Madison, USA
2015 Hamburg, Germany
2014 BNL, USA
2013 Dresden, Germany
Sunday afternoon we are planning an excursion to Vergina. The workshop dinner will be on Tuesday evening
Online payment (recommended) is available. If you have registered but not paid yet, please do so.
The sessions are broadcasted via a live video broadcast: