CROME is CERN new RadiatiOn Monitoring Electronics. The system will homogenize both the radiation protection and environmental monitoring by end of LS3. Currently installed at the PSB, PS, SPS, SM18 and the North Area at CERN, CROME system encompasses a new generation of radiation detectors, alarm units, uninterruptible power supplies and interlock signal aggregators.
Most of our equipment are operated by Zynq SoCs. For the radiation detector, the FPGA part of the SoC collects and processes data from various sensors, executes various algorithms, take decisions every 100ms and transfers the results to the processing system. In parallel, all safety critical measurement are sent by the processing system in real-time to the SCADA supervision using the ROMULUS protocol.
On the other hand, the interlock aggregator's SoC collects interlocking statues provided by 2 fully redundant CPLD and send the information to the CERN control centre using the same protocol.
After giving a general architecture overview of our SoC based equipment, we will focus in this presentation on :
• remote firmware management of 200 operational devices
• on the TCP/IP ROMULUS protocol that we have developed to control our SoCs
• the simulator that we have developed to perform test scale tests
We will conclude with a tangible example (live demo ?) of ESS experience with CROME SoCs integration into EPICS using the ROMULUS protocol.