Introduction to Accelerator Physics, 25 September - 8 October 2021, Chavannes de Bogis, Switzerland

from Saturday 25 September 2021 (12:00) to Friday 8 October 2021 (10:30)
Switzerland (the Everness hotel)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
25 Sept 2021
26 Sept 2021
27 Sept 2021
28 Sept 2021
29 Sept 2021
30 Sept 2021
1 Oct 2021
2 Oct 2021
3 Oct 2021
4 Oct 2021
5 Oct 2021
6 Oct 2021
7 Oct 2021
08:30 Opening - Hermann Schmickler (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
09:45 Electromagnetic Theory I - Irina Shreyber (NRC "Kurchatov Institute" (ITEP) (RU))   (the Everness hotel)
10:45 Coffee   (the Everness hotel)
11:15 History of particle acceleration - Suzie Sheehy (University of Oxford and University of Melbourne)   (the Everness hotel)
08:30 Transverse Linear Beam Dynamics I - Wolfgang Hillert (University of Hamburg)   (the Everness hotel)
09:45 Time and Frequency domain signals I - Hermann Schmickler (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
10:45 Coffee   (the Everness hotel)
11:15 Transverse Linear Beam Dynamics II - Wolfgang Hillert (University of Hamburg)   (the Everness hotel)
08:30 Longitudinal BD in Circular Machines II - Frank Tecker (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
09:45 Transverse Linear Beam Dynamics III - Wolfgang Hillert (University of Hamburg)   (the Everness hotel)
10:45 Coffee   (the Everness hotel)
11:15 Warm Magnets / power converters - Gijs De Rijk (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
08:30 Beam Instrumentation - Peter Forck (GSI)   (the Everness hotel)
09:45 Transverse Linear Beam Dynamics V - Wolfgang Hillert (University of Hamburg)   (the Everness hotel)
10:45 Coffee   (the Everness hotel)
11:15 Beam Diagnostics - Peter Forck (GSI)   (the Everness hotel)
08:30 Collective Effects I - Kevin Shing Bruce Li (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
09:45 Collective Effects II - Kevin Shing Bruce Li (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
10:45 Coffee   (the Everness hotel)
11:15 Sources - Dan Faircloth (STFC) Klaus Knie   (the Everness hotel)
08:30 Excursion   (the Everness hotel)
08:30 Collective Effects III - Kevin Shing Bruce Li (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
09:45 Collective Effects IV - Kevin Shing Bruce Li (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
10:45 Coffee   (the Everness hotel)
11:15 Discussion collective effects - Kevin Shing Bruce Li (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
08:30 Electron Beam Dynamics I - Lenny Rivkin (Paul Scherrer Institute (CH))   (the Everness hotel)
09:45 Electron Beam Dynamics II - Lenny Rivkin (Paul Scherrer Institute (CH))   (the Everness hotel)
10:45 Coffee   (the Everness hotel)
11:15 Discussion electron beam dynamics - Lenny Rivkin (Paul Scherrer Institute (CH))   (the Everness hotel)
08:45 Cyclotrons II/FFAs - Mike Seidel (PSI)   (the Everness hotel)
09:45 A first taste of Non-Linear Beam Dynamics I - Hannes Bartosik (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
10:45 Coffee   (the Everness hotel)
11:15 Vacuum - Mike Seidel (PSI)   (the Everness hotel)
08:30 Injection and Extraction - Frank Tecker (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
09:45 Particle motion in Hamiltonian Formalism II - Yannis Papaphilippou (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
10:45 Coffee   (the Everness hotel)
11:15 Synchrotron light circular machines and free-electron lasers I - Eduard Prat Costa (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institute)   (the Everness hotel)
17:30 Registration   (the Everness hotel)
19:30 Dinner at Hotel   (the Everness hotel)
12:15 Lunch   (the Everness hotel)
13:45 Electromagnetic Theory II - Irina Shreyber (NRC "Kurchatov Institute" (ITEP) (RU))   (the Everness hotel)
15:00 Accelerator Applications - Suzie Sheehy (University of Oxford and University of Melbourne)   (the Everness hotel)
16:00 Coffee   (the Everness hotel)
16:30 Kinematics of Particle Beams - Relativity - Eliana Gianfelice-Wendt   (the Everness hotel)
17:30 1 slide 1 minute   (the Everness hotel)
18:30 Welcome reception   (the Everness hotel)
19:30 Dinner at Hotel   (the Everness hotel)
12:15 Lunch   (the Everness hotel)
13:45 Linear Accelerators I - David Alesini   (the Everness hotel)
15:00 Time and Frequency domain signals II - Hermann Schmickler (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
16:00 Coffee   (the Everness hotel)
16:30 Longitudinal BD in Circular Machines I - Frank Tecker (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
17:30 Linear Accelerators II - David Alesini   (the Everness hotel)
19:30 Dinner at Hotel   (the Everness hotel)
12:15 Lunch   (the Everness hotel)
13:45 Transverse Linear Beam Dynamics IV - Wolfgang Hillert (University of Hamburg)   (the Everness hotel)
15:00 Superconducting Magnets - Gijs De Rijk (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
16:00 Coffee   (the Everness hotel)
16:30 Computational tools I - Andrea Latina (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
17:30 Hands-ON Lattice calulations I - Guido Sterbini (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
18:30 Hands-ON Lattice calulations II - Guido Sterbini (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
19:30 Dinner at Hotel   (the Everness hotel)
12:15 Lunch   (the Everness hotel)
13:45 Advanced accelerator concepts I - massimo ferrario (INFN-LNF)   (the Everness hotel)
15:00 Linear Imperfections I - Volker Ziemann (Uppsala University (SE))   (the Everness hotel)
16:00 Coffee   (the Everness hotel)
16:30 I Computational tools II - Andrea Latina (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
17:30 Advanced accelerator concepts II - massimo ferrario (INFN-LNF)   (the Everness hotel)
18:30 Discussion session   (the Everness hotel)
19:30 Dinner at Hotel   (the Everness hotel)
12:15 Lunch   (the Everness hotel)
13:45 Machine & People Protection Issues - Peter Forck (GSI)   (the Everness hotel)
15:00 Linear Imperfections II - Volker Ziemann (Uppsala University (SE))   (the Everness hotel)
16:00 Coffee   (the Everness hotel)
16:30 Hands-ON Lattice calulations III - Guido Sterbini (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
17:30 Hands-ON Lattice calulations IV - Guido Sterbini (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
19:30 Dinner at Hotel   (the Everness hotel)
12:15 Lunch   (the Everness hotel)
13:45 Linear Imperfections - corrections - Volker Ziemann (Uppsala University (SE))   (the Everness hotel)
15:00 Secondary beams and targets - Klaus Knie   (the Everness hotel)
16:00 Coffee   (the Everness hotel)
16:30 Hands-ON Lattice calulations V - Guido Sterbini (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
17:30 Hands-ON Lattice calulations VI - Guido Sterbini (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
19:30 Dinner at Hotel   (the Everness hotel)
19:30 Dinner at Hotel   (the Everness hotel)
12:15 Lunch   (the Everness hotel)
13:45 RF systems I - Heiko Damerau (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
15:00 Hands-ON calculations (longitudinal) - Intro - Alexandre Lasheen (CERN) Heiko Damerau (CERN) Simon Albright (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
Introduction slides
16:00 Coffee   (the Everness hotel)
16:30 Hands-ON calculations (longitudinal) - I - Simon Albright (CERN) Alexandre Lasheen (CERN) Heiko Damerau (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
17:30 Hands-ON calculations (longitudinal) - II - Simon Albright (CERN) Heiko Damerau (CERN) Alexandre Lasheen (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
19:30 Dinner at Hotel   (the Everness hotel)
12:15 Lunch   (the Everness hotel)
13:45 RF systems II - Heiko Damerau (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
15:00 Introduction to Non- Linear longitudinal Beam Dymanics - Heiko Damerau (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
16:00 Coffee   (the Everness hotel)
16:30 Hands-ON calculations (longitudinal) - III - Simon Albright (CERN) Alexandre Lasheen (CERN) Heiko Damerau (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
17:30 Hands-ON calculations (longitudinal) - IV - Simon Albright (CERN) Heiko Damerau (CERN) Alexandre Lasheen (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
18:30 Hands-ON calculations (longitudinal) -V - Heiko Damerau (CERN) Simon Albright (CERN) Alexandre Lasheen (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
19:30 Dinner at Hotel   (the Everness hotel)
21:00 Cinema event   (the Everness hotel)
12:15 Lunch   (the Everness hotel)
13:45 Colliders and luminosity - Hermann Schmickler (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
15:00 Cyclotrons I - Mike Seidel (PSI)   (the Everness hotel)
16:00 Coffee   (the Everness hotel)
16:30 Q&A/study time I   (the Everness hotel)
18:30 Poster session   (the Everness hotel)
19:30 Dinner at Hotel   (the Everness hotel)
12:15 Lunch   (the Everness hotel)
13:45 A first taste of Non- Linear Beam Dynamics II - Hannes Bartosik (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
15:00 Particle motion in Hamiltonian Formalism I - Yannis Papaphilippou (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
16:00 Coffee   (the Everness hotel)
16:30 Q&A/study time II   (the Everness hotel)
18:30 **Seminar**   (the Everness hotel)
19:30 Dinner at Hotel   (the Everness hotel)
12:15 Lunch   (the Everness hotel)
13:45 Synchrotron light circular machines and free-electron lasers II - Eduard Prat Costa (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institute)   (the Everness hotel)
15:00 Designing a synchrotron - a real life example - Yannis Papaphilippou (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
16:00 Coffee   (the Everness hotel)
16:30 Closing - Hermann Schmickler (CERN)   (the Everness hotel)
17:30 Banquet   (the Everness hotel)