ACTS Developers Workshop

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre (CERN)

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


Show room on map
Andreas Salzburger (CERN), Attila Krasznahorkay (CERN), Carlo Varni (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)), Joe Osborn (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Paul Gessinger (CERN)

The third ACTS developers workshop will take place at CERN from the 26/09 through 30/09,  following Berkeley (2019) and DESY/Virtual (2020) 

The workshop will consist of:

  • 2 days general talks, introduction and discussions
  • 1 day general tutorial
  • 1 day break-out for dedicated clients (ATLAS, key4hep, ...)
  • 1 day allowing for spontaneously chosen topics 

It will allow for remote participation, which will be supported also by video-recording of the contributions and morning/afternoon recap sessions that allow to follow up on questions/issues raised by attendees that - due to their home institute time zone - can not attend the sessions live, but rather through video recast.  

Preparation Events:


COVID19 restrictions: the at the time of the workshop given CERN COVID level restriction will apply, including a potential cancellation of the on-site meeting. We have booked big venues that would allow eventual necessary spacing of participants if permitted. In case of cancellation of the on-site meeting, we will try to hold at least parts of the workshop as a virtual meeting.


Letter of Invitation: If you need a letter of Invitation to the Workshop, please contact the organisers.,


Registration to the 3rd ACTS Developers Workshop