5th General Meeting of the LHC EFT Working Group

40/S2-B01 - Salle Bohr (CERN)

40/S2-B01 - Salle Bohr


Show room on map

General meeting of the LHC EFT Working Group

To subscribe to the WG mailing list, click here

  • Aashwin Basnet
  • Adinda De Wit
  • Alejo Nahuel Rossia
  • Alessandro Calandri
  • Alexander Grohsjean
  • Alexandre Salas-Bernárdez
  • Aliya Nigamova
  • Aman Desai
  • Andrei Gritsan
  • Andrew Gilbert
  • Andrew Pilkington
  • André Zimermmane-Santos
  • Anisha .
  • Anke Biekoetter
  • Antonio Jacques Costa
  • Aran Garcia-Bellido
  • Athanasios Dedes
  • Baptiste Ravina
  • Brendon Bullard
  • Carolina De Almeida Rossi
  • Costanza Carrivale
  • Da Liu
  • Danning Liu
  • Davide Valsecchi
  • Eleonora Rossi
  • Elie Hammou
  • Elina Fuchs
  • Elzbieta Richter-Was
  • Fabian Stäger
  • Ferhat Öztürk
  • Gauthier Durieux
  • Gerrit Van Onsem
  • Giacomo Boldrini
  • Ilaria Brivio
  • Jacob Julian Kempster
  • Jannis Lang
  • Janusz Rosiek
  • Jieun Yoo
  • Joey Huston
  • Jonathon Mark Langford
  • Jorge de Blas
  • Josh McFayden
  • Juan Rojo
  • Juan Rojo
  • Juergen Reuter
  • Junquan Tao
  • Kamal Saoucha
  • Ken Mimasu
  • Kirill Skovpen
  • Kostas Mantzaropoulos
  • Long Wang
  • Luca Mantani
  • Marco Delmastro
  • Maria Aldaya Martin
  • Massimiliano Galli
  • Matteo Maltoni
  • Matteo Marchegiani
  • Matteo Presilla
  • Matthew Knight
  • Nicholas Manganelli
  • Nick Smith
  • Nicola De Filippis
  • Nicolas Morange
  • Nikola Makovec
  • Nishita Desai
  • Nuno Castro
  • Olivier Mattelaer
  • Orhan Cakir
  • Pietro Colangelo
  • Predrag Milenovic
  • Rahul Balasubramanian
  • Ricardo Barrué
  • Robert Schoefbeck
  • Roy Lemmon
  • Salar Ghaderi
  • Samuel Homiller
  • Sandra Kortner
  • Saumya Saumya
  • Sehar Ajmal
  • Sergio Sanchez Cruz
  • Shankha Banerjee
  • Sophie Renner
  • Stefan Roiser
  • stefania gori
  • Suman Chatterjee
  • Tim Cohen
  • Tomas Dado
  • Vasilije Perovic
  • Vladimir Pastushenko
  • Zenny Wettersten
  • özgün mustafa özşimşek
  • +23
    • 09:30 10:45
      Session 1 - recordings available here: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1201401/overview 40/S2-B01 - Salle Bohr

      40/S2-B01 - Salle Bohr


      Show room on map

      recordings available here: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1201401/overview

      Convener: Ilaria Brivio (University of Zurich)
    • 10:45 11:15
      Coffee break 30m 40/S2-B01 - Salle Bohr

      40/S2-B01 - Salle Bohr


      Show room on map
    • 11:15 12:30
      Session 2 - recordings available here: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1201401/overview 40/S2-B01 - Salle Bohr

      40/S2-B01 - Salle Bohr


      Show room on map

      recordings available here: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1201401/overview

      Convener: Sandra Kortner (Max Planck Society (DE))
    • 12:30 13:30
      Lunch break 1h 40/S2-B01 - Salle Bohr

      40/S2-B01 - Salle Bohr


      Show room on map
    • 13:30 15:10
      Session 3 40/S2-B01 - Salle Bohr

      40/S2-B01 - Salle Bohr


      Show room on map
      Convener: Ken Mimasu (King's College London)
      • 13:30
        Report on experimental measurements and observables for EFT interpretations 20m
        Speaker: Andrei Gritsan (Johns Hopkins University (US))
      • 13:55
        Machine learning observables in EFT interpretations 15m
        Speaker: Robert Schoefbeck (Hephy Vienna)
      • 14:20
        Frameworks and tools for systematic data analysis reinterpretations 15m
        Speaker: Lukas Alexander Heinrich (Technische Universitat Munchen (DE))
      • 14:45
        Helicity-free techniques for the reweighting of MC Samples 15m
        Speaker: Olivier Mattelaer (UCLouvain)
    • 15:10 15:40
      Coffee break 30m 40/S2-B01 - Salle Bohr

      40/S2-B01 - Salle Bohr


      Show room on map
    • 15:40 18:30
      Discussion session 40/S2-B01 - Salle Bohr

      40/S2-B01 - Salle Bohr


      Show room on map
      • 15:40
        Area 1 - EFT formalism (Chair: Ilaria Brivio) 1m
      • 15:41
        Discussion about SMEFT and HEFT exemplified for HH production 5m
        Speaker: Jannis Lang
      • 15:46
        EFT : Applicabilities and Viabilities 5m
        Speaker: Tisa Biswas (University of Calcutta)
      • 15:51
        Area 1 targets 5m
        Speaker: Ilaria Brivio (University of Zurich)
      • 16:10
        Area 2 - Predictions & Tools (Chair: Robert Schoefbeck) 1m
      • 16:11
        HWG activities for the database of SMEFT predictions 5m
        Speaker: Mr Matthew Knight (Imperial College London)
      • 16:16
        Area 2 targets 5m
        Speaker: Abideh Jafari (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
      • 16:40
        Area 3 - Experimental Measurements and Observables (Chair: Anke Biekoetter) 1m
      • 16:41
        Unbinned multivariate observables for global SMEFT analyses from machine learning 5m
        Speaker: Jaco ter Hoeve (Nikhef and VU Amsterdam)
      • 16:46
        Efficient interpolation and practical observables 5m
        Speaker: Nick Smith (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
      • 16:51
        Area 3 targets 5m
        Speaker: Anke Biekoetter (IPPP Durham)
      • 17:15
        Area 4 - Fits and related systematics (Chair: Jacob Julian Kempster) 1m
      • 17:16
        Area 4 targets 5m
        Speaker: Jacob Julian Kempster (University of Sussex (GB))
      • 17:21
        ATLAS+CMS EFT combination (top) 10m
        Speaker: Kirill Skovpen (Ghent University (BE))
      • 17:31
        Future EFT plans from the SMP CMS perspective 10m
        Speaker: Matteo Presilla (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
      • 18:00
        Area 5 - Benchmark scenarios for UV models (Chair: Shankha Banerjee) 1m
      • 18:01
        Area 5 targets 5m
        Speaker: Kristin Lohwasser (University of Sheffield (GB))
      • 18:15
        Area 6 - Flavour (Chair: Shankha Banerjee) 1m
      • 18:16
        Area 6 targets 5m
        Speaker: Kristin Lohwasser (University of Sheffield (GB))
    • 18:30 19:30
      Cocktail 1h 500/1-201 - Mezzanine

      500/1-201 - Mezzanine


      Show room on map